Chapter 2615

"Ding! Trigger the master level arm strength, trigger the master level foot strength, trigger the master level grip strength, trigger the master level waist force, trigger the master level gun knowledge, trigger... "

Yehong is like a machine incarnating all parts of his body.

When all the strength concentrated on the right hand, the nine foot ice gun suddenly flew to the sky.

Focus on it and explode!

This is the secret of "immortal night"!

This move, when the beginning of the first move to stab the fifth Jun's Fairy night, reappear in another world!

In addition to the ice colored spear, the translucent black light suddenly appeared.

That is the color of the breath that belongs to night Hong alone!

Just as the sky is like a bright and dark night sky, with a deep but not exposed killing machine!

Although the night dragon is not around at this time, the ice gun thrown out by Yehong in the air is not weaker than the night dragon at all!

The crane and the big element of light fight on the air battlefield, suddenly flew into a black line.

It's like a sharp blade that splits heaven and earth, and makes the air tremble.

Both sides of the battlefield were attracted by the fast flying ice guns in the sky.

Shouts of surprise came from the battlefield.

The translucent black, as if to absorb all the light between heaven and earth.

Even if the people are still standing on the ground, there is a kind of horror to be sucked away at any time.

This kind of horror, there is no stronger than standing beside Night Hong Wu Xian induction!

She tightly covered her chest, and her willow eyebrows wrinkled into a Sichuan character.

The sense of depression constantly spread out in his heart made Wu Xian feel dizzy in the past.

She stares at night Hong, and there is only one voice in her heart.

"What kind of move is that?"

And Wu Xian has the same shock, is the opposite of yotecris.

The sense of pressure from the ice gun made yotechris tremble.

That kind of shock to the soul, just like an apprentice who just learned the art of gun, met a master of gun art face-to-face!

This shot, though not yet near, had already virtually destroyed the pride in yotechris's heart.

His face turned white, trembling voice command: "bright big element rhinoceros, hit it for me!"

The rhinoceros roars at the sky, releasing invisible air waves that directly open the clouds.

The silver moon emerged from behind the clouds and projected on everyone in the crane city.

I don't know when, both sides of the war have stopped, staring at the air.

Even the NPCs who had been ordered to hide very early also quietly went out of the room, holding their breath and staring at the air battlefield together.

In the eyes of the public, the top four horns of the big rhinoceros are all lit up.

The light, which represents the four elements, converges in an instant and forms a ball shape at the top of the four corners.

"Roar --"

is another roar, just like the order to fire a gun.

Four different colors of light ball, bang a few toward the oncoming ice gun hit!


Night Hongyao to see the sky, face with evil intention, sound like ice!

As soon as the voice fell, there was a clear sound in the sky.

The ice gun went through the first ball of light!

"Break it for me again!"



Several times in succession, the ice gun was like a pair of scissors, tearing everything in front of him.

The light balls that caused Wu Xian a lot of trouble were like a piece of paper as thin as a cicada's wing in front of the ice gun with 250 times penetration effect.

Vulnerable! Friends Library

The big rhinoceros obviously didn't expect that their proudest four elements combo was so fragile that he immediately widened his copper bell like eyes.

And the ice gun will not give the big rhinoceros time to be shocked!

Through the void, he broke the ice gun of the big rhinoceros and landed on the big rhinoceros without accident.

The first point of collision is the four long horns on the top of the big rhinoceros!

However, what makes the rhinoceros full of fear is that the four most solid things in its whole body can not resist the ice gun!

In a flash, the four long horns broke apart under the impact of the ice gun.

After an earth shaking wail, the ice gun went on, through, and then through... Until it penetrated the body of the big rhinoceros!

Bright big element rhinoceros that huge body, suddenly rigid in the air.

All the people on the earth are also staring at each other and dare not make any noise.

Between heaven and earth, a strange silence.

"Boom -"

the deafening explosion came from the sky.

The body of the big rhinoceros exploded, splashing out translucent black light.Suddenly, the cold air burst, mixed with the flesh and blood of the big rhinoceros, as if under a scarlet ice rain between heaven and earth.

Weird, killing!

The protoss army was dull, and there was a nervous sound of swallowing.

As gods of the protoss, only they know the strength of the big elemental rhinoceros of light.

That's yotechris did a hundred rings of continuous mission, just won the strong war favorite.

With a lot of resources poured into yotecris, the rhinoceros, the big element of light, has been smashed to level 60 or above.

Its real combat power is not inferior to a king and God level strong!

But such a huge object was blasted by a gun!

If the shot was on them...

the protoss trembled and could not imagine the cruel and miserable picture.

One by one, he turned his head and looked at the young man named the night of the end of Yan with fear and awe.

The shot that shocked the soul was thrown by him!

Contrary to the reaction of the protoss army, it was the humans on the side of crane city.

After a brief shock, they burst into heartfelt cheers!

Then Qi Qi looked to night Hong.

It's just that compared with the fearless eyes of the protoss, the human side is more fanatical and worship!

They suddenly recalled what they had said on the main city channel.

"In the end of the night, he is a miracle making monster!"

Now, we finally have a unified resonance with this.

Yes, the night is a monster!

But no one will refuse such a "monster" to stand on their side!

Such "monsters" will only make their own people feel at ease and make the enemy afraid!

Wu Xian looked at the sword in his hand with a complicated look.

This sword, which she was proud of, was like scrap iron in her eyes at this time.

In front of that terrible shot, can you hold your sword for more than a second?

Wu Xian has never been so confident in himself as he is now.

She knew that she would dream of that sleepless ice spear for many nights!

But how could Wu Xian's confidence be defeated, and how could he be compared with yotechris, who was full of grief and indignation?

There's a gun coming out from the opposite side. My favorite has been seconds. What can I say?

This is the true portrayal of yotecris at this time!

Looking at the bright big element rhinoceros with no residue left, yotecris admits his life and sighs, and he already has a choice in his heart.