Chapter 1665

When Yehong was curious about the person Cai Jiannan wanted to introduce, he saw a graceful figure coming up slowly from the stairway of the bottom cabin.

She is petite but not thin, but a little plump, a pink Sakura carved Tang suit is her figure contrast graceful chic.

When the line of sight moves to the woman's face, it is even more dazzling.

Delicate and small facial features, thin as willow leaf eyebrows, a pair of crystal clear clean eyes, gentle and bright, is a face with classical Oriental charm.

Judging from his age, he should be only about 20 years old.

"This is the [moon watching glass] of the branch of the Sakura national business alliance. As you can see, he is a native of Sakura."

Cai Jiannan said with a smile: "don't look at the young age of Liuli. It's already the silver merchant envoy of the branch of the Sakura state business alliance."

Looking at the moon with a smile, the night Hong slightly a blessing, with a slightly astringent Yan Guoyu way: "Ye Hong Jun, your name, like thunder.

Mr. Cai praised you so much in the ordinary days. Now I'm lucky to see you in person. "

Night Hong said hello with a smile, and then looked at Cai Jiannan.

He did not think that Cai Jiannan would introduce a woman from cherry blossom country to him for no reason.

"Let me tell you."

Moon watching glass seems to like Yan culture very much, and I can't miss any opportunity to contact Yan language.

"The last time you got the information from Kane steinball, the ambassador of the golden merchant, saw through the operation of the nightmare factory and saved the safety of our branch of the Sakura business alliance.

Our ambassador is very grateful to you and has been looking for an opportunity to express his gratitude in person. "

Looking at the moon, the glass gasped for breath and said solemnly: "after our thorough investigation, we found another silver merchant in the business alliance.

It is because of his lurking that the nightmare factory can take advantage of it.

However, when we were ready to arrest him, he was aware of it in advance and escaped from the cherry blossom country. Qiankun listening to books

The Jin Merchant envoy was so angry that he asked me and Mr. Cai to track down the traitor.

After our investigation, the traitor escaped to the famous "Sea city."

"Haishi?" Night Hong Zheng a Zheng, "this is what place?"

"Ye Hongjun didn't know that this was a huge trade organization with the same name as the commercial alliance.

If shangmeng is the largest trade organization in the world, Haishi is the largest underground trading organization in the world.

Compared with the commercial alliance, the sea market is a complete black market.

There are a lot of contraband goods that can't be found in the market at ordinary times

At this time, Cai Jiannan also added: "the underground headquarters of Haishi is set up under the East China Sea, which is exactly where I want to show you."

Night Hong nodded, in the heart of this mysterious underground black market inevitably filled with curiosity.

The next journey was as long as Cai Jiannan had said before.

Fortunately, there is no lack of entertainment facilities on the yacht, but let Yehong have time to relax.

After playing billiards with CAI Jiannan for several games, Wangyue Liuli came to inform them: "we are going to the Haishen island where the headquarters of Haishi are located."

Night Hong several people out of the cabin, came to the deck to look forward.

The destination is a small island surrounded by rocks.

A ship is entering the island orderly from the only seaway.

Above the Seaway, there are several boats painted in gray and black to guard.

Every ship passing by the Seaway has to be identified by the people on the black ship.