Chapter 2485

The blockade of medical supplies exposed van's sinister intentions.

Ye Hong does not know whether there are other forces behind the Vatican, but this person has been added to the blacklist.

Now let him hop around and get rid of him.

Fortunately, there is always sunshine in the haze.

Under this level of blockade, aid materials from one country broke through the blockade and entered the inflamed country smoothly.

This country is called Cherry Blossom country.

At the meeting of the commercial alliance, the merchant envoy of Sakura Kingdom criticized the chief Brahma for his desire to indulge his heart and waste his life, which caused a great uproar at the meeting.

Not only that, but also gathered the business forces of Sakura Kingdom, ignoring the Vatican's blockade order, they sent medical supplies to the city of egret in the burning state.

On the outside of each box of goods and materials are pasted with flaming poems.

Such as [mountains and rivers in foreign lands, wind and moon in the same day. ]

it's also like [no clothes, clothes with the son. ]

another example is that when the snow melts in Liaohe River, the flowers in Fushan are blooming, and we are all looking forward to spring. ]

or [the green hills are the same as the clouds and rain, and the moon has never been two townships. ]

every poem expresses the blessing of the people of Cherry Blossom country to the people affected by the disaster, which makes the people of inflammatory country very moved.

In the second blue star war decades ago, the two countries were hostile.

The people of the two countries have gradually understood that the war has not come over for decades.

The main culprit is those warmongers with ulterior motives.

In recent years, the relations between the two countries have been developing in a positive direction, and people to people exchanges have been increasing day by day.

In particular, this time, the righteous aid has made the people of the inflamed country know what it means to see a true friend in need.

Sakura's just actions have inspired many other countries.

Under the leadership of the moon watching glass, many countries' business circles have followed suit and made concerted efforts to break through the blockade of commercial alliance.

The high-level of the commercial alliance was alarmed to find that the situation in the past has disappeared.

In particular, the popularity among the people of various countries has been in a slump.

It can be said that stealing chicken will not make rice.

When the country's biggest competitor, Li Jian Guo, also announced the dispatch of a team of medical rescue experts, the headquarters of the commercial League finally realized that the blockade could not be maintained.

They have paid a high price for offending an injured country.

Now, with a strong and powerful country at the top of the sun, as long as the business alliance is not a fool, it will not be iron.

With the lifting of the blockade, all kinds of medical supplies have been flowing into the country.

The spread of the epidemic has finally slowed down slightly.

Egret City, city hall, medical supplies reception, night Hong after a long time to see the moon glass.

"Ye Hongjun, long time no see.

I invited you so many times that I didn't have time to visit Cherry Blossom country. I had no choice but to come to Yan country to reminisce about the past. "

Moon glass covered his mouth and half joked.

She was wearing the pink cherry blossom Tang suit she had seen for the first time.

Chic figure, seems to be thinner than last time.

In temperament, she has cultivated a unique style of strong woman because of her acting as the envoy of Jin Shang.

However, she still retains the unique gentleness of women in Cherry Blossom country, and her speech and behavior make people feel like spring breeze.

Yehong naturally apologized.

He also wanted to take his relatives and friends to see that beautiful country.

But the life that can revolve, make him really can't spare a bit of leisure.

After some kind of greetings, the moon glass face suddenly a Su, solemnly reminded: "this time, the Yan state disaster, Li Jian country can be a spectator.". 94 good book website

But they sent a team of medical rescue experts...

I guess there is something fishy in it. You should be careful. "

Night Hong is also put away smile, agreed to nod.

This act of strengthening the country is indeed unreasonable.

After all, the more serious the damage is, the more stable their blue star hegemony is.

However, this time the expert team from Lijian country went straight to the most serious disaster in Central Plains Province, which made Yehong not have time to investigate the team.

The sudden outbreak of the epidemic in southern Xinjiang.

The biggest impact is not on the vast and sparsely populated Southern Xinjiang, nor is it the Dongting province next door to which there are ancient doctors' associations.

But Dongting province to the north, located in the central part of the Central Plains province!

Central Plains province is the transportation center of Yan state, extending in all directions and connecting various regions.

The number of people coming and going is the largest in China.

Because of this, the spread speed of virus epidemic in Zhongyuan province is the fastest.

Now, the expert team of Lijian country goes straight to Central Plains Province, and Yehong can understand it.

It's just the weird feeling in my heart, but I can't get rid of it.

When Yehong was thinking about whether to go to the Central Plains Province in person, someone gave him an opportunity.Almost in the reception after the moon glass party on the same day, Tang Mingxi found Ye Hong.

Tang Mingxi, the Tang family of Heluo City, Central Plains province.

Tang family is the largest ancient clan in Heluo city and even in Central Plains province.

It is also a famous Confucian family in the whole literary world.

The Tang family is most famous for their terrible learning ability.

From ancient times to the present, from the imperial examination to the college entrance examination, the Tang family always occupy the number one place in the Central Plains province.

One day with the Tang family, it is impossible for the top names in the whole Central Plains province not to be surnamed Tang.

Only in the last college entrance examination, Tang Mingxi, as a genius of the Tang family, was robbed of the honor of No.1 in the college entrance examination by Ye Hong.

At first, with the attitude of observing her opponents, she came to Jiangda like a gamble, and registered for the same department of archaeology as Yehong, in the same class.

Even because of changing the gender of the data, he is still Yehong's roommate in name.

Later, Tang Mingxi found the gap between himself and Yehong, but he did not engage in academic entanglement.

Instead, he joined Yehong's prehistoric civilization research laboratory to help study ancient civilization.

At that time night Hong busy, in order to let Tang Mingxi help take over the position of monitor, but agreed to her a condition.

Today's Tang Mingxi is to let Yehong fulfill this condition.

Tang Mingxi today did not wear the usual men's ancient clothes, but the unprecedented restoration of her daughter's body.

A waterfall like green silk fell from the brim of the hat and nestled gently on both sides of the show shoulder.

The tight jeans make her long and straight legs.

But similar to before, she always wears a thick Plush coat.

It's just a beige down jacket.

But even if a modern dress up, still can not cover up Tang Mingxi engraved in the bone of the Confucian ancient rhyme.

Night Hong or for the first time to see such a dress Tang Mingxi, surprised to find that in appearance and temperament is not lost to his side of the beauties.

Just looking at Tang Mingxi face rare trance look, night Hong found something wrong.

After questioning, Tang Mingxi sighed.

"My contact with the Tang family has been interrupted somehow.

There should be something wrong with the Tang family. "