Chapter 2948

The thunderbolt looked down at the little seal at his feet, and his eyes kept turning.

"Since Ye Hong is going to trap me again, I'll make a plan!

Raise this baby seal into my hands and let him kill Yehong for me

"Hum, how clever I am."

Thunderbolt was proud of himself, and his eyes softened a lot.

At this time, the little seal is desperate.

When he saw that such a powerful spirit as Thunderbolt was locked on the island, he immediately cut off all thoughts of resistance.

When Hong threw him to thunderbolt at night, he felt that he would be eaten immediately.

However, to his surprise, the powerful evil spirit did not swallow him.

Looking at his eyes, even with tenderness.


What the hell?

Is this evil spirit Master interested in us?

But the elder is public, we are also boy paper!

The next moment, the little seal suddenly reacts.

He completely wanted to understand that ye Hong didn't want to kill him, but let him learn from this evil spirit Master!

In other words, Yehong found him a strong master.

At the thought of this, the little seal was greatly moved and tears appeared in his eyes.

Thunderbolt saw tears in his eyes and thought he was wronged.

He patted the little seal on the shoulder and whispered in his ear, "don't worry, I'll help you."

The thunderbolt didn't finish.

The words that didn't finish were: "I will help you deal with Yehong!"

He believes the little seal can understand.

The little seal got it.

This is a good master. He cares about him so much!

The heart is more moved.

Ye Hong doesn't know that two evil spirits beside him have made up two big plays in his mind.

His idea of throwing the baby seal to thunderbolt was simple, purely because he was too lazy to care.

The so-called villains still need to be treated by evil people, and evil spirits also need to be managed by evil spirits.

Throw the baby seal to thunderbolt, and he will soon be honest.

"But it's strange that little seals call you all the time. Do you have a name?"

Ye Hong asked.

The seal shakes its head.

One side of the red jade explained: "the little boy is just born, not long ago, should not have a name."

Ye Hong nodded, touched his chin and looked at the round body of the little seal. His eyes lit up and said, "if you are so round, call you ball ball!"

Little seal... No... the ball ball is moved in the heart, facing the night HONGNA head and then worship.

He swore to himself that he would never fail to live up to the master's expectation.

In the future, we must learn from the master and repay this great kindness in the future!

Thunderbolt looked at the seal's movement and nodded to himself.

I know how to paralyze the enemy at a young age. I have great potential!

And Yehong, who solved the matter, finally drove the lion king cidao back to HaiYe island.

When the Lion King magnetic island came to shore, it also caused waves of wonder on the sea night island.

One by one, I visited the island curiously.

For these mortals, thunderbolt just lies on the ground and sleeps, and his eyelids are too lazy to open.

If it wasn't for Yehong's procedural restrictions, he would have devoured this group of people.

The ball, on the other hand, wags its tail and looks at these people curiously.

Lovely appearance, caused many women to visit.

Thunderbolt raised his eyelids slightly, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "remember these people, and have time to 'treat' them well!"

Naturally, the hospitality he said was not well intentioned. TXT novel

But the simple ball obviously misunderstood.

Hearing the thunderbolt, he nodded hard.

Heart way: these people are the master of the master's friends, must be well entertained!

So he wagged his tail more diligently.

When a group of people boarded the island for a visit, Yehong was able to find the team leaders of Yeren.

At the same time, there are Pu Yunyue and the song sisters.

He will be found in the devil's triangle, all told the public.

When the public learned that the missing list of Pu Changyong and Lin Yulu two people, all shocked.

Among them, Pu Yunyue, the granddaughter of Pu Changyong, and the song sisters, the daughter of Lin Yulu, are the most excited.

The sisters' Association of the Song family is a little better, but it confirms the conjecture in my heart.

But Pu Yun Yue was excited to tears.

"I thought my grandfather had already..."

she wiped her tears and said incoherently to Yehong: "store manager, I don't know what to say...

Yehong calmed Pu Yunyue, who was very excited, and said to her," do you have any Keepsake from master Pu? "There are jade bracelets provided by sisters of the Song family over there.

In Pu Changyong's words, Yehong has only the nine flavor star spoon used by Pu Changyong, which is one of the four wonders of immortal kitchen.

But immortal kitchen four unique meaning is extraordinary, cannot take out easily, therefore Night Hong just has this one question.

"Yes, yes, I'll go back to my hometown immediately to get it!"

Pu Yunyue nods hard!

After that day, the search team outside, in addition to the holy law, had another task.

That is to find the whereabouts of Lin Yulu and Pu Changyong.

However, half a month later, there is still no clue.

Song sisters and Pu Yunyue don't say that, but their mood is getting heavier and heavier day by day.

Yehong's power radiates from four continents, covering almost half of the blue stars, but even two people can't be found.

It's so hard that they can only think about the bad.

For example, they had already passed away from the world...

just at this time, a message came back from the team responsible for searching for the direction of Southern Xinjiang.

"The southern countries changed?"

Night Hong looks at the intelligence on the hand, eyebrow tiny frown.

It is mentioned in the intelligence that the top ten countries in the south of the country, led by India, seem to be very dishonest recently.

A large number of soldiers and horses gathered at the border of Yan state, which obviously has a unique plan.

Soon, the temple also consulted Yehong on this matter.

Night Hong thought that he would go to visit his old friend in southern Xinjiang, so he told the temple of his intention.

The temple was relieved.

With Yeh Hong's current strength, not to mention the top 10 countries, 100 countries jointly attack, they are not worried.

Yehong left to make arrangements and left for Southern Xinjiang alone.

At this time, on the territory of India, opposite the southern border, there were large armies United.

The team of thousands of people is vast.

Among these thousands of people, there are practitioners from India, Sava, Cambodia, Malaysia and so on!

But it was two burning people who led thousands of practitioners.

The two men, one in the middle school and one in the youth, are like a father and son.

At this time, the father and son are standing in front of the army of practitioners, giving a generous speech!

"You must all know that the rising trend of Yan state's cultivation world is as fierce as a hurricane.

If this trend is not curbed, there will be only one voice of Yan state in the future!

Tell me, can you bear it? "


Thousands of people roared.

The father of the father and son nodded with satisfaction and laughed: "in this case, let me Shangguan Shaolong and my son Shangguan WangXuan take you to the realm of Yan state cultivation!

Our first battle is to exterminate the seven medical schools in southern Xinjiang! "