Chapter 1044

"If you can't see the shape in three sections of boxing, if you can't see the shape and shadow...

" there's real in the void, and void in the real... "

with this pithy formula, Dongfang luyong's fist power suddenly becomes ethereal and invisible, which is hard to capture.

Yehong only felt a tingle in his scalp, because he had already recognized the moves used by Dongfang luyong.

Xingyi boxing, Xingyi Shenda, eight hands!

"Xingyi Shenda, xiabashou, Luan trend!"

Sure enough, the Oriental record forever next second then called out the night Hong is familiar with that one move.

The last form of the next eight hands, Luan trend!

In other words, in addition to Yehong, there are people in the world who have mastered the essence of Xingyi boxing.

Who the hell is this guy? Is Ji Yueling's illegitimate son?

East record Yong double fists like electricity, very fast, then came to night Hong chest in front of.

"Since we can't understand each other, you should die for the great ambition of our factory!"

Oriental Lu Yong flashed cruelty in his eyes, and his fists pounded forward!

However, the expected picture did not appear.

Dongfang Lu Yong was shocked to find that his fists were blocked outside.

It was Yehong's fist that caught his quick fist!

Dongfang Luoyong is full of confidence in his fist. He knows that someone in the world can catch his fist, but he can't believe that this man will be Yehong in front of him!

To be able to take this punch shows that Yehong's realm is at least close to him, and they are both ancient and powerful.

Although he has seen Yehong's bravery during the day, Dongfang luyong does not think Yehong is a man with strong ancient spirit.

It was only at this moment that he realized how far wrong he was.

Those who are less than 18 years old!

Everyone knows how terrible this is.

In the East record Yong immersed in this shock, night Hong mouth is also silently read what.

"Hope in low is high, hope in high school is low, rise and fall like waves in water, do not turn, not drill, an inch first..." Qingqing novel

"This is..."

one wave is not smooth, another wave is rising again, and Dongfang luyong's face is even more startled.

"It's a middle eight! How can it be? "

The pithy formula recited by Yehong is so familiar to Oriental Lu Yong that it can't be any more familiar.

This is the pithy formula that he used for ten years, which he could not understand clearly!

"No way, this boy must be cheating me!"

Oriental record always in the heart completely not believe, hand changed a more cruel angle, toward Night Hong throat attack!

The violent air current has the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth.

But in this airflow is about to tear to night Hong body, night Hong suddenly disappeared.

He disappeared without warning, like a ghost.

Dong Fang Lu Yong's pupil shrinks suddenly. He hears a voice of ice like a cold spring behind him: "uncle, your move has passed your breath!

Look at my shape and meaning, Shenda, eight hands, shape changing! "

When the speed reaches the extreme, it will deceive people's eyes.

Shape and meaning God hit eight hands, smart as the wind, but also as fast as the wind.

Change shape in one form, change shape with fist, change shadow with form.

Pay attention to [do not take a picture, take a picture is not a move. ]

it seems that Yehong's body is still in the East, but it's just a shadow left by too fast speed.

The real night Hong, already God does not know the ghost around to the East record Yong behind.

Form and meaning to form and meaning, but night Hong is version 2.0.



Dongfang luyong, who had no time to fortify his back, was directly hit by night Hongyi.

The violent force, oppresses the Oriental record Yong body to stagger several steps forward, almost without embarrassment to fall to the ground.