Chapter 2906

In front of the crowd was a huge rectangular stone wall.

It is about 100 meters high and 200 meters across.

The stone wall is pure white, which seems to be of the same material as the ancient stone platform at the foot.

In the dark underground world, shining bright light.

But such a huge stone wall is filled with a whole mural.

The lower part of the mural is a scarred planet.

According to some features of the planet, it is the blue star that is right.

At this time, the blue star is missing a piece in the East and a corner in the west, as if it could be broken into pieces all over the sky at any time.

Looking at such a blue star, night Hong heart suddenly a tremor.

If we didn't stop the runaway meteorite from hitting the blue star, would the mural in front of you be a true portrayal of the blue star?

My eyes move to the upper part of the mural, where there is a huge white Kun hanging in the air.

Yehong's eyes flashed again, because this huge white Kun is obviously the same as the mural on the underground of the Yan ancient palace.

It's the one that looks like fat.

And sure enough, on the back of the huge white Kun, you can still see the mysterious man in black.

However, compared with the murals under the yangu palace, the black robed man at this time was holding three holy law bone tools.

Besides Gu Gong, there are also Gu Sheng and Gu Qin, which ye Hong has never seen before.

Is this the other two of the six sacred laws mentioned by Xuanyuan?

In the mural, the black robed man holding three holy law bone tools aims at the blue star.

It seems that there is a solemn and desolate heavy feeling from the mural head-on.

Everyone's mood, at this moment, has become depressed.

"What on earth is this..."

the Ming Yuan looked up at the huge mural with a dull look and muttered to himself.

"Good question!" Xuanyuan snapped his finger, pointed to the mural and said, "this is my masterpiece - [creation mural].

What's up, isn't it

The original solemn and sacred atmosphere was broken by Xuanyuan's words.

It seems that as long as the thought of such a magnificent mural is from the hands of this wretched old man, people have a feeling that they want to spit out the overnight meal.

However, Yehong's focus is on what is the connection between this mural and what Xuanyuan wants to say?

"Look at the murals. Who is the man in black?" Xuanyuan asked, pointing to the black robed man on the mural.

"I know it's the creator emperor!"

Li man simply raised his hand and seemed to have taken a gentle archaeological course.

"The little girl is quick to respond." Xuanyuan praised li man.

Before Li Man's mouth smile completely revealed, Xuanyuan's words turned: "however, you are wrong."

Li Man's head immediately drooped down.

"I don't blame you. After all, most of the world knows that the great power that created the ancient world is the emperor of creation.

But how many people know who is the great power that created the new territories? "

Xuanyuan looked up at the black man in the mural and sighed.

Everyone was stunned.

The new territories are blue stars.

11000 years ago, the blue star suffered a great disaster, so the emperor of creation left the blue star with his ancestors, and created the ancient world, so that the blue star blood was not cut off.

After that, the blue star returned to normal and gave birth to new life.

And ten thousand years ago, after the ancestors returned from the ancient world, the old and the new fought fiercely.

Yehong is more familiar with this period of history than anyone else.

Yehong always believed that the one who let Blue Star return to normal was also the creator emperor.

Just listen to Xuanyuan, it seems that is not the case?

At this time, Xuanyuan continued: "in fact, the great power that created the ancient world is the emperor of creation. Sister Literature Network

There are others who can create the new territories.

Its name is....

Xuanyuan looked up at the mural and said solemnly: "the emperor of creation."

At that moment, the mural seems to have a sense.

The white light trembles, with the contents of the mural flickering.

It was as if the scene inside suddenly moved.

There are only four big words left in people's minds.

King of creation!

Similar to the creator emperor, there is only one word difference.

One creation, one creation.

Both of them are dressed in black robes.

At this moment, Yehong understood why the black robed people in the murals gave him different feelings.

Because it is two different existence!

The one who holds the bone Cuan, the bone Xiao and the bone bell is the emperor of creation.

The one who holds Gugong, GUSHENG and Guqin is the emperor of creation.In addition, the mount of the two emperors is also different.

The king of creation rode a dragon that was similar to aohe.

The king of creation rode a huge white Kun similar to fat.

Yehong finally understood why the ancient artifact was called the path of creation.

The secret path to the creation!

Maybe that ancient artifact was probably made by the creator Emperor himself, so there is no relevant record of meteorite clan.

So here's the question.

What is Xuanyuan in the same dress as the two emperors?

When hearing Ye Hong's question, Xuanyuan was stunned at first, and then burst into laughter: "you don't always regard me as two holy emperors, do you?"

He raised his black robe and scoffed: "I admire the two emperors, so it's not good to learn how to dress and dress up?

Why, you young people are allowed to play Cosplay? "

The night Hongdun was so angry that he choked out a mouthful of old blood.

Did for a long time, before to Xuanyuan's identity guess, is in the waste of emotion?

When night Hong is depressed, Xuanyuan is impatient: "you boy, be quiet, don't interrupt me."

He reorganized his language and said slowly, "the reason why I brought you here is not only to let you know the existence of the great creator, but also to tell you what use these three holy laws have."

He pointed to the bone Gong, bone Sheng and Guqin held by the emperor of creation on the mural: "these three pieces are the part of the elixir of the holy law.

But you should not hear the word "extermination" and think it is something evil.

In fact, creation and destruction are two sides.

There is no ordinary creation in the world, only the inheritance of the original ecology or destruction and reconstruction.

It's just like the birth of life by the combination of parents in the Terran family, just like the reincarnation of meteorite eggs in the meteorite clan...

people only think that Xuanyuan's words contain the wisdom of the world, and all their attention is attracted to the past.

Xuanyuan stopped for a while and continued: "similarly, the same is true of destruction.

In some cases, destruction lays the foundation for creation. "

He pointed to the mural and said, "11000 years ago, the blue star suffered a great prehistoric disaster and was nearly destroyed.

In that case, the blue star is irreparable.

So the creator emperor and the creator emperor hit it off and launched a cross star cooperation.

The two adults used the three elixirs of the holy law bone utensils, namely bone Gong, bone Sheng and bone Qin, to completely erase the old blue star.

And in the universe, we created two worlds with the other three creation saints, bone Cuan, bone Xiao and bone Gong.

That is, the old and the new territories now! "