Chapter 3018

The people of the five guilds, however, did not understand that there was a person who was constantly bleeding at this time.

In the town of sea night, Huli pulled up a group of clothes from his chest and put them into his mouth.

Only in this way, it seemed, could the pain in Huli's heart be contained a little.

His teeth clenched, his eyes as if he had mad cow disease, staring at the city walls of those city defense artillery.

Each shell went out as if it had taken a piece of Hooley's heart.

"It's all money! It's my hard earned money! "

"Yehong, you bastard, I'll spare no effort to help you defend the city. If you don't make up for me, I'll fight with you!"

In HaiYe Town, players of night blade guild looked at Huli's shaking body and couldn't help sympathizing with him.

At the same time, the impression of Huli has changed dramatically.

The Iron Rooster, who is always in the middle of the day, has made unreserved contributions to the great right and wrong!

But they also understood that Hooley alone could not stop the thousands of troops outside.

After all, the number of city defense artillery is limited, and it can't defend 360 degrees without dead angle.

As long as the five guilds outside know how to change the array and attack the defensive dead corner of the city defense artillery, the role of the city defense artillery will be greatly reduced.

Maybe I heard the voice of the members of the nightblade guild, or I was beaten to open my mind. The five big guilds outside really changed their formation.

Originally crowded together, the crowd began to disperse and attack in different directions of HaiYe town.

Fortunately, the commanders of the nightblade guild are also prepared for this situation.

"The night fighter team will be on standby for a rest, and the night beast team will launch a surprise attack!"

A new order spread all over the night blade guild.

Since the night of the Hongye, the game has been created.

Therefore, in the guild, there are also different teams of players, such as the night plane team and the night beast team.

And the night beast team here is not as embarrassed as blue star's night beast team.

Because of the environmental problems, blue star, no matter how fierce the beast, can not be the opponent of practitioners.

Therefore, the fierce beasts raised by the night beast team can't be sent to the front line most of the time, and their more tasks are to assist other night blade teams in their operations.

The night beast team in the nightblade guild is the opposite.

In the night blade guild, the night beast team can rank in the top three!

There are all kinds of monsters in the field, because the deer are full of all kinds of powerful monsters.

Many monsters, beasts, the strength is even stronger than the players.

The night blade guild took those monsters as spiritual pets and established a powerful night beast team.

The most important thing is that Yehong has a reincarnation secret place that can continuously breed dinosaur spirits!

And a secret place of Caiguang lake, where powerful Lake animals are constantly breeding!

The spirit pet born in the two secret places also enhanced the overall strength of the night beast team.

Now, it's time to test the fighting power of the night beast team!

In the amazement expression of the five guild players, a large number of huge spiritual pets suddenly poured out from the sea night town.

It was like a group of wolves rushing into the sheep and stirring up the people and horses of the five major guilds.

"How could that be possible?! How can the player's strength level of nightblade guild be so high? "

The lonely moon in the distance almost had a heart attack.

He finally changed the attack policy. He never thought that the night blade guild still had this hand!

Although the number of those pet is not large, but the strength is quite strong.

"It's said that the night blade guild holds several secret places, and they must be the products of secret places.

It would be great if our guild could also have this kind of secret place...

Leng Yue looked enviously at those spiritual pets who ran rampant in their own ranks.

"Is Laozi here to listen to your praise?! Try to find a way

The lonely moon is angry to spray cold moon a face saliva.

Lengyue wiped her saliva on her face and said, "don't worry about the president. I have a plan to deal with it. Come and see the book

Although they are powerful, they are few in number.

We just need to send the elite teams of various guilds to stop the spirit pet.

At that time, other teams will be able to make a direct attack on the Yellow Dragon! "

"Why don't you do it now?" Gu Yue slapped the head after the cold month.

Cold moon turned her lips and passed the order to the other four guilds.

Then, the five guilds changed again.

The elite of each guild went towards the night beast team of the night blade guild.

The other teams continued to march towards HaiYe town.

But at this time in the sea night Town, Lin Le Cheng Hu and other high-level commanders still did not panic.They just smile with deep meaning.

"The other side is really in the game."

"Brothers and sisters, the decisive moment is coming!"

"We have to prove to the president that we have the ability to guard the night blade!"

"Night front team, move out!"

Night front team, in the night blade of blue star, is the most powerful elite blade team in the whole night blade.

This is especially true in the nightblade guild.

In this night front team, there are some of the most powerful players in the nightblade guild.

And hold back for a long time, they finally wait for the order to move out!

This order, I saw a commotion in the rear of the five guilds.

The players of the major guilds were horrified to find that the ambush of the night blade guild appeared strangely in the rear area where their defense was the weakest!

Before the war, they didn't expect that the night blade guild with only a few hundred people could send out men and horses to ambush in advance!

No, to be exact, the nightblade guild has the courage to ambush 5000 people in a small team that talks about dozens of people!

Who gave them courage?!

The answer, of course, is Yehong!

Every player in the nightblade guild has thoroughly implemented Yehong's "Tao"!

It's also the way that ye Hong created by himself!

The outline of night Wuxian Jue can be summed up in two words.

Complex and simple.

Complex is to accommodate all things, simple is fixed-point explosion!

Can be simplified to simplify, and can be simplified to complex!

To win more with less is to win over complexity with simplicity!

Now these suddenly appear a small number of ambush, of course, is the elite of the night blade Association - night front team!

They should tell the five guilds a truth with their practical actions!

Dozens of people can block thousands of troops!

With a sharp knife, you can also get what you want!

And their goal is the high-level guild in the rear of each guild!

The so-called "kill the enemy first, kill the general, take the array first, take the commander.".

When the general falls down, no matter how many people there are in the five guilds, they are just a bunch of headless flies.

This is the strategy of the nightblade Association.

To attract the night beast team, the other side's elite lure out.

The real elite of the night blade guild will take the opportunity to behead!

As soon as the ambush of the front team appeared that night, it was easy to scream after the big guilds.

The five guild armies that were attacking the city ahead also looked back in horror.