Chapter 2431

First of all, the letter should be from southern Xinjiang. Yes, because it carries a unique local herbal flavor.

It must have been left on purpose.

And the person who signed it was Ma Zhen, the Pope of the seven poisons cult!

But Ma Zhen Ming died in the Ximen family in the chaos of Kyoto!

Ximen Qingcang, his most trusted master, is alive and refined in the big array of blood demons.

In other words, this letter may have been written in the name of Ma Zhen.

Maybe someone from the seven poisons cult, or someone else borrowed the knife of the seven poisons cult.

However, the content of the letter is the most important!

Grandfather ye Zhonglv left Longchi village a year ago to travel all over the country.

During this period, he also contacted his family, so Yehong knew that ye Zhonglv had indeed been to southern Xinjiang.

When night blade's team grew stronger, he also sent people to protect Zhong LV for the night.

But I don't know why, the strands can be lost.

This seemingly ordinary old man shows his unscientific anti tracking skills.

But when Yehong was ready to dispatch more elite night blade members, such bad news came!

At this moment, night Hong can't help but annoy his carelessness.

Knowing that the enemy would not let his family go, he did not expect that the night bell Lu, whose whereabouts became a mystery, became the first to be targeted.

It's no use blaming yourself now. The top priority is to rescue ye Zhonglv as soon as possible!

Since the other party dares to send this letter, it proves that night bell Lu is at least safe!

"Seven poisons cult!"

Night Hong gnashing teeth, the murderous spirit in the voice almost condenses into essence!

Looking at the front of the three virtuous assistants, night Hong voice condensed into a line: "how about the transfer of the people and horses?"

"Everything is ready," said the three

"Let's get started."

On this day, the night blade of HaiYe island was very sharp and poured out.

Destination, southern Xinjiang.

With the newly developed reconnaissance equipment, the night shadow team took the lead in entering Southern Xinjiang to investigate all information.

Night front team is responsible for secretly protecting the safety of night shadow team and cooperating with night shadow team to carry out special investigation.

Night research team in the rear to provide data support, and study all the data information from southern Xinjiang.

The night beast team, also with the night first class mastiff dog, as well as the night team of mechanical transformation beast and mechanical transformation hand, together into southern Xinjiang.

Don't forget that the first few members of this team were all the original seven poison sect members.

Now they have already returned to night blade, resources as a local guide, to provide each team with internal information of the seven poisons cult.

Bailu City provincial hall, white wolf special soldiers, also sent a small team, under the command of Yehong, together into southern Xinjiang.

The temple and the Yan group have transmitted all the data of Southern Xinjiang to HaiYe island.

Jin group is on standby at any time, ready to cooperate with night front for surprise attack.


the Yanwu army also sent special soldiers, led by Wu Yafeng, an old acquaintance of Yehong, to operate on the southern border of Xinjiang.

It can not only help the interior of Southern Xinjiang at any time, but also prevent the enemy from fleeing.

The Oriental family, Murong family, Huangfu family and other forces from all walks of life in Kyoto have taken action to provide assistance from all walks of life for Yehong.

Night owl group, Ancient Medical Association, shangmeng, Haishi... More and more forces related to Yehong joined the action.

Even in the remote southern Xinjiang, there are a group of people with totem on board the plane to Yan state.

All the resources in Yehong's hands are concentrated and running at full speed at this moment, pointing to the south of Xinjiang!

And Yehong himself, also wearing a silver mask, stepped into the area alone.

... the first machine fiction

Southern Xinjiang.

Three rivers and three seas are three natural protective lines.

Located in the south, the southern Xinjiang is not as cold as the western Xinjiang, nor is it full of deserts.

All kinds of precipitous peaks and ancient dense forests cover all parts of Southern Xinjiang.

It is because of such a special environment that many rare herbs have been cultivated on the land of Southern Xinjiang.

It was also for this reason that the general association of ancient physicians was established in Dongting Province, next door to southern Xinjiang.

But in such an environment, in addition to cultivating herbs, it can also cultivate poisonous weeds.

The poisonous gas from poisonous weeds condenses into various kinds of miasma in southern Xinjiang.

Toxic miasma is different in toxicity. The light one will hurt others, and the severe one will be fatal.

It is so dangerous that many foreigners who yearn for the environment of Southern Xinjiang are deterred.

Only the native people who live here all year round can adapt to this peculiar environment.

Seven poisons religion is a local sect with thousands of years of history.However, few people know that the original name of the seven poison sect is the seven medicine religion.

In ancient times, the seven medical sages set foot in southern Xinjiang and founded seven medical education together.

The initial purpose of creating education is to cultivate various herbs in southern Xinjiang, and to develop a good prescription to solve the disease.

But I don't know when the seven medicine education became the seven poison religion.

The purpose of creating education has been changed beyond recognition. From the medical education of saving people from medical diseases, it has become the poison teaching of drug manufacturing and harming people.

Only Yehong knew that this change was made after Ma Zhen, the leader of the seven poisons cult, took over.

MA Zhen, under the instruction of Ximen Qingcang, asked seven poison education to cooperate with nightmare factory to carry out toxin research!

Among them, Li Muya's mother, Lu daner's mother and panda's wife are all the victims of this study.

Because of the disappearance of night Zhong LV, Ye Hong always suspects that there is a shadow of nightmare factory behind it!


in the northeast of Southern Xinjiang, a small town close to Dongting province is called Dongnan town.

Although Southern Xinjiang is full of danger, there are also a few pleasant places to live in.

Dongnan town is one of them.

Many people who enter Southern Xinjiang from Dongting province will supply in Dongnan town.

At this time, Dongnan town seems to be in peace.

Those who sell antidotes, those who sell jungle survival tools and those who sell local products in southern Xinjiang are making a loud and noisy cry.

The guests were carefully selected in front of the stall, and the faces were tangled.

But under the calm, the undercurrent is turbulent.

Inside and outside the town, there are a pair of vigilant eyes, staring at any one who comes and goes.

The owner of these eyes is called night blade.

Located in a small house in the north of town, there is a young man in blue cloth trousers and a green head kerchief.

This kind of dress up, you can see the southern Xinjiang aborigines.

At this time, he was tied up in all kinds of colors and looked at a group of strong men in black in horror.

"What are you going to do?"

No one paid any attention to him. The cold look made the young man more and more uneasy.

In particular, the strong man with a cap, his eyes are not scattered a bandit, but also let him feel like a needle.

Before long, the door of the hut was pushed open.

A handsome young man in black stepped into the house slowly.

This young man seems to contain the heaven and earth, full of unspeakable temperament.

It's like the son of God in the sky.

The bound youngsters are not ashamed of themselves.

Night Hong silently looked at the young man on the ground, facing the thunder son beside him and asked, "is that him?"