Chapter 2701

"Ghost dog, make you arrogant, did not expect that we moved to rescue soldiers so soon?"

In the crowd, the three boys yelled at the abyss.

"And you, get away from Xuemei quickly!"

This word, is to night Hong shout.

Night Hong also really want to stay away from these two troublemakers, but it is not the way to go on like this.

If you don't want to be affected frequently in the future, the most effective way is to make your name in Zhaoxing academy!

When others are afraid of themselves, they don't dare to challenge them!

But did not wait for night Hong to start, but found the opposite group of students face a little strange.

In panic, with uneasiness.

Night Hong heart move, immediately judge the source of their uneasiness.

Look at seventeen.

Sure enough, suddenly some people in the crowd turned around and left without saying a word.

The three students didn't know what had happened, and they were confused.

At this time, a person in the crowd showed flattery and smile at Star 17, bent down and apologized: "Granny star 17, we have nothing to do with the three of them, don't misunderstand ha!"

With that, he left in a hurry.

In the end, there were only three boys who looked at each other.

Night Hong's attention has not been in those three people's body, but looks strange looking at Star 17.

After all, it is strange that such a young beauty is called grandma in person.

Although star seventeen may be old enough to be their grandmother.

However, star 17 seems to have no sense of this address. Instead, she points to three boys and tilts his head and asks, "master, do you want to teach them a lesson?"

Three boys shivered.

"Seventeen elder sister, how can such a trifle bother you?"

Ming Yuan patted his chest and said, "give it to me!"

Night Hong instantly rolled a white eye.

Well, just left called grandma, this is more called elder sister head.

The strange charm of star 17 is beyond description.

On the other side, the Ming Yuan called out his own minions.

Needless to say, the three boys were beaten by fat.

Until night Hong and others left, three boys this just face black and blue to stand up.

"Damn it, isn't it a maid? What is the big guy afraid of?"

Three boys have heard the legend of the yellow skirt ghost, but they scoff at it.

So they don't understand why their helpers are so afraid of star 17.

"They must have been too counselled

"Let's look for more reliable help."

"This place, we must find it back!"

Together, they came up with an idea.


located in the "eastern hemisphere" area of Zhaoxing academy, there is a huge manor.

On the magnificent iron gate is a statue of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This manor is the dormitories of the students in the longxingxue hall.

Other students passing by will show envy and admiration towards them.

After all, those who can live in it are the most powerful male elites in Zhaoxing Academy.

Three boys, now also came to the manor inside.

In one room, they were looking respectfully at a student in a chair.

The student had a short inch and was wearing only a vest, showing his strong muscles. Imperial Library

All over the body with a strong and intrepid temperament.

"So, are you here to ask me to teach two freshmen a lesson?"

The short inch student looked at the materials in his hand, and said with no expression: "this abyss is also from the Dragon Star School. It's not easy to deal with him.

The student named Yehong is a good student.

Let's start with Yehong. "

"Well..." the short inch student handed his student card forward and said coldly, "pay me the points first."

Although the three students are full of pain, they still take out their student cards and mark the points to the short inch students.

"Don't worry, I'm absolutely reliable!

The new student named Yehong, I'm sure I beat him to the point where his mother doesn't know him. Let's take a good breath for you

The short inch student said with a grim smile.


after leaving from the drinking star restaurant, Yehong knew that purple Scorpion was assigned to fengxingxue hall during the examination.

But purple scorpion and Ming Yuan know that night Hongjin is the back of the Academy of stars. After staying for a long time, they suddenly burst out laughing.

Obviously, they did not think that ye Hong, who never suffered a loss, actually suffered such a big loss in the entrance examination.

Let Ye Hong feel lucky that the purple scorpion has no head fever, but also moves with the Ming Yuan to be Yehong's neighbor.Otherwise Night Hong will have to move out of the plan.

Of course, these two guys still don't give up their obsession with the fairies of time and space. If they have the chance, they will set up the words of night Hong.

Night Hong certainly won't be cheated, but also quite headache.

The heart is to make up one's mind, or use less fat in the future, so as not to attract any strange guy.


after nightfall, Yehong did not read the book brought back from the guanshuge.

After dinner, the first thing he did was to go to the school intranet and search for some information.

Zhaoxing Academy's Intranet has some secret information that can't be searched outside.

During the day, Yehong was curious about the anomalies of star 17.

In the evening, I found the information I wanted.

"Mechanical Plateau..."

looking at the computer screen, Yehong's eyes twinkle.

Among the seven ancient regions, Xianyu, Shenyu, Shenyu, Xueyu, guhuang Valley, mechanical plateau, and meteorite ruins...

among them, the mechanical plateau in the north is a very special place.

In that extremely oxygen deficient environment, the living race is called the mechanical race.

Although the mechanical family is similar to robot, it has higher intelligence.

The plateau, where other races are hard to survive, is a paradise for mechanical people.

In the mechanical plateau, the mechanical family has its own unique civilization.

They also have their own emperors, which is one of the seven emperors mentioned in the novel.

In the same way, different from general robots, the mechanical family can practice to strengthen themselves.

And according to the strength level, corresponding to level 1-20, the immortal in the human, the God in the protoss, and the mechanical clan are [bronze armor].

In this way, the equivalent of the great immortal and the great God is silver armor.

What is equivalent to the famous immortal and the public God is Jinjia.

The equivalent of Zhanxian and Wangshen is Dijia.

"Tianjia" is the equivalent of a deity and an emperor.

What is equivalent to the Immortal King and the divine king is "Jia Jun".

The top of the list, of course, is the machine emperor juxtaposed with the Immortal Emperor.

The data also showed that the mechanical family also absorbed ancient gas, but it could be transformed into an energy called "machine source" in the body.

Moreover, the machine source can be stored in the machine family.

That is to say, even in the nine immortal seal environment, the mechanical family will not be restricted!