Chapter 2413

"Celebration dinner?"

"Yes, you are the protagonist of this celebration dinner."

Mother-in-law ebony said with a smile: "during the period of your beheading operation, I invited all the totem masters of the whole continent to Sandu.

I want all totems and the people who are reveling in Sandu to look up to you heroes.

Also witness the close friendship between our south continent and the burning country

Night Hong heart can not help but secretly Marvel ebony mother-in-law's big hand.

Only with her status can all totems be invited.

If you were Yan state, no one could gather all the people of the ancient Wu Kingdom.

This is why Yehong came to Nanzhou to ask his boss Ma Zhengming and other ancient martial giants.

Only by uniting these upstream figures, can we integrate the middle and lower reaches of the ancient martial arts world with their strength, and make the ancient martial world of Yan state into an iron plate.

It's a pity that Sha Wufeng is a traitor.

"Not only that, I will also invite all the dissimilators, psychic masters, ancient warriors, soldiers, mercenaries, hunters now in the land of Antarctica....

mother-in-law ebony jumped onto the sofa with her short body, and said:" this is a great victory won by the unity of all mankind!

It should also be a carnival of universal celebration! "


in the next few days, Yehong finally realized the powerful calling ability of mother-in-law ebony.

More and more people are coming to Sandu.

In the end, there were no people living in sanduli, so they had to set up temporary tents in the desert outside the city.

Carnival night.

Shadu is full of lights and bustle.

People from all over the country, ethnic groups and professions have been fighting together inside and outside the city.

After the disaster, laughter filled every corner.

The ancient warriors, dissimilators, psychic masters and other powerful people who made great contributions to the killing of the underworld beast, as well as the politicians of various countries in Antarctica, were invited to enter the wolf God tower and received by mother-in-law ebony.

On that night, the first to enter the wolf God tower was Yehong and other ancient Taoist warriors.

The wolf tower has the largest space on the bottom floor, and is also used as the venue for the dinner party.

A famous totem master himself served as a waiter, served tea and water and entertained each other.

At the top of the venue, there is a specially designed high chair for mother-in-law ebony, which is enough to prevent her from looking up at the guests.

At this time, the mother-in-law of ebony had already been dressed in full clothes, and was waiting for the crowd with a smile on the high chair.

Night Hong and others just sat down not long ago, and a group of people were introduced into the wolf God tower.

The number of visitors is large, and most of them are the faces of Li Jian country.

When Hiro saw Jackson and isiya in the team, he knew the identity of these people instantly.

They are all members of the FCI.

During the great turmoil in Antarctica, FCI, relying on its excellent business skills, explored and found out a lot of information about ghost animals.

The reason why mother-in-law ebony was able to lead people to hold back the beasts of the underworld and prevent them from returning to the Great Rift Valley also drew on this information.

The contribution of FCI is not small.

However, they seem to be dissatisfied with their own position. After Ye Hong and others, their faces stink and sit on one side.

Only Jackson and istia came to Yehong and other people with embarrassment and explained the reason.

FCI did not know where to find the existence of the mother beast. It was also looking for the trace of the mother animal, and even stepped into the Great Rift Valley.

It's just that unlike Yehong, who search from north to south, FCI searches from south to north.

Due to the progress is not as good as night Hong and others, finally had to be night Hong they beat the lead, killed the mother beast.

So this is the biggest reason why FCI members are upset. Watch it

"By the way, those three are the senior detectives leading the team this time."

Istia stealthily pointed to three people on the FCI side.

Two men and one woman should be over 50 years old.

At this time, he is looking at Yehong with cold eyes.

Maybe it's because Jackson and istia are too close to Ye Hong. A senior inspector said in a cold voice, "agent Jackson, agent istia, you are on business now. Don't get too close to people outside the organization!"

Istia stuck out her tongue and apologized with Jackson, "we're going back first."

See off two people, night Hong light swept a FCI group of people, eyes flash a trace of fun.

After the FCI, it was two inflamed people who came in.

Night Hong and others are slightly surprised, because the two people are the water Lingyun and Gu Ting that have not been seen for a long time.

The two ancient Taoists and Sha Wufeng have never contacted them since they parted ways.If they had not seen them here tonight, they would have thought they had returned home.

"Hehe, you are really talented in the ancient martial arts world.

According to the report of his subordinates, they have killed ten demon beasts at the leader level!

Such a strong man, of course, I would like to invite them together. "

Mother-in-law ebony looked at them admiringly.

And water Lingyun and Gu Ting a wolf into the tower, the face is quite ugly.

To be exact, this ugly look is aimed at Ye Hong and others.

And they did not come to night Hong this table, but to find a place for themselves.

There is a clear distinction between the two tables.

Night Hong a little inexplicable touched the nose, did not understand the attitude of these two people.

Before the last separation was just disdain, but this night Hong obviously felt the hatred without cover up.

Did you offend them again?

After that, there are professions such as psychics.

But after asho took Belle and others back to Xizhou, there were not many deities who came to the banquet today, nor did they see any experts.

It was the political leaders of all countries in Antarctica who finally entered.

Ye Hong's old friend, Ali Azi, foreign minister of Dawang, was also invited.

As one of the countries most seriously impacted by the netherworld, Dawang has suffered great damage this time.

It ended with the chaos of the underworld animals, and Dawang should be the happiest country.

However, Ali Azi didn't seem to have much joy on his face.

When he came to chat with him at night, he looked worried and said, "there are too many people gathering in Sandu now.

Too much to worry about.

And there is no shortage of key figures from different countries.

In case the hell beast comes back...

Ali Azi shook his head and sighed, "I hope I think too much."

Night Hongwei Leng.

I don't know why. I feel strange again.

Not long after that, mother-in-law ebony looked at the guests and cleared her throat. She seemed to be ready to say something.

But at this time, she was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Grandma ebony, I'm sorry to interrupt you.

But before the dinner, will you allow me to say a word first? "