Chapter 925


The youth is slightly a Leng, frown a way: "is he beat Zhuo Li so?"

Liu Ji desperately nods, will snow Phoenix Group in the event of the original repeat.

"Crack the solid wood table with one hand? Do you want to pull a calf

The young man sneered: "good, you Liu Ji, learned to lie in front of me?"

Liu Ji's face was white, but he kept swearing.

"Liu Shao, what Liu Ji said is true."

A loud voice came from the side, but he saw the middle-aged man who was playing tennis with the youth just now. He was squatting in front of Zhuo Li's body, and his fingers were sticking to Zhuo Li's wound to feel something.

"Zhuo Li's strength is clear to me. If I can beat him like this, I can see that the person named Yehong is not simple!"

"Bang! Huangfu Ying, you have begun to preach about your ancient martial arts

The young man sneered at the middle-aged man he called huangfuying: "what are ancient warriors in front of bullets?"

Huangfu Ying gave a smile without any anger: "Liu Shao, maybe what you usually see are charlatans. Real ancient warriors like us are not afraid of bullets."

"Bang! Come on The young man waved his hand scornfully and said proudly, "since you think you ancient warriors are better than bullets, why don't we take a bet?"

"Oh? What kind of gambling? "

"It's simple."

The young man snapped his fingers and saw ten strong men around the tennis court.

This group of Han people are very dark in color, and their facial features are not burning people.

However, none of them is below two meters in height.

Every big man's eyes showed the bloodthirsty and ferocious feeling of killing, and immediately scared the two beauties into the young man's arms.

"These ten are mercenaries I recently bought from averika, and they add up to thousands of lives."

The young man laughed at Huang Fu Ying and said, "I sent these ten people to take ye Hong's life. Love Library

If they do, it will prove that bullets are better than your ancient warriors.

Do you dare to take this bet? "

Huangfu Eagle hehe smile: "bet?"

The young man raised his eyebrows and took a look at the two beauties in his arms.

Huangfu Ying immediately understood and said with a wicked smile, "I'll take this bet."

The youth gave the ten strong men a sad smile: "don't lose my face like Zhuo Li!

If the mission fails, don't come back! "

In the eyes of the ten strong men, all of a sudden they all showed bloodthirsty light.


"that is to say, it's a second generation progenitor? That's what Liu Che is like. "

Yehong has bought the ingredients and is preparing to return to the Yongguo Pavilion.

But he and Wei Qianling's phone did not stop.

After listening to Wei Qianling's description of Liu Che, Ye Hong's heart soon appears a dandy look.

Dealing with this kind of person, Ye Hong has rich experience, so he doesn't pay much attention to Liu Che.

"Liu Che himself is certainly not terrible, but the sky fire Club behind him is terrible."

Wei Qianling said with a bitter smile at the other end of the phone: "you don't know how much revenue Tianhuo club has contributed to the Liu family.

And with these gains, Liu Che can hire experts from all schools and even... Killers. "

"You'd better take your little sweetheart and stay in the Yongguo Pavilion. No matter how arrogant they are, they dare not break into it.

You must not go out alone...

Yehong stopped his steps and said with a smile on the phone: "it seems that you reminded me a little late."

Under the night, ten shadows appeared around the night.