Chapter 2122

Night Hong immediately leaned up and found that Huai Tianshu was referring to a stone slab just below the desk.

This stone slab is one meter square. It's very heavy at a glance. No wonder huaitianshu needs Ye Hong's help.

In order not to expose, night Hong had to pretend to waste force and huaitianshu together to lift the stone slab.

After the stone slab was removed, it revealed a square hole underneath.

There was a long wooden box lying quietly in the hole.

The wooden box is made of precious ebony. It is wrapped in two layers of black cloth. When huaitianshu takes it out, it sends out cold air around.

Just look at this wooden box is not a mortal thing. It can be seen that the things contained in it must be of great value.


Huaitianshu pleaded guilty and opened the wooden box solemnly.

As the cover of the wooden box slides out, a red light rushes out of the wooden box like a lonely and unbearable mistress.

In the dark ancestral hall, the red light is all over in a moment.

At this time, night Hong also saw the things in the wooden box.

This is a unique kitchen knife with emerald metal as the base material and red metal plated around.

The texture of the blade is well-balanced, and there is no trace of abruptness.

The curve is smooth and natural.

The red outer ring metal, like a ring of burning flame.

The dazzling red awn just now is also produced by this part of metal.

There are two characters on the front and back of the kitchen knife.

One side is "fire break" and the other side is "Mingyu".

"Cut off the fire... Mingyu..."

Yehong murmured to himself, and could not help exclaiming: "is this Dao...?!"

"That's right." Huai Tianshu nodded with ecstasy, "this is one of the four kitchen utensils left by the master before he left! Reading and reading novels

He always told me not to take it out until I had to

Night Hong's heart at this time is not very calm.

It is said that it is a magic kitchen knife with four cooking utensils: Jiuwei star spoon, Tiandi tongzui pot and Linglong Xinyi pot.

It is said that anyone who eats the dishes cut by the broken fire bright jade knife will rejuvenate people.

Although Yehong doesn't know whether this effect is true, he knows that the Duanhuo Mingyu Dao is one of the four unique kitchen gods.

That is to say, this knife is the kitchen knife that huaiyonglu once used.

In this case, what happened today has a clear context in Yehong's brain.

Juedao sect is probably the school founded by huaiyonglu.

The seven men who intend to deal with Ye Hong today are huaiyonglu's disciples.

After hearing the news of huaiyong's death, the seven disciples came to find Ye Hong to avenge him.

But the key question?

Who told the news to these people?

Who guides them to approach Yehong in disguise as Wei Qianling?

Anyway, with the intelligence quotient of seven of them, Yehong absolutely doesn't believe that they can come up with such a meticulous action plan by themselves.

However, it is not the time to consider these, night Hong's attention is all in front of this broken fire bright jade knife.

But looking at, night Hong eyes suddenly flashed a touch of doubt.

The fire breaking bright jade sword seems to be...

but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed across the corner of Yehong's eyes.

"Be careful!"

Night Hong will huaitianshu to the side of a push, he is a horizontal waist horse, heavy fist to the side of a wave.

A muffled hum came, as if the fist hit someone's body.