Chapter 1155

Despite the crazy roar of you Jingzhong, the photos of the two holding naked together were quickly posted on the Internet.

This group of curious photos, instantly triggered a network earthquake.

Ye Hong also specially let people take a bright title for this group of photos -- [surprised! Two unscrupulous beggars came into the house to steal dog food, and they were killed by vicious dogs, leaving their armor behind! ]

making up? Me too!

Under the operation of Yehong, this group of photos and youjingzhong quickly became popular on the Internet.

Once the post was published, it attracted a lot of forwarding and messages.

[no lower limit! Even dog food has to be robbed... What's the taste of dog food? ]

[back upstairs, the dog food is delicious, don't ask me why I know. ]

responses from some exotic flowers.

I think I've met this man. He's a charlatan. ]The identity of you Jingzhong was recognized.

Congratulations to dog food brother C. ]

all of these can be found everywhere.

Since then, youjingzhong and youjingzhong have become famous in Bailu city.

Even in the rapid spread of the network, this "popularity" is still spreading outside.

I heard that after that day, the two men had to wear hats and masks when they went out, and they didn't dare to take off their food easily.

Because once someone saw their faces, they would call for people to watch out.

Under helpless, everybody yells to hit, two people have to flee the egret city all night, dare not come back again.

There are even reports that the two bought tickets to Bangbang country, ready to go back after cosmetic surgery.

Of course, these are afterwords.

After dealing with this incident, Yehong went to the city library again.

However, she did not meet Yue Shiyin this time, so she went back to school. I love e-books

Yehong remembered that Yue Shiyin had said that she was only working part-time in the library.

Helpless, night Hong had to find his own book.

This time, he held a large pile of books about prehistoric civilization.

But this time Yehong didn't have time to read because a series of phone calls came.

First of all, Leng Feng, who has not been seen for a long time, is calling from the next door's folding water province.

Since Leng Feng left Jiangnan province to look for traces of nightmare factories, he would report the clues he found to Yehong from time to time.

It seems that this time there are any clues, otherwise cold Maple will not easily disturb Night Hong.

"Store manager, I found a company to help nightmare factory!"

The cold maple on the other end of the phone seemed a little excited.

The more you find the traces of the nightmare factory, the more you can help him find clues to his wife.

Ye Hong once asked Jiang Yuyun, but she did not know about long Xiaoyun.

"What kind of enterprise?" Night Hong subconsciously asked.

"My God! Steel! Real! Industry

Cold Maple word by word sound, let Night Hong instant then stand up from the chair.

"Say it again!"

"Manager, I found a secret warehouse in Tiangang.

Here, I found that Tiangang will provide goods to a customer named my on a regular basis.

I didn't see exactly what the cargo was, but it seemed to have something to do with robot parts.

However, after my investigation, I found that the customer named my is the nightmare factory

After listening to the cold Maple words, night Hongmou son in the fine awn random flash.

If Lengfeng's intelligence is not biased, then the robot parts provided by Tiangang industry to nightmare factory should be used for mechanical transformation of human α or β!