Chapter 2694

"Boss, there is a beautiful woman looking for you outside the door!"

Shouhu has not yet opened the door, he winks at night Hong.

"Don't make a fuss. Open the door first."

Night Hong although also full of doubt, but still frown reprimand.

After opening the door, there was a man standing outside the door that night Hong had never expected.

In other words, one cannot be regarded as human existence.

Although she is human in appearance, she is a beautiful woman.

The woman who appeared suddenly was the woman with yellow dress in the room when she was in the first round of the astrometry hall.

As a part of the test, but night Hong recognized the identity of its robot.

At the same time, she is the most human like robot Yehong has ever seen.

The skin, the manner, the body movement... Everything is so lifelike, almost can be confused with the true.

It's no wonder Shouhu will admit his mistake.

Fillon's mother had already gone to rest because of her poor health.

As for two dogs, it seems that they have gone to the back garden of the villa, and they are probably spoiling some flowers and plants.

At this time, Gongsun Yang and Fei long, who were in the living room, looked at each other with a strange look like Shouhu.

Although they were used to the amazing peach blossom luck of Yehong, they did not expect that on the first day of their visit to Zhaoxing academy, there would be another woman immediately.

Only Tao Yao was stunned and exclaimed, "how could you... Be here?"


Night Hong heard Tao Gu's address to her, and his head was in a mess.

Why does Tao Gu use this kind of honorific title to a test robot?

At this time, the woman at the door also has action.

Standing outside the door, she said with a smile, "Mr. Ye, I said in the test that whoever can answer my questions is the master of my house.

Mr. Ye is the only one who answers. Therefore, I will be Mr. night's maid as soon as I fulfill my promise. "

Night Hong suddenly speechless.

During the day, however, he casually returned to the woman's two questions.

But he never linked the two things together, and never greedy for other people's bodies!

But Fei long, Shou Hu and Gong Sun Yang were stunned.

Where is this to throw oneself in the arms to give a hug, special what is simply sell oneself for slave!

Night Hong some headache ground pinches the eyebrow heart: "this little sister, do you have a name?"

If you don't think it's a good name to change it to the master at any time

Gongsun Yang and his three were numb.

Good guy, last second or Mr. night, now directly call ye Hong master!

"That... Seventeen..." Yehong tried to put his disordered thoughts back on track, sighed: "you have your own life, and I have my own life.

Maybe we can be friends, master or servant or whatever...

Yehong is really headache.

A person who is not familiar with suddenly wants to be a maid for himself, it is difficult not to let Night Hong become suspicious.

What's more, star 17's body is still a highly intelligent robot.

Who knows if she's a Spy Robot someone sent to lurk around her?

"My life is to serve the master."

Star 17 one face firm way.

However, the more she is like this, the more headache Ye Hong has.

"Ah Hong, you promise her."

Tao Gu did not know when to go to night Hong side, a face serious way. Good novel

The degree of seriousness even exceeded the appearance when Yehong accepted the Golden Lion eggs at that time.

Night Hong heart suddenly moved, pretending to be helpless: "in this case, seventeen you first live here."

"Yes, master."

Star 17 walked into the villa, glanced at the surrounding environment, and inquired toward Yehong: "master, there should be no one to check in for more than 45 days, seven hours and three minutes.

I'll help you clean up the dust here. Do you think it's ok? "

Night Hong a bit numb nod.

In my heart, I called out to be abnormal.

It is worthy of being a robot, and it can be accurate to this degree.

Star seventeen carried her skirt and went upstairs.

The rest of them began to pick up their rooms.

But night Hong is to pull Tao Gu aside, doubt asked: "in the end what is going on?"

"We have to mention a legend about the yellow skirt female ghost in Zhaoxing Academy...

tao yao looked serious, but he was interrupted by Ye Hong at the beginning:" I have read this story, but isn't that bullshit?

Don't tell me, you can't see star seventeen is a robot? ""No, that story is not all false."

Tao Gu looks up at the ceiling, his eyes are far away, as if he is recalling something.

"Zhaoxing academy has a long history, and there are many legends left here to record.

But most of the legends, as you say, are nonsense.

But the legend of the yellow dress ghost has been seen by many people with their own eyes

Tao yao stopped and took a careful look at the upstairs. After confirming that star 17 had not come down, he continued: "of course, the protagonist of the legend of female ghosts is star 17.

No one remembers when star 17 appeared in Zhaoxing Academy.

But since she appeared, strange things happened frequently in the school.

During this period, some students covet star 17's beauty and want to belittle her.

But as soon as those students got close to star 17, they would show a strange and absurd look on the spot.

For example, slapping yourself in the face, yelling at yourself as a fool, such as...

in short, none of them is normal.

Those students all guessed that it was star seventeen who played the ghost, so they began to make up the legend of the yellow skirt ghost, and turned the stigma of star 17 into a fox like existence.

Star seventeen did not care, living freely in Zhaoxing Academy.

Listening to lectures, basking in the sun and doing whatever you want to do has become a special existence of Zhaoxing Academy.

However, what she likes most is to go to the star survey center and give problems to those students who apply for the exam... "

hearing this, Ye Hong also knows why she met star 17.

But for the star 17 body strange ability, night Hong also temporarily can't see through.

It's no wonder that she's not even a ghost.

"But why do you want me to stay with such an evil person?"

Night Hong rolled his white eyes and asked.

"Fool! As you can see, star 17 is not a witch at all, but a robot with some advanced intelligence.

If you have her by your side, you will have a fearsome talisman. Who dares to trouble you in Zhaoxing Academy in the future

Tao Gu was scolded, but night Hong was not angry, but suddenly realized.

At this time, star seventeen also slowly walked down from the upstairs.

She did not know when to change her pale yellow dress into a black and white maid skirt.

The maid's skirt is just right to show the figure of star 17.

A soft with a seductive temptation, from her body constantly send out.

She stood at the foot of the stairs and naturally waved to Yehong: "master, it's time to take a bath. Let me serve you to wash it."