Chapter 657

"That's nonsense. There are several brain surgeries waiting for me.

I don't know what's going on in the yard. I'm here to work with a little boy. "

"Hum! I think I'm also a trickster. There's nothing to see. "

"I really want to know who made this decision. Don't you know that we are all busy?"

The two giants of the 185 hospital, Jiang zuoan and Qiu Yishan, were expressionless and had no intention of opening their mouth.

Their decision to come to see Yehong's operation came from Kuai Changfeng's instructions.

Although the two old foxes felt impatient in their hearts, they would not be the first birds.

Kuai Changfeng doesn't pay attention to them, but just keeps his eyes on Yehong's action.

"Dean, I have surgery in my department. I'll leave first. You can enjoy it slowly."

Several doctors couldn't help but say goodbye to Kuai Changfeng and prepared to leave.

But when they just turned around, a dazzling golden awn came out of the ward!


"This, this is...!"

The doctors immediately took back their steps and looked at the ward holding their breath.

Almost at this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on that little gold needle.

Just now, the dazzling light just like the sun came from the gold needle.

Just now, night Hong finally stabbed the first needle of twelve fold gold needle.

At the same time, the wonderful breath of ancient Qi therapy was also condensed in his hands.

But when night Hong passes that breath through the gold needle to the acupuncture point on the night weaving Nuo leg, the gold needle suddenly erupts the rich golden awn!

It is from this that the magic light that the ward feels outside.

The long and thin gold needle seems to be ignited. With the flash of the golden awn, there are always paths of burnt black fog coming out from the tail of the gold needle.

The mist had a faint smell of putrefaction. Fall in love with literature

"Ancient medicine?"

Wei Qing, a well-informed man, widened his eyes at the first time!

"Dr. Wei, what school of ancient medicine is this?"

The doctors on the other side were surprised when they had ever seen such miraculous and mysterious pictures.

Hearing Wei Qing open his mouth, he asked in a hurry.

"It's a bit like the ancient Qi therapy of the Jiang family, but it's not like..."

Wei Qing was not sure, and his eyes were closely watching Yehong's movements, and he observed them carefully.

Kuai Changfeng's eyes flashed a deep meaning and nodded imperceptibly.

Ye zhinuo slowly opened his eyes and looked at his legs. He said in surprise, "brother, I can feel the heat flow in my legs!"

Her eyes were full of joy, after all, before today, her legs were unconscious.

Night Hong tiny smile, let night weave Nuo not too excited, continue to stab next needle.

At the same time, a breath is put into the second acupoint.

For example, the fierce golden light shines out, which makes the doctors outside the ward dazzled.

Once it is a coincidence, and twice in a row, it can only be said that it is a skill!

He and others even look out of sight, this young man really has two brushes!

"Hum! Maybe it's just a trick in the quack. It's tangible but not qualitative. "

There are still doctors with a wait-and-see attitude, and the disdain in their eyes is still not gone.

"Ding! Combined with ancient Qi therapy and golden needle twelve fold, medical + 1! "

"From today on, this move is called night acupuncture!"

Night Hong's eyes flash and stab the third needle decisively!