Chapter 2106

Night Hong couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

What I sigh about is that the fate of this drunken Weng Ju is so bad.

Not a day has passed since he came here.

Now, with Ye Hong's unrelenting fight back, he smashes big holes in the walls of zuiwengju.

After Jiang elephant comes back, it must be a "dragon roar".

Night Hong sighs on the stairway, but under the stairway is already full of sorrow.

In the whole hall, there were all kinds of wailing people lying on the ground, none of them could still stand normally.

These people, are just night Hong from the stairs to throw down.

Of course, there are also unfortunate people who have been hit by flying.

And cause all this, only night Hong a person.

But anyway, it's just a matter of blink of an eye.

Even outside the store there are many people who do not know the truth, continue to shout slogans into the store.

But when they saw the tragic situation in the hall, they immediately turned around and ran away.

After waiting for a long time, another group of people entered the store.

This is a group of bright suit bodyguards, surrounded by a small, but solemn temperament of the elderly.

Although the old man is not tall, his bearing and demeanor are superior to those bodyguards around him.

A lighted cigar, which he held in his hand at will, complements the jade finger on his thumb.

Night Hong just glanced at this old man, then no longer care.

The small minions who have been pushed down fall down, and the people who give advice behind them always have to show up and take the lead.

However, he obviously underestimated Yehong's fighting power. At the moment, he was staring at the man lying on the ground. 135 Chinese

He waved his hand, let the bodyguard back behind him, that serious round face squeezed out a smile more brilliant than chrysanthemum.

"Surely this is Mr. Ye from Yan kingdom?

Please allow me to introduce myself first. "

He handed over the cigar he had not finished smoking to his bodyguard. He looked up and said with a smile: "I'm audru Sanchez of [Manla Communications Group].

Whether you have heard of my name before, how about making friends from now on? "

Say, then smile to ground toward Night Hong stretched out a hand.

It is worth mentioning that audru is speaking a slightly lame Mandarin.

Nowadays, many crooked nuts begin to learn the Yan language in order to enter the Yan market and deal with the Yan people.

Even busy people will learn some daily communication words.

Fans of Yan culture like lorn speak the language fluently.

Even if Yehong is the first time to come to Lijian, he has heard the name of Manla communication group before.

This is not only the largest communication giant in Lijian, but also has business all over the world.

And their CEO, Audrey Sanchez, is the undisputed richest man in J state, and the top 10 richest person who can be ranked in the list of rich people in Lijian.

But no matter what identity this person is, Ye Hong believes that he did not see his own strength before, and did not intend to talk to Yan Yue like this.

Therefore, in the face of audru's outstretched hand, Yehong did not even look at it, but stood on the stairs like a still statue with her eyes closed.

How has audru ever suffered such a cold reception in the business world?

He resentfully took back his hand, and his eyelids couldn't help but draw, and a touch of evil spirit flashed through it.

And the strong bodyguards behind him are also ready to move.