Chapter 2875

Greece is a very magical country.

In the glorious age of the war god religion, the war god was the master of this country.

Since the war god made florone die and the war god religion declined, the kingdom of Greece fell into a state of division.

Each big city is divided by the powerful.

In fact, there is a king in the kingdom of Herodian.

It is just that this king is usually a diplomatic puppet pushed to the table by the great religions.

Except for some public affairs, the king has no right to intervene in the core affairs.

And if the Shinto cult is powerful in Xizhou tonight, and it is the largest one in the kingdom of sidian, the king will also submit to it.

On this day, the king sent a message to the night God Temple, informing the special envoy of the state of Gran that he was going to visit the temple.

It seems to be for the meteorite and the miracle in the sky a few days ago.

After receiving this news, ananketo immediately told Yehong.

Hearing this news, Yehong inevitably recalled his experience in Gran last year.

The land area of gran is small, but its comprehensive national strength is the first in Xizhou.

This island country, which was founded on the sunflower Island, had conquered one country after another with a powerful fleet hundreds of years ago.

Because the conquered territory spanned four continents, the kingdom of Gran was also known as the sun never sets.

Even the country of Lijian, which was at the height of the sun, was once trampled and crushed by the state of Gran.

It is also because of this period of history that today's Lijian people still speak the Galan language.

Moreover, it is also the most extensive language in the four continents.

Today, although the sun never sets and the glory of the kingdom of God is not there, the status of Gran in the hearts of the people of Xizhou is still as high as ever.

It was a time last year that Yehong played a match with the Phoenix rose team in the capital of Glasgow.

However, what Yehong first recalled was the girl she met on the coast of the sun never setting -

the girl kneeling in front of the goddess of the sea to pray in the middle of the night.

The queen daughter of the royal family of Gran.

One year after another, I don't know how she is now...

on that day, a team of luxury motorcade came to Shenchi city.

Every car in the fleet is a vintage.

This kind of old car is out of print now and has no market in Xizhou.

And can luxury to this as a team, can only be the largest family in the west continent, the Windsor family where the grand King's room is located.

This convoy is the special envoy team sent by the state of Gran to visit the night temple.

Because the night God Temple is located on the holy mountain, so the motorcade can only stop at the foot of the sacred mountain, and the people inside are ready to walk up the mountain.

One soldier after another came down from the convoy and escorted one of the vehicles in the middle of the convoy.

These soldiers, dressed in red and wearing white plume hats, are the world-famous royal guards of Gran.

The whole body of the protected car is golden, and the carriage presents a round arc angle, like a retro golden carriage.

After the chariot opened, a young man and a girl came down from the car.

The girl has blue hair and blue eyes, which are rare in Glasgow people. She is wearing a navy blue dress, which is like a delicate doll.

But the girl's eyes seem to hide tired, a listless look.

The young man, with blonde hair and blue eyes and a straight figure, is a very standard model of Glasgow.

He looked at the mountain impatiently, frowned and said, "this night, the God taught me to be impolite. He didn't even have a person to meet him, so he didn't pay attention to my Gran King's room?"

The girl didn't speak, but looked up at the night God on the top of the mountain.

In the eyes, with recollection and missing.

It's like suddenly back to that night. Niuba literature website

The girl praying alone by the sea meets a young magician from the mysterious oriental burning country.

"You, who are you?"

"Don't be afraid. I'm a magician."

"Magician? Why is the magician here? "

"Silly girl, it is because I am a magician that I can come here.

If my magic didn't work, you think the guards would let me in? "

"Since you say you are a magician, show me a magic proof!

If you can't perform, I'm going to call the guards

"No problem. ]

["Mr. magician, what kind of magic is this?"

"This ball is...

it's called" I'll break it from your fancy. "

"Ah?" ]

["Mr. magician, you haven't said your name yet?""Night God." ]

images of the past, such as movie clips, flash through your mind.

The young man's face slowly overlapped with the night god statue on the holy mountain.

"Night God..."

the blue haired girl murmured to herself.

The young blonde seemed to notice the blue haired girl's anomaly, and turned around and sneered: "lalani, you don't think of that [Mr. magician] again?

The Royal Guard has already made clear that there is not a magician surnamed night in Yan state.

I see, you've been cheated by cheaters.

There are a lot of swindlers in Yan country

He shook his head and said, "I don't know what the night God cult is thinking. We don't believe so many gods in Xizhou, but we believe in an Oriental God."

The blue haired girl frowned in displeasure. However, there was a sense of authority on her immature face: "brother CROM, as the crown prince, you should not have such regional prejudice.

Otherwise, your people will look at you with colored glasses in the future.

What's more, the latest research shows that the fraud rate of the people in inflammations is decreasing year by year, but the fraud rate of Glasgow is increasing day by day. "

The young man, known as CROM, flashed into anger: "lalani, I am the crown prince. Do you need to teach me?

You'd better study how I deal with foreign affairs, and help me well in the future. Don't tell me what to do! "

Then he snorted coldly.

With the royal guards, he took the lead in setting foot on the holy mountain.

The blue haired girl shook her head, her eyes full of worry.


when they got to the middle of the mountain, they saw that huge meteorite on the sea on the mountainside hanging platform, and they were stunned.

In the face of this situation, Klum looked scornful: "what kind of bad luck has this country taken? Meteorites are in favor of it?

Gods like this are supposed to be in our country. "

The blue haired girl shook her head again, her eyes full of disappointment.

After that, the mission finally arrived in front of the temple at the top of the mountain.

The sight of the temple gate made CROM explode again.

He looked at the empty door with a gloomy face: "is there any king's room in the eyes of the night God cult? Is that how we receive us?"