Chapter 1636

Not only that, the Cao family also heard from their elders that the Jin family seemed to have great influence in Gulin and Jianglong provinces next door.

In the whole northeast provinces of Yan state, none of them had heard of the reputation of the Jin family.

In the eyes of the Jin family, the status of the Cao family is not much different from that of an ant.

The owner of the call is the most famous second ancestor of the Jin family, the most famous dandy in the whole province of Youzhou!

Jin family, Jin Shilong!

Speaking of Jin Shilong, even Cao Zihao felt inferior to the absurd things he had done.

Throwing money on the street is just a daily thing. Going out to sea to hunt sharks is a kind of entertainment after dinner.

The women raised by Bao can fill a whole villa.

Hand chin knot his people, can line up the whole long street!

Even Cao Zihao did not dare to offend him.

Although the Cao family and the Jin family have some contacts, Cao Zihao and Jin Shilong are only general friends.

But why did Jin Shilong call himself suddenly?

"I heard that there is a kind of shark that has never appeared in the East China Sea. This time, I went to Bailu city to hunt sharks and have a break."

Jin Shilong joked: "I just heard from your Cao family that you seem to have been cheated by a new student?

How is it? My brother is in a good mood recently. Do you want to help you out? "

Cao Zihao's depressed eyes seemed to be suddenly injected with brilliance.

He can't fight Ye Hong, but how can ye Hong be Jin Shilong's opponent?

When Cao Zihao thought of this place, the whole person got excited and yelled: "please give me less money to make decisions for my younger brother!"

"Hehe, what's the origin of that freshman? Tell me. "

"His name is Yeyun..."

Cao Zihao told Jin Shilong all the materials he had collected. 69 schoolbag

However, he did not know that the information he collected was only forged by Wei Hongshu for Yehong.

"That's it? I thought it was some kind of ancient people

Jin Shilong at the other end of the phone disdained: "I can crush a person with no background like this in one day.

Don't worry, my brother will do it for you

Not to mention how excited Cao Zihao was when he found a supporter here, the archaeological class on the other side was discussing how to celebrate today's victory.

Some people proposed to sing K, others proposed to travel, but most people agreed to go out for dinner.

Sure enough, eating is the eternal common hobby of human beings.

The way of celebration was determined, and everyone began to tangle about the place of the dinner.

At this time, rekza sounded the glutinous rice chicken brought by Yehong on the first day of school, as if it came from a restaurant called night food.

Rekezha, who was obsessed with the taste of glutinous rice chicken, immediately raised his hand and suggested going to a dinner party.

However, this call did not receive much response.

Doubt of the re Ke Zha, was Tao Ran mercilessly white one eye.

"Fool! Do you know how expensive night food is? "

As a native of egret City, how can Tao Ran not understand the famous night food?

But it was because of this that she realized that the high-end restaurants for night food were not affordable for their students.

Other students who also listen to the name of the food for the night also have to show a helpless smile.

Rekza and her roommates looked at each other in astonishment, and then realized that the pieces of glutinous rice chicken that Yehong had brought to them had such a big beginning.

Night Hong has not been how to speak, but at this time it is a smile: "don't tangle, go to night food, I treat."

Class is first a Leng, then burst out the earth shaking cheers.

"The monitor is powerful!"