Chapter 902

22 February.

G4396 high-speed rail to Kyoto, 05 car 10a and 10C.

On the two spacious first-class seats, there was a beautiful young man with sunglasses and a lady with a red mole in the middle of her eyebrows, who was quiet and elegant.

Many people in the carriage looked at it curiously from time to time, which was not a combination of ordinary people.

And when they saw that the woman actually bent down to help the teenager press the legs, suddenly the eyes were staring out.

In the 10C seat near the corridor, the teenager took off his sunglasses and said to the woman, "Jianing, how many times have you said that? You don't need to do this...

" how can I do this? " The woman's head was shaking like a rattle drum, "the master has something to do, and the disciple takes his work.

As a disciple, it is proper to serve the master.

What's more, this time, the disciple went to Kyoto with a shameless face, which made Shifu worry a lot. This is a special apology

This pair of men and women, it is on the high-speed rail to Kyoto Night Hong and Xue Jianing.

Night Hong originally wanted to go alone, but Xue Jianing begged Ye Hong to take her.

According to her, there was an enemy in Kyoto who robbed the remnant spectrum of Xue Style Taijiquan. She went to recover the remnant spectrum.

Since learning Taijiquan with Yehong, Xue Jianing has made great progress.

In addition, Yehong taught her martial arts and Xingyiquan together.

Today's Xue Jianing, a body of strength has been more than three times more than meet Night Hong forward, this has confidence to go to revenge.

Such strength of Xue Jianing with the side, night Hong also need not worry about the need for their own distraction.

Therefore, he acquiesced to Xue Jianing's following. Hangar fiction

But it was also because Xue Jianing was afraid of heights that they took the high-speed rail instead of a more convenient plane.

Because of the temporary intention to go to Kyoto, the high-speed rail business seats have been sold out for a long time. Yehong has to retreat and ask for a second-class ticket.

It takes more than seven hours for the high-speed rail to get to Kyoto. In the long time, Yehong sleeplessly leans on the spacious chair seat to keep his eyes closed.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Xue Jianing, he simply enjoyed the service of that pair of Yi.

It has to be said that Xue Jianing, as an ancient warrior, is far from being able to control his strength.

Light, close, slow and twist, each finger falls on Yehong's legs just right, which makes Yehong almost go to sleep comfortably.

Confused between, night Hong casually asked: "by the way, you have not said who your enemy is?"

When Xue Jia finished, she could not feel her hands clearly.

Night Hong slightly opened his eyes, just to see Xue Jianing looking out of the window in the eyes of the strong hate.

"I only know that her name is lengluocha. She is an ancient warrior of tiemen in Central Plains province. There is no other information except that."

Cold Luocha?

What a strange name.

Yehong sighs silently in his heart. With this information, it is not easy to find such a person in Kyoto, which has tens of millions of people.

But night Hong also won't hit Xue Jianing, just silently closed his eyes.

After a moment, night Hong some don't like his drowsy state, got up and decided to go to the bathroom to wash a face.

But when he came out of the bathroom and went back to his seat, he found a white haired old man lying on his seat.

The old man was lying on the seat of Yehong, contentedly shouting: "the first class seat is really comfortable."