Chapter 1297

However, he did not expect Yehong to be able to relate so much information through a little clue.

He can't count Lu's father and daughter.

This led to the failure of his sneak attack, but exposed the final outcome.

"Do you want to come down by yourself, or do you want me to pull you out?"

Night Hong lenglenglengleng looking at the east of the cockpit record Yong, a face indifferent.

At the same time, Qingmei immortal also walked behind the robot.

With him and the green eyebrow immortal one after another, don't worry about Dongfang luyong's chance to escape.

Hear ye Hong's words, Oriental record Yong corner of the mouth can't help but smoke.

Just then Night Hong that startles the Hong one sword, really lets the Oriental record eternal life many bad recollections.

He found that the boy was stronger in the Vietnam War. After not seeing him for a period of time, he didn't know where to learn this strange trick.

But it was this strange move that saved Lu dan'er's life at the critical moment.

Anyway, since I met Ye Hong, I don't know what common sense is.

Because all the common sense is broken again and again by Yehong.

In addition to Yehong, there is the man.

Dongfang Lu Yong glanced at the real man with green eyebrows, and his eyes flashed with fear.

Kane and Lingyan don't believe in the real power of Qingmei in the intelligence, but Dongfang luyong is convinced.

Tiangang industry, Ali hemp, Qin's group, Duanmu family... He knew the strength of the four forces in Linzhou.

It can be said that the combination of these four forces is the top group in Linzhou city.

But the green eyebrow real person actually with own strength to crush four big forces master, his strength still uses the question?

The wooden sword of Qingmei immortal flying outside that day also proved Dongfang luyong's conjecture.

However, facing these two people, Dongfang Lu Yong did not feel despair at all.

He's not lost yet. Search for novels

A strange smile appeared in the corner of the lip under the mask.

Night Hong eyebrow not from tiny frown.

He found that the Oriental record never had the slightest fear.

This sense of indifference, let Night Hong heart suddenly produce uneasiness.

In order to avoid a long night's dream, Ye Hong decided to help Dongfang Lu Yong Xuan finish the multiple choice question -

of course, he went up and took him out!

But in the night Hong just took a step, Oriental record Yong but suddenly youyou said a word.

"Yehong, do you have any weakness?"

"It's none of your business!"

Yehong's pace is faster and has come to the foot of the killing machine.

Just step on the air, you can go to the East record Yong in front of.

At this time, Oriental Lu Yong and evil smile, suddenly pointed to the distance Qin Hongshuang and others: "those people, is your weakness?"

Night Hong eyebrows frown deeper, the uneasiness in the heart also aggravates.

At this time, Dongfang luyong's mouth curled up a cold radian, and said: "you may think I'm a conspirator, an ancient Qi warrior, or even a chef...

but I'm going to tell you today...

I'm still a paleontologist!"

Ancient doctor three words out, night Hong brain suddenly across a lightning.

He remembered an intelligence that Jiang guchan had disclosed to him.

Some years ago, a strange young man joined the Ancient Medical Association.

Seeing that he was gifted with ancient medical skills, Jiang guchen was determined to cultivate him.

But later, Jiang guchan found that he was not good at heart, and he used other people's corpses to carry out ancient medical experiments.

As a result, he was pushed out by many ancient doctors, and even more by Jiang guchan.