Chapter 1822

The Internet cafe in front of me is called Shenghui online cafe.

The fashionable decoration and the fashionable storefront are all shining in front of people.

"Second, are you taking us online?"

Xiao Cao looked at Shenghui Internet cafe with disdain: "it's good to play games in the dormitory. Is it necessary to come to this kind of place specially?"

"You know Mao! Can playing games in Internet cafes and dormitories be the same? "

Guo Huang rolled a big white eye to Xiao Cao, and suddenly showed a meaningful smile: "don't talk nonsense, follow me in to make sure you don't regret it!"

They follow Guo Huang into the Internet cafe doubtfully, while listening to Guo Huang introduce Shenghui online cafe.

"I was first introduced by a senior student.

He said there would be regular off-line competitions and huge bonuses.

However, it was not until I came here that I realized that there was something more pleasant... "

before I finished speaking, people had already walked down the corridor to the entrance on the second floor.

Just opened the yellow curtain, eyes suddenly bright.

No, it's a flash.

Eight beauties, dressed in black and white maid dresses, stood in a row and chanted in soft, waxy tones: "welcome."

It is worth mentioning that several people are shouting the Mandarin of cherry blossom.

As long as a little bit of Sakura animation people, have a wonderful feeling of being in the maid cafe.

Xiao Cao several people originally calm face suddenly collapses, reveals one face to enjoy.

They finally understood what Guo Huang said was more pleasant.

It turns out that Shenghui Internet cafe is a maid themed Internet cafe!

Among all the people present, only Ye Hong had no fluctuation in his eyes.

Speaking of the maids, which of the ten iron door girls in the maid's clothes in the night food is not more beautiful than those ordinary and vulgar powder?

Eyes were raised Diao Night Hong, at the moment, as if looking at the eight beaches of water that, heart without waves. Huowen novel network

After the maid welcome battle, Guo Huang continued to take the people to go inside.

The hall of Shenghui net cafe is mainly composed of luxurious colored glass curtain wall, supplemented by the ancient wind screen with rich style.

Row by row of computer tables, neatly arranged in the major areas.

Occasionally, there are some places separated by screens, as well as so-called luxury box.

At a glance, it was like being in a palace.

It is a kind of enjoyment to surf the Internet in such a place, both visually and visually.

It's no wonder that Guo Huang highly praised this place.

The heat and doxor had already sent out.

Xiao Cao, who had seen many big scenes, couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Only night Hong or maintain a cold face.jpg.

The decoration in front of us, compared with the luxurious Poseidon palace, is just one in the sky and one in the ground.

Guo Huang on one side continued to introduce: "Li Shenghui, the boss of Shenghui online cafe, is the second generation of qianguofu who came to Bailu city to start a business.

He is generous and often gives us the Internet fee.

There are no shortcomings except for the frequent flowery.

Here, that guy is Li Shenghui. "

According to Guo Huang, people saw a handsome young man standing behind the counter.

He had brown hair, half his eyes covered with unruly slanting bangs.

Pink shirt, not out of the blue casual pants with the color together.

The white leather shoes on the feet are spotless, and the famous brand logo on the shoes can be seen.

This is a mine in my family, which I don't need to introduce.

"Huige, do you still have a five person box?"

Guo Huang approached the counter and asked with a smile.