Chapter 1149

Hearing the question of Yue Shi Yin, Ye Hong just nodded at will, counted as a response.

At the moment, he is immersed in the description of the book.

This is a fantasy novel by the author of Sakura Kingdom, Keizo Tono.

The background depicted in the novel is exactly the prehistoric civilization of Yan state.

At the beginning of the book, tokono writes that the inspiration of this novel is from some historical records of Sakura kingdom.

As mentioned in those historical materials, as the former suzerain state of Sakura state, Yan state has been so powerful for thousands of years because there is something unknown about Yan state.

This kind of inside information is the prehistoric civilization of Yan state.

According to this part of the records, toyno describes a fantasy story of prehistoric civilization.

Night Hong read here can not help but slightly frown.

He knew that because of some historical reasons, some of the inheritance of Yan state had been transferred to overseas Cherry Blossom countries.

Because there are relevant records in Sakura Kingdom, Yehong is not surprised at all.

However, this book is a novel, mixed with many of his personal ideas.

The reference is not as strong as the simple historical records.

"Forget it, take it back as a recreational reading material...

Ye Hong, thinking so, threw the book to Yue Shiyin:" hold it for me first, I'll borrow it later. "

Yue Shiyin is still immersed in the shock of yehonghui's yingyu language. After all, she is also learning yingyu language, but she is not proficient enough to be able to read cherry language books at will like Yehong.

See night Hong this sudden move, month poem sound Jiao Hu, hurriedly caught this book.

She looked at Ye Hong's reasonable appearance, and suddenly felt that Yehong was like a young master of a big family, and she was just like a servant girl he could command.

But even so, Yue Shi Yin didn't feel the slightest sense of disobedience. Youyoushumeng


Yue Shiyin is very distressed by her humble thinking. She is going to struggle for a while, but before she starts to speak, she sees Yehong picking up a Kuma book.

"You, you can understand the language of Maoxiong country?"

Night Hong also ignore her, after turning a few eyes, the book was thrown into the arms of the moon poetry.

This is a travel note written by ancient Maoxiong scholars. Like the previous book, it is still only a little referential.

Then, Yue Shiyin saw Ye Hong a book from the bookshelf, and the height of the book in her arms was also higher and higher.

Yue Shiyin notes that most of these books are foreign language books, or languages of different countries.

With Yehong's appearance and age, she can speak one or two foreign languages, and she still believes in her poetry.

But he can speak so many foreign languages at the same time that it is hard to avoid doubt about the sound of Yueshi.

She suspects that Yehong is just a prank, not to study prehistoric civilization.

Feeling that his research has been tarnished and stained by Yue Shi Yin, he immediately stares at Ye Hong and says, "stop it, I don't want you to take it again!"

Night Hong Zheng Zheng a Zheng, turned his head, just on a face angry moon poetry sound.

"Why? Is there a limit to the number of books borrowed? " Night Hong doubts way.

Yue Shiyin shook her head: "I just think you are very pompous and not down-to-earth at all.

What's the use of borrowing so many books that you can't understand? It's better to leave them to those who need them! "

Night Hong is a Leng at first, then understand the idea of Yue Shi Yin, shaking his head and laughing.

"What are you laughing at? What's wrong with me? "

Yueshi sound see night Hong no reflection, more angry.