Chapter 2602

Wu Qing's idea is extremely risky.

In such a situation that defense is too late, she even wants to fight back?!

If it was not for the title of vice president hanging on her head, the players on the wall would not pay attention to her.

But this kind of adventure, if successful, will bring huge benefits.

So Wu Qing called on him to join a team of volunteers on the wall.

"Everybody, follow me!"

Wu Qing, dressed in battle armour, is valiant and valiant.

The sword in hand points to the sky, and the murderous spirit soars into the sky!

Under her leadership, the counterattack team immediately jumped down from the north wall and charged towards the xiangoucheng army on the opposite side!

At this time, in the center of the fairy dog army, in a safe area surrounded by a big shield, there is a young man overlooking the war.

He had a heroic face and a great figure.

All dressed in luxury equipment, it flickers with fairy light.

It's like the son of a God favored by heaven.

He is the commander of the xiangoucheng army who planned the night attack - ID: [Xiaotian]!

Xiaotian looked at the sharp knife team that broke into his own army and said with disdain: "do you want to disperse our army and delay the support force of Crane City?


"Come on, send out the immortals who are good at cursing immortals, and trap them for me!"

Xiao Tian waved and gave orders.

Then there was a gloomy team, approaching the team led by Wu Qing.

Wu Xian's bad breath came to Wu's body.

"No, it's a curse!"

Wu Qing's heart sank, only feel the hands and feet of the moment slow a lot.

Although these cursed immortal martial arts can't cause too much damage, they instantly reduce the momentum of the counterattack team.

The so-called one-step, and then decline, three and exhausted.

Under the curse of the team, suddenly such as mire, advance and retreat slowly.

Only a few breaths, there will be a large army of fairy dogs surrounded.

Counterattack team, in danger!

This scene, see the northern wall of the Crane City players is the morale of a big cut.

The mood of despair, gradually diffuse in everyone's heart.

At this time, a heroic woman in gold armor suddenly stepped on the wall.

A red cloak moves against the wind, which makes it look like a heroine of war.

The beautiful face is like a frosted one, with a cool and proud temperament.


Seeing the woman appear, the people present seemed to have a backbone in general, all excited.

This woman is the president of the sword crane army Association - ID: [Wu Xian]!

And her real name is this!

Wu Xian, in the name of immortals, is not arrogant.

And she herself has not insulted the name.

As the 25th daughter of Wu Jian, the king of swords and cranes, Wu Xian has amazing cultivation talents since she was born.

All the way to practice is like opening a plug-in.

At the age of 20, he had already surpassed the second elder brother of the family, only slightly inferior to the eldest son.

Although she is a commoner, she is deeply loved by the sword crane fairy king.

When Wu Xian was twenty-three years old, the king of sword and crane gave Wu Xian the position of chairman of sword crane army, which is crucial in the game world.

Wu Xian did not live up to his expectations. He took the sword and crane army to fight down the crane city in front of him. First Literature Network

Therefore, in the whole crane city, Wu Xian's prestige ranks second, and no one dares to rank first!

"What's wrong? Listen to me

Wu Xian's voice is full of anger and dryness, but it is more of a sudden killing!

"All the immortals in the city are divided into three teams according to their strength!

The immortals below level 20 defend in front, while those in level 20-30 are pinned down on the side. The elite immortals above level 30 follow me around and raid!

I'm going to let these northern dogs come back and never come back! "

The orderly orders were passed on quickly.

All the players were divided into three teams according to Wu Xian's instructions.

Just when Wu Xian was ready to take the team out, a player of the sword crane army worried and asked, "president, vice president Wu Qing is still surrounded by the enemy. Shall we go to rescue him?"

"No Wu Xian said indifferently: "he doesn't weigh his own strength. He takes his subordinates together with him with a cavity of warm blood.

Now she is trapped in the enemy's siege, and she is responsible for it.

Such an irresponsible commander must make her suffer well

As a sister, Wu Xian said so. Of course, other people dare not speak any more. They can only pray for Wu Qing's peace in their hearts.

Because of Wu Xian's command, the attack and defense in the north of the city was temporarily deadlocked.But we can still see from the details that the army of fairy dogs still has the upper hand.

At this time, Xiaotian looked at the secret report from the traitors in the city, raised his mouth high and said sarcastically: "do you want to take people around the rear of our army?

In this case, I'll give you a gift to meet Wu Xian!

Ha ha ha

When the whole battlefield was in full swing, no one found that there were four figures also quietly came to the edge of the battlefield.

"Brother ye, do we really want to join the battlefield?"

"Yes, I heard that I would lose a lot of experience after I died in the battlefield!"

Lin Le, Cheng Hu and Qiao Yun hid behind the grass and watched the battlefield with fear.

The flying gunfire made the three rookies pale.

They can't help admiring the psychological quality of night Hong, but they don't change their face.

Worthy of being a disciple of xuanbing Xianjun!

But where did they know that ye Hong was the commander-in-chief of the thousand people war.

And the original battle with the fifth family must be the scene in front of that called a pediatrician.

There are two main purposes for Yehong to lurk into the battlefield with a few rookies.

One is Wu Qing, surrounded by the army of fairy dogs.

Just now Wu Xian's impassioned words were heard by Yehong.

Wu Xian's indifference makes Yehong feel sorry for Wu Qinglai.

What's more, he and Wu Qing still have some friendship, can't sit back and watch her in danger.

But the most important purpose is to upgrade!

As the trio said, dying on the battlefield does cost a lot of experience.

If you can kill the enemy, you can still gain rich experience!

This huge amount of experience is far from comparable to those little monsters in the wilderness.

For Yehong, because they were in the city of crane before, they were judged as the enemy when the Xiangou army launched the siege.

In short, now as long as you kill the enemy of Xiangou army, you can get rich experience reward!

It is because of this, night Hong will take three people to risk the battlefield.

However, there were only four of them. Facing the thousands of troops facing them, there was only one way to die.

Strong attack is not reliable, only by wisdom!

"Next, you follow my instructions..."

after a whisper, there are four more sneaky figures on the periphery of the battlefield.