Chapter 2406

"Be on guard

'cried Pierre, rising suddenly.

Those totem masters who were resting on the ground immediately stood up and looked at the distance closely.

Night Hong and others who are "sharing the spoils" also stopped.

Because of their strong ability to control animals, totems usually keep many animal companions.

And these beasts are connected with them, like their eyes.

Judging from the situation of pyyale, it must be his desert wolves who have detected something.

Is there any other beast here?

Finally, a group of people in white robes slowly walked out of a forest in the distance.

There were about 30 people in this group. Their eyes were shining and their breath was long. They were obviously not weak.

If you think about it carefully, people who dare to come to the Great Rift Valley, which is equivalent to the base camp of Hades, must have some skills.

Just looking at the signs on their white robes, night Hong could not help frowning slightly.

The Diamond Cross Star light is also a member of the association of divinities.

They were surrounded by a group of desert wolves owned by pyyale, showing their teeth fiercely to them.

However, the group of psychics obviously didn't care at all and walked leisurely towards the swamp.

At the front of the line was a middle-aged woman with curly wheat hair.

The woman was tall and plump, and she was charming when she walked.

The facial features are three-dimensional prominent, and the skin color is white and red.

In Xizhou, it should be a popular look and figure.

But now her pair of blue eyes are looking directly at the crystal of the ghost beast in night Hong's hand.

When there was still a distance of 40 or 50 meters between the two sides, she cried out: "evil flaming people, hand over the things in your hands."

Yehong almost laughed and mocked: "is it the traditional art of your association of divinities to rob when you meet?

But I clearly remember that asho's son of a bitch would at least be hypocritical before he started fighting

Somewhere in the desert, a man covered in armor is fighting a huge beast of the dead.

All of a sudden, the man just felt an itch on his nose and sneezed, but he was almost hit by the move of the ghost beast.

Scared a man a flurry, this just put the hell beast.

"Bang --"

the beast falls under the man's Knight's spear.

The man picked up the crystal, rubbed his nose and muttered: "strange, who is calling me in secret?"

On the other side, as soon as the word "asho" appeared, the faces of the group of psychics changed slightly.

The middle-aged woman was stunned and then sneered: "although I don't know where you've heard the name of asho, you don't want to scare us.

Hand over the crystal as soon as possible, otherwise...

with one stroke of hand, the white robes of the divination masters behind them are swaying, and all kinds of deities are entangled around them, waiting for the opportunity to move.

The threat in the words is beyond the words.

"Wait a minute!"

Yehong did not speak, but pyyale stood between the two sides.

Turning to the middle-aged woman with a serious face, he said, "I'm pyyale, a high-level totem master in iqyput, and I'm...

" shut up. " Haoyi novel

The middle-aged woman interrupted with a look of disdain: "the aborigines in the savage land of Antarctica are not qualified to speak in front of our divinities."

As soon as he said this, he offended all the totem masters present.

One after another full of angry eyes, immediately shrouded in these divinities.

In the distance, the forest is rustling and moving. It is these totems who are calling their wild animal companions.

Although pyyale was also very angry, he still restrained himself and said with a cold face: "in the chaos of Antarctica, mankind must unite and cooperate in order to defeat the Hades!

There must be no internal strife! "

"What does the disaster of your south continent have to do with our psychic masters in Xizhou?"

The middle-aged woman sneered at Yehong and several other ancient Taoists: "we just want to get their things back from this group of evil burning people and avenge them by the way."

This next turn night Hong Meng, subconsciously said: "Doyle... Who is it?"

"My name is Belle, Doyle is my brother!

You robbed my brother's crystal in the crocodile God monument, and killed them in the wolf soul desert!

This revenge cannot be avoided! "

Ye Hong finally knew who Bai Li Er was talking about and said with a sneer, "it's them.

I'm worthy of being a brother and a sister. This shameless appearance is really a mold

Belle was more angry, and the rate of breath shaking in the psychics began to increase.Pyyale snorted coldly: "there are detailed records about this matter in the wolf God tower.

It's clearly your brother. They started to covet and kill them. I'm the one who killed them. You can't stop talking nonsense here

"Oh! Who's talking nonsense

Bailey pointed to pyyale and said with a murderous air: "since you barbarians want to help these people cover up their crimes, kill them together."

As a result, another group of psychics separated from the team and surrounded pyyale and other totem masters.

When the war was about to break out, Jackson took out his FCI identity card, highlighted it high, and said solemnly, "Miss psychic, I know you are eager for revenge, but the truth of the matter may not be what you know.

Don't be taken advantage of! "

"Senior agent FCI? Even you have fallen? "

Belle's face became more crazy, and roared: "Doyle received elite education from noble schools when he was young. Is that kind of despicable child who will covet other people's property?"

Seeing that Jackson and istia still wanted to speak, she put her hand directly and said coldly, "don't say anything. You can go and bury Doyle together."

With a wave of his hand, he said in a cold voice, "do it!"

In an instant, the divinities began to chant their prayers, and the thoughts of different gods began to gather in the air.

Only a moment later, groups of gods attacked all the people flying to Yehong.

Fireballs, water arrows, ice blades... Dazzled.

Night Hong side of course, people will not wait to die, began to fight back.

The moves of the two sides collided violently in the air, and the afterwaves fell on the swamp, blasting out holes.

Night Hong did not choose to start, but also let several old men around him not to overdo.

Because he had clearly seen something wrong with Belle.

And, as Jackson suspected, where did Belle get the information that Doyle's five were killed?

Obviously, Belle and the group were being used.

And the person who provides information behind the scenes, the goal is very obvious, it is to borrow Belle's strength to deal with Yehong them!

The person behind the scenes is likely to be Yehong's enemy.

Of course, there may be people who don't want Yehong to find the mother of netherworld!