Chapter 3035

It's a deer chasing place, southwest.

Because the Western Shenyu Dojo and the southwest Orc Dojo, most of the players coming in from this direction are from these two races.

Whether in reality or in the game, there is a strong feud between the Protoss and the orcs.

Now the deer play in the same world.

According to the rules of the land of chasing deer, the more resources you get to the center, the more rewards you can get.

But the more to the center, the more powerful the branch of the monster, not every player can move forward smoothly.

Players with average strength can only hover on the edge of the land of chasing deer.

However, such a player is the existence of the largest number of games.

Resources are limited, but players are constantly pouring in, which has caused more and more disputes.

In a sensitive place like Southwest, there are two Dojo players in constant friction.

Players on both sides of the original across a river, tacit understanding toward the center of the deer.

However, during this period, we don't know who provoked first and then got out of hand.

On the way, there are players across the river attack.

On the west side of the river, protoss players are concentrated.

A handsome protoss player is leading his guild along the river bank.

Not only did the orc players on the opposite side dare not look directly at each other, but even the protoss players did not dare to approach them easily.

Because this guild is a famous Protoss guild in the whole world of chasing deer!

And their president is the same famous genius in Swire technology - yotecris!

It can be said that Archaean deities are the only Protoss crocodile on this whole route.

Yotecris, on the other hand, is a fierce tiger that no one dares to provoke.

But on the south side of the river, ORC players happen to have a similar presence.

It was a player guild made up of a large number of scarlet clans. It was also known among orcs as "the rise of the scarlet ball.".

Their president was a young scarlet with a human head and other parts much like gorillas.

Strong as steel like body, such as a mobile armored vehicle general, so that the surrounding Orc players fear.

This young man of the scarlet race is called "scarlet", and is already a famous fierce character among the young talents of the orcs.

The rising society of scarlet ball led by him has been the king and overlord of the orc Taoism all the year round.

On the way forward, Taikoo deity and the rising of scarlet ball are naturally on guard against each other.

However, because the leaders of the two sides were not interested in fighting, no one under his leadership dared to lead the way and keep peace by tacit understanding.

But no one knows. At this time, yotecris and scarcher are as miserable as eating flies.

Because they all thought that no strong enemy would take such a remote route with themselves.

Unfortunately, the two guilds hit the car directly across the river bank.

Although the two sides can exercise restraint at present, disputes will arise sooner or later with more and more abundant resources.

At this time, a player suddenly called out: "there is movement in the river!"

The sound attracted the attention of all players on both sides of the river.

In people's sight, only to see some small eddies in the middle of the river began to appear.

Looking at those small eddies, players on both sides are not afraid, but excited.

After entering the deer hunting ground for several days, they were very clear about what the scene in front of them meant.

"The lava fish is coming out!"

Each player can't resist the impulse, but at the same time they are warily staring at other players nearby. Play novel net

The so-called magma fish, is a kind of deer chasing land resources, usually randomly produced in the water.

Different types of lava fish can also exchange different rewards.

Just like a few days ago, someone caught a magmatic crucian carp and changed a mysterious treasure on the spot, which made other players look very red.

At this moment, the advancing players stopped and headed for the middle of the river.

On both sides of the river bank, the Archaean deity and the rising of the scarlet ball naturally saw this scene.

However, they did not rush to grab like ordinary players, but quietly stopped in place.

The presidents of the two sides, yotecris and scarcher, looked at each other impassively across the river bank.

"Mr. scarlet, why don't you take your people down the river?

A guild as poor as you should be in need of those lava fish? "

Yotecris spoke sarcastically.

The protoss players under their hands are all laughing with cooperation.

Scarlet's eyes were slightly cold, and he retorted, "yotechris, don't laugh at me for 50 steps.Are you sure you don't have the confidence to steal resources from other Protoss guilds to come to this remote place?

I have pity on you today. I will give you some resources, and I will kneel down to thank you, my grandfather of the scarlet clan? "

Scarlet's a wonderful counterattack, of course, also let the people under the hand laugh loudly.

"Damn chimpanzee, you're looking for death!"

"White dog, you can see the real chapter with your fist. Don't bark here!"

"Fight as soon as possible. Who is afraid of whom?"

The tension over the past few days was finally ignited today.

And in the two sides ready to start, the temperature around the sudden rapid rise.

"The lava fish is out!"

Some players make a surprise sound.

In the middle of the river, a red fish was spewing out of those eddies.

However, the fish appeared for a short time, and then fell back to the bottom of the river in a few seconds, turning into a red shadow and disappeared.

These are the so-called magma fish!

Players are in a hurry, quickly take out tools to catch those lava fish.

Players on both sides of the river are busy jumping up and down in the middle of the river. Suddenly, a player points to the river under his feet and shouts: "how can the river suddenly become so red?"

The rest of the players were stunned, looked down, and found that the river under his feet suddenly changed in the direction of deep red.

Not only that, but also bubbling bubbles.

The whole river seems to be boiling water.

And these players are the dishes in the boiling water!

"No! It's magma mutation! "

A lot of players make a sound of panic.

Magma mutation is a unique phenomenon in the place of chasing deer.

When a large number of magma resources are gathered together, it will lead to magma convergence, resulting in a phenomenon similar to volcanic eruption.

This is magma mutation!

For players, the magma mutation is the biggest natural disaster in Daochang.

The most important point, the player who died of magma mutation will lose all the gains in the land of chasing deer!

So when the players in the river found that the situation was not strong, they did not dare to catch fish any more, and fled to the river bank!