Chapter 1173

The aftermath of the storm in Kyoto soon spread to all over the country.

People suddenly found that the rumor of the ancient clan is not so mysterious, not invincible.

In a short time, all over the country began to crack down on the ancient people, and their bitter days suddenly came.

Some farsighted ancient people, like Nangong family and Yao family, have decisively abandoned the useless empty title and integrated into modern society.

Only some ancient people who are immersed in the glory of the past are still struggling.

Egret City, provincial hall, the top of the white tower.

Mo Tianlin put down the information in hand and looked up at the sky outside the tower.

"The great chariot of the times? I underestimated him for his high structure... "

" in this case, you can start your era chariot with ease. How about I make a wheel! "

"Ning Yun, prepare for that announcement."

A few days later, one wave was not even, another was rising again.

After the storm in Kyoto, there was a storm in egret city thousands of miles away.

The provincial hall issued an investigation notice on the city commander Ling Yan, which declared that the city commander Ling Yan had violated the law. All positions and titles of Ling Yan were removed and freedom of movement was temporarily restricted.

After waiting for the follow-up trial, facing Ling Yan may be endless prison life.

After receiving the news for the first time, brother Li, who had been poisoned by Lingyan, announced on the spot that the big brother group would have a day off to express his excitement.

At the same time, a disaster suddenly fell on Pan Jingyuan, deputy chief of the catering tower.

He suddenly received a resignation notice at home, which informed him that he had been removed from the identity of deputy tower chief and demoted to ordinary manager.

Pan Jingyuan didn't know why after thinking about it. I heard that the whole person was depressed.

Su Sheng also specially complained to Yehong about the incident, claiming that he had lost an interesting toy. Fall in love with literature

Not only that, the dining tower suddenly announced that the dishes eaten at night have become special dishes for provincial and municipal halls, enjoying various subsidies.

As a result, the reputation of night food has been raised to a higher level.

In particular, many people who have no opinion can cooperate with the government when they see the night food, and their trust in the night food is greatly improved.

Because of this, the booming night food once again ushered in the peak flow of people, so that countless colleagues look envious.

This pile of night food, on the night of Hong's good things appear one after another, night Hong with the butt can also guess who is releasing goodwill.

To this end, Yehong specially sent someone to send Mo Tianlin his favorite lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, which was a kind response.

The estrangement between the two had been weakened by this incident.


Lingyan's family is the leader of Bailu city and huangming district.

"Dad, is there really no hope?"

Sofa, Ling Feng a face dispirited to stand in the window of Ling Yan Road.

Since Ling Yan fell, Lingfeng's happy life has also been greatly impacted.

Now, 24 hours outside their home, a group of city hall staff are watching their every move.

Now don't say chic, Ling Feng even out of a door have to wear a mask, to prevent being recognized as Ling Yan's son, don't mention how subdued.

Ling Yan, with both hands on his back, silently looks out the window at the egret city. His eyes twinkle with reluctance and pain.

On the back of the hand, the green tendons kept stirring.

"It's not over... Yehong...!"

Under the night, Ling Yan's voice is oppressive and hoarse.

Sitting on the sofa, Ling Feng suddenly felt cold and felt something called murderous spirit.