Chapter 2399

Looking at the wooden sword that deeply pierced into the stone slab, the five people were white with fear and sat down on the ground.

Night Hong slowly came to five people and looked at them without expression.

It was he who asked the green eyebrow immortal to stop them.

Just now, these five people were obviously killed by greed. If they were other people, they might have died in their hands.

Yehong has never been a virgin.

Even if these people are very weak in his eyes, he will not let them go easily.

In fact, if they had just arrived in front of Yehong, they would have fallen.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Looking at Ye Hong's indifference, five people suddenly felt uneasy.

Night Hong's mouth, slightly a hook.


five minutes later.

Yehong and others left the site of crocodile God.

As for the five people, they were knocked unconscious by night Hong and left in it.

Oh, by the way, there are many crocodiles wandering in the historic sites.

Whether five people can survive depends on their nature.

Not long after leaving the historic site, Yehong crushed the crystal and absorbed the breath.

Breath into the body, the mind suddenly more than a wonderful feeling.

It is very similar to his ability to control animals, but it is quite different.

It's a sense of absolute domination over life and death.

Is this the leader's aura?

To try this out, Yehong catches a canine monster nearby.

Sure enough, the strange beast saw Ye Hong shaking his tail and licking the dog faithfully.

Other people can not see the characteristics of the crystal, is to see this scene have a look of consternation, ask Ye Hong is how to do.

When they heard that the ability actually came from the crystallization, several people were a burst of regret.

And that's why they're interested.

After discussion, they decided to continue to explore the north.

All the way north, there were bodies everywhere.

Paralyzed traffic, empty cities and towns, bloody earth everywhere, gray sky...

everything is like the end of the world in the movie.

Recently, things about Antarctica continue to ferment around the world.

Concerns about the future of mankind have begun to spread around the world.

The resulting chaos has also occurred in different places.

The factors of unrest are quietly taking root and sprouting.

If the turmoil in Antarctica does not subside, great turbulence will soon occur in other continents.

Yehong sometimes thinks, is this the real catastrophe?

On the way to the north, people also met with different animals, but they did not find any strong existence like the giant crocodile leader. Naturally, there was no valuable crystallization.

Of course, there are also many people who want to snatch the crystal.

It turns out that no one has been able to take advantage of the combination of the men's top group, known as the ancient martial arts group of Yan state.

More is by anti robbery, indignant and frightened to the crystallization of the body to night Hong them.

In a few days, people unconsciously have come to the wolf soul desert in northern Antarctica. Literary City

Further north of the wolf soul desert is the largest country in the north, the ikyput tribal state.

It is also the most powerful country in the whole of South Asia except for Dawang.

However, compared with Dawang, the situation in iquite is not so bad because it is far away from Wangnan corner.

But the soldiers on guard still patrol the border one after another.

From time to time, there are gunshots coming out. It should be that there was a fight with a strange beast.

Yehong and others are not going to step into iqyput, but to continue to search for strange animals in this desert of wolf soul.

As night falls, Yehong takes out the camping tent brought by Dawang country from the car, and prepares to sleep with the people in the desert at night.

The desert night is much colder than the day.

There was a strong wind blowing the tent.

But in the cover of the wind, there are some dark shadows quietly approaching several tents.

In the distance, behind a sand dune, a group of people were gnashing their teeth.

Five of them were scarred and looked at the distant tent with hatred.

It was the five divinities who were left by Yehong in the crocodile God monument.

In addition to them, there are two figures of a man and a woman.

The man is less than 30 years old, with a big toad mirror on his short golden hair.

Under the beach pants is a pair of white flip flops.

The woman is also quite young, with a pair of blue pupil eyes, proud figure wearing a brown windbreaker.The two are obviously beizhouese and seem to be a couple.

"Mr. Jackson, miss istia, those evil flamboyants I'm talking about are in those tents!"

The young psychic master clenched his teeth and looked at the two people's expressions of reverence.

Because he knows the couple's status in FCI and their strength.

"Don't worry, Luis. Our FCI and your association of psychics have been making friends for generations, and we will surely avenge you."

The man named Jackson showed his teeth and grinned, which moved the faces of five psychics.

And the woman named istia is a proud smile: "just a few burning people, my mother minute to let them kneel down to beg for mercy."

A group of seven gradually approached the tents.

It's dark in the tent. Everyone must be asleep.

Standing outside one of the tents, Jackson and istia looked at each other as they were about to rush into the tent with five psychics.

But at this time, there was a lazy and sarcastic voice from the tent.

"Jackson, istia, I haven't seen you for a while. You seem to be getting more and more stupid."

The sound made Jackson and istia stiff.

Then he burst out his incredible eyes and exclaimed, "Mr. night?"

Ye Hong walks out of the tent and looks at the two people in front of him with a smile.

Yes, these two people are Yehong who met in Yan state before and went to Lijian country together.

And in the kingdom of Lijian, the two sides forged a deep friendship.

In that change, they were disappointed with FCI because they were betrayed by their mentor and wanted to leave for a time.

However, Yehong later heard from them that Olivian, the chief executive of FCI, strongly begged them to stay and gave them various compensations, which forced them to stay.

Yehong did not expect to meet them here in Antarctica.

Obviously, Jackson and istia were also very surprised. They didn't resent Yehong's ridicule at all. Instead, they scratched their heads in embarrassment.

It's like two employees being reprimanded by their superiors.

This is the sequelae left by them after they saw the great power overnight in Lijian.

Some of them were immersed in the surprise of reunion, but the five psychics were completely stupid.