Chapter 3114

"Forty two years ago, a sensation happened in Xianyu Xiandu.

Yes, it's the famous battle of the emperor's top.

After that war, Zuo Mie defeated the former Xianhuang, that is, the head of the fifth family, and took away his emperor's heart bone and became a new Immortal Emperor.

Since then, the fifth family was forced to leave Xianyu and mysteriously disappeared. "

Gentle as if back to the school when the appearance, such as lectures will tell the history of that period.

Night Hong was silent and waited patiently.

He knew that gentleness would never be for the sake of saying things that are well known to all.

Sure enough.

"But what the world doesn't know is that the fifth family was attacked on the way from Xianyu.

Yes, it was the sea of nightmares that attacked the fifth family. "

Night Hong heart suddenly a tight, busy asked: "the result?"

He gently shook his head: "as a consultant of the fifth family, I did not withdraw from Xianyu with my family at that time, but was ordered to stay in Xiandu by the patriarch.

I was not at the scene at the time of the attack.

Only through the investigation of the traces on the scene, it is determined that the culprit of the attack is mengyan sea.

So I don't know how many casualties the family took in that attack and where they ended up going.

After that attack, I lost contact with the whole family.

Until one day later... "

he gently stopped and said with recollection:" when the patriarch took his family out of Xianyu, he gave me the order to watch a person in Xiandu.

That man is Zuo Mie.

Because the original patriarch had already suspected that there was a shadow of nightmare sea behind Zuo Mie.

You've seen mengyan Hai's inhumane way of doing things, so even if the patriarch had been taken away from the throne of the Immortal Emperor, mengyanhai would probably have driven out the patriarch and the fifth family.

That's one of the reasons why I was able to tell so quickly that the nightmare sea attacked the family

Speaking of this, gentleness sighed again: "after losing contact with the family, I followed the last instruction of the patriarch and monitored Zuo Mie in Xiandu.

At the same time, they are also searching for family information.

Until one day, I suddenly received a message from the patriarch

"Is that the former Immortal Emperor?" Ye Hong asked.

"Yes, he is." Gently nodding his head, "that message, did not say too much, just gave me a command.

The order was to let me join the anti immortal sect hidden in Zhaoxing academy, and help the anti immortal sect start to overthrow Zuo Mie's rule.

That's why I'm in Zhaoxing Academy. "

"But..." she said with a wry smile: "I joined the anti immortal sect, and then I knew that even my master, yuedao Xiange, was also among them.

From then on, I realized that the anti immortal sect was probably an organization set up by loyal officials of the fifth family to fight against Taiyi Xianzong.

And the patriarch must be in a certain place secretly layout, by the hand of the anti immortal sect, and Zuo Mie separated from the game.

Therefore, I just need to follow the instructions of the patriarch and assist the anti immortal sect.

It's a pity that he still can't fight against Zuo Mie... "

" the head of the fifth family, the former leader of Taiyi Xianzong, the former Xianhuang... "

murmured in his mind, and he could not help but imagine the image of a subjugated emperor who was tolerant and insidious.

In the case of the throne being seized, the family destroyed and the tiger's downfall, he still did not give up, but he was also a character.

"Do you remember the last time I suddenly left Hanshan pass and came to the snow field?" Gentle asked again.

Night Hong nods. Fire book

It is because of this, let him have a thorn in his heart.

"In fact, on that occasion, I also received the instruction from the patriarch, asking me to meet him in the snow field.

But I don't know why, after I arrived in the snow field, the patriarch did not appear.

But coincidentally, let me find out the news of this life.

So I understood that the patriarch probably wanted to tell me the information of the holy law bone in this way

This gentle words, but let night Hongda surprise.

It turns out that the news of the holy law and bone utensils was indirectly disclosed to gentleness by the former Emperor.

But why did he do it?

Is it difficult...

Night Hong's heart suddenly jumps.

"Yes, the patriarch is for you." Gentle looking at night Hong, deep voice way.

"Ha?" Ye Hong's face is blank.

"More than that, including this war, the patriarch and his family seemed to have anticipated it.

I really knew about the action of the anti immortal sect in the snow region for a long time, but the patriarch sent another order, specially told me that I could not disclose the information of the anti immortal sect to you.I think the patriarch is probably tempering you

"Temper?" There are more question marks on Yehong's head. "I am not related to the former Emperor. Why does he temper me?"

Who ever wanted to hear this, gentle but a hook in the corner of the mouth, with a mysterious smile: "you have a good idea, you and the patriarch are really not related?"

"What do you mean?" Night Hong immediately frowned.

"Let me remind you a little bit." Gentle mouth smile is with a trace of teasing, "Xianzong Saint daughter, is the patriarch of his own daughter."

Night Hong pupil Mou suddenly shrinks.

Xianzong Saint daughter, of course, is his grandmother, the fifth Mo Han of Taiyi Xianzong saint!

In other words, the former Emperor was his great grandfather??!!

However, the next second night Hong on the reaction, he can never and gentle said he and the relationship between the saint!

"Well, don't keep hiding." Seeing Yehong's face changed, she shook her head and laughed, "forty two years ago, only the lady saint and her party had been to the new territories.

Combined with your age, it's easy to guess that the grandmother you're looking for is the virgin. "

Night Hong slightly embarrassed to scratch the nose, do not know what to say.

Indeed, it is time to find out the truth with gentle wisdom after being with gentleness for so long.

"So you mean that the former Emperor knows about my relationship with him?" Night Hong facial expression complex asks a way.

If gentleness didn't cheat him, he would have another family member in the ancient world.

As a matter of fact, Yehong's grandmother should have been a saint of Taiyi Xianzong. She was not a general family member.

But he didn't think that his grandmother's family background was even more amazing than he imagined.

She is the daughter of the former Immortal Emperor!

Night Hong suddenly secretly sighed.

If there was nothing wrong with the fifth family, he would have been half a royal descendant.

With the status and power of the fifth family at that time, Yehong didn't say that he was walking in Xianyu, at least he was a group of people in the top circle.

It's a pity that before Yehong enjoys that kind of life, he has already been destroyed by Zuo Mie and nightmare sea.

Think of here, night Hong for left Mie and nightmare sea will be more than a few points can not explain the road unclear resentment.

But he soon put away his disordered mood and listened to the gentle answer carefully.