Chapter 1895

There are many interesting neutral monsters in the orphan league's war canyon.

Kill these wild monsters, you can get different degrees of income.

For example, the dark blue monster that can provide blue buff, and the scarlet wild monster that can provide red buff...

among the wild monsters, there are also strong and weak levels.

The stronger the wild monster, the more profit it will contribute after being killed.

The weakest stone beetle can only provide gold coins.

Stronger ones such as pale blue and crimson can provide a short gain.

More powerful than the dark blue and crimson is the epic wild monster!

Among them, the epic wild monster nearest to Xialu is called element dragon.

There are four kinds of elemental dragon, which are water attribute element dragon, fire attribute element dragon, earth attribute element dragon and wind attribute element dragon.

These four kinds of dragons are randomly refreshed in the Dragon pit, providing different benefits after killing.

For example, the yellow two winged dragon, also known as the Earth Dragon, can provide damage gain for the whole team against defensive towers and epic monsters.

This gain state will give the team a strong ability to dismantle towers and control wild resources.

And with the blue and crimson short gain is different, this gain can run through the whole game!

Because of this, the element dragon often becomes a strategic resource for both sides.

However, due to the success of the five pack two routine, now the members of Phoenix rose have steadily collected this Earth Dragon.

And because the team is short of two people, Qi's will also dare not fight forward.

Seeing this, mizedo saw how deep yehiro's strategic layout is.

From the very beginning, he has considered the far-reaching development of the war situation, that is to pave the way for the competition of the element dragon! Yuewen novel

These long-term vision, has reached the league's top coach level!

Mizedo looked at the indifferent Night Hong, and his heart turned into a storm, but at the same time, he strengthened a certain idea.

In the game, the match continues.

Losing the will of dragon resources, Qi suddenly found himself in a vicious circle.

When they want to fight head-on, all the people in Phoenix rose retreat and do not fight.

But as soon as they retreated, the Phoenix rose man came out of the corner of the map.

Either to catch the single seven will members of a round up, or take the opportunity to pull down the defense tower.

This kind of guerrilla style, in which the enemy was tired and disturbed and the enemy retreated and advanced, made the members of Qi's will miserable and exhausted.

"We can't go on like this. Let's ambush them once!"

In a certain grass, the blind monk of "kerialla dance" crouched quietly, commanding his teammates in the channel: "listen to my order, we must find the venue, and we must not continue to lose face!

Did you hear that? "

"Yes, captain."

[Clarissa] nodded with satisfaction, and suddenly found a cute mushroom dwarf hopping across the grass.

"Good chance!"

[Clarissa dance] excited.

Mushroom dwarfs are the most vulnerable heroes in the orphan League.

[kelierla dance] there is even a scene that mushroom dwarfs are beaten to death by themselves and their teammates.

"All ready, I'll kick this mushroom dwarf back to our territory later, and then you'll... Hey, hey

[Qi's will] in the team channel, full of cheap laughter.