Chapter 769

If you are not good at treating internal injuries, you can't deal with the injuries caused by Yehong.

Just as Ji Er fell in Yehong's hands for the first time.

Because of this strange injury, the dragon and tiger brothers spent all their savings, but they could not cure all the injuries.

"Elder brother, I suspect that the boy and the boy are legendary ancient and martial artists. Shall we go to see the ancient doctor?"

The black tiger finally reacted.

After hearing this, black dragon was stunned. He just agreed and nodded. Then he immediately shook his head and said, "but I heard that ancient doctors are very black hearted and expensive to treat diseases.

We don't have much money left. They don't have to show us! "

Black tiger immediately Yin compassion way: "then we go to pick up a few more lists!"

"Fool!" Black dragon angrily knocks black tiger, let latter ache a burst of grin.

"Big brother, what are you doing beating me for?"

"Idiot! If you look at our present looks, who dares to give us the list? "

But when black dragon taught black tiger, his mobile phone rang.

Black dragon doubts ground ground to pick up, immediately is a burst of nod.

By the time I hung up, I had a bright smile on my face.

"Big brother, what's so happy about?"

The black dragon got close to the black tiger and said excitedly, "here comes the list!"

"Really?" Black tiger is also a face excited, "what list?"

Black dragon frowned: "the client asked us to deal with a man named Yehong, and said it was better to deal with his relatives."

"Isn't that what we are good at when dealing with relatives? Read quickly

What are we waiting for? Let's go

"What's the hurry?" The black dragon grabbed the impatient black tiger and said impatiently, "this is why he will come to us.

But now the problem is, we don't know who the Yehong is, and where his relatives are? "

"Big brother, I'll take care of it." Black tiger patted chest confidently.

"What can you do?"

"I know a very powerful intelligence dealer, who can help us to get the information we need, but it's a little expensive..."

Black Dragon waved his hand and said, "you can rest assured that the customer this time is the boss of the company, very generous, and the reward paid should be enough for us to pay the intelligence fee."

"That's easy. I'll contact him right away."


under the cross sea bridge, Gong Yuliang put down his mobile phone and said grimly: "Yehong, I will surely let you taste a hundred times more pain than me!"

At this time, two long sirens came from the river in the distance.

Gong Yuliang looked up and saw a double deck luxury cruise ship sailing on the river covered with rain and fog.

A middle-aged man standing in front of the big umbrella is Gong yuanyao.

Gong Yuliang immediately stood up with a look of excitement. He walked out of the bridge directly and waved to the cruise ship.

"Brother Feng, you are here!"

As the cruise ship gets closer and closer, the face of the man under the umbrella becomes clearer.

It was a middle-aged man with a mustache, older than Gong Yuliang.

A little fat body, a common suit, like the street can be seen everywhere in the middle-aged white-collar.

Anyone can't imagine that such a plain looking man is Feng Jie, the market operation director of the Jiangnan Branch of Ali hemp group, the overlord of the e-commerce industry!