Chapter 2047

Night Hong once imagined that this thing would happen, but did not expect to happen so suddenly.

The headquarters of the black arm Party acted more decisively and quickly than he expected.

Something must have happened that I didn't know about.

However, Yehong did not know what was going on in cardo Town, but he would not let go of Yeqi.

Night seven, since death is faithful to him, he will protect night seven.

"Let's go."

Yehong decisively left the education of Jiang Yi and pulled Zhou Xiaoba to run outside.

"Night, night counselor, where are we going?"

Zhou Xiaoba, who was pulled away by lengbu Ding, suddenly sank in his heart and had a bad premonition.

"Nonsense, cardo!"

Hear ye Hong's reply, Zhou Xiaoba's face suddenly has no blood color: "on, just us two?"

"Yes, we are not enough..."

when Zhou Xiaoba was a little relieved, he heard Yehong continue: "I have to drive your car."

So Zhou Xiaoba's heart fell to the bottom again.

When they came to Zhou Xiaoba's van, they found that there was already a person in the van.

"Fang Jiujiu, why are you here?"

Zhou Xiaoba glared up his eyes and said, "there are still! How did you get in my car without your car key? "

"Hum! I have a master's degree in computer and mechanical engineering from Yanwu military university. It's not easy to break your rotten lock? "

Fang Jiujiu is proud.

"You...!" Zhou Xiaoba choked, and quickly reached out to drive the flies away. "Go and get out of the car.

We're going to a very dangerous place, so don't get involved. "

"Hey, that's what I got on the bus for." Strange book website

Fang Jiujiu showed a mysterious smile and said, "are you two going to cardo town?"

Zhou Xiaoba was stunned: "how do you know?

Do I remember telling you this information? "

Fang Jiu is a smile again, open the laptop on the knee, a finger above way: "have a look, now H city forum is sensational."

Night Hong stares at to look, discover on the computer is H city network forum page.

High on the front page of the most prominent position is a post entitled "black arm party out, clean up the internal traitors.".

The content of the post is a picture of the headquarters of the black arm Party taken by local people in H city.

According to the photos, the black arm Party sent out at least 300 vehicles of all kinds.

Such as transport vehicles, armored vehicles, signal vehicles and so on.

As for the number of people, not to mention, the whole headquarters has been deployed.

Even from the surrounding branches of the team.

The most striking thing is that the deputy leader of the black arm Party, the actual leader of the black arm Party, Simon, also appears in the picture.

The man known as the dark Emperor himself proved the scale of the operation.

It is reported that this is the largest operation launched by symens since he took office.

At the bottom of that post, I have already kept up with numerous comments.

It's a good show. ]

[guess how many people will die this time? ]

[I'll bet at least 100, otherwise I'll be sorry for the name of Symons. ]

[that guy named Bruno is really sad. Who is not good to betray? You have to betray Symons? ]

[hahaha, Kado Town Branch will become history from today. ]



the comments one after another are eye-catching and shocking. Almost all of them are not optimistic that Kado town can survive this catastrophe.