Chapter 1996

Behind the calm, there are also chaotic scenes.

Some strong men with black armbands were wandering aimlessly along the street with their hands in their pockets.

Occasionally he would pick up a few poor tramps and beat them up.

This kind of scene will not appear in egret city or even in the night of Anming county.

It seems that the law and order of Lijian country, which is praised by countless people, is no more than this.

Zhou Xiaoba, who was driving, seemed to notice Ye Hong's eyes. While driving, he explained: "those guys are the famous gangsters in L City [black arm Party].

Usually good things do not do, will only bully and bully tramps who have no ability to fight back. In fact, they are a group of cowards without eggs. "

Yehong noticed Zhou Xiaoba's abnormal tone and speculated that Zhou Xiaoba had some unpleasant things with the so-called "black arm Party".

After driving for another ten minutes or so, the atmosphere on the street began to change.

There are more and more pedestrians with black hair and yellow skin.

I also heard the familiar Mandarin.

Looking up, a huge arch stands in the street.

It is engraved with three majestic characters of Yan state - [Yantang Street].

And this is the destination of their trip.

Yantang street is the most famous gathering place of overseas Yan people.

Not only l City, but other famous cities in Lijian have similar places.

With the great increase of the national strength of Yan state, the fame of Yan Tang street in all parts of the world has also increased.

Therefore, many people who are similar to Yan people, such as Sakura people, Sava people, etc., will also choose to stay in Yantang street to seek the shelter of powerful Yan people.

After entering the street, the decoration features of various buildings are all familiar with the burning elements. Zhongyuan book bar

Red lanterns, small attics, street artists wearing panda coats...

everything seems to be in China, which makes Yehong feel kind.

The van drove all the way to the end of the street and stopped in front of a modest restaurant.

There are three storeys in the restaurant. There is a huge signboard hanging on the side of the door. On the signboard, there are three big characters written in flaming Mandarin.

The three words are ethereal, like a Book of drunken ink, people can't help but be attracted.

Even if lianyehong, a master of calligraphy, couldn't help praising a good word in his heart.

However, it is obvious that not all people will appreciate this word. The business of drunkard is quite cold. They have stood at the door for a long time without seeing any other guests in and out.

Not even a waiter shouting welcome.

"Here is the street place of our Yanzu in L City.

My brothers are not here today. I'll introduce them to you some other day.

During this period, you can stay in the drunkard house for a while.

All expenses will be reimbursed by our department. "

Zhou Xiaoba stopped the car, enthusiastically helped people carry their luggage, pointed to the store and said, "come on, I'll take you in and introduce you to a [big man]!"

Entering the store, I found that there was no guest in the hall on the first floor.

I don't know if it's because of this that the headlights on the ceiling are not turned on.

In the dim environment, only a faint yellow light appears in the direction of the kitchen.

"Uncle Jiang, I've brought my guests here!"

Zhou Xiaoba yelled several times toward the kitchen.