Chapter 3146

That night, fox crisp how how how to cry out several times, this just in the night Hong's patient explanation, gradually accepted his identity.

It's just that once in a while, I'll have a hard face.

In the night Hong curious questioning, she was frank, but worried about whether she could continue to be the front desk of the hotel.

Night Hong was dumbfounded, and a white Nine Tailed Fox was so angry that it almost jumped out of the body.

"How come you don't want to go to the hall?"

Outside the door, the Ming Yuan and others are still squatting stealthily as in the daytime.

"Night brother and crisp girl have been in the room all day. I guess they have all the children?"

"Worthy of being a master, it's really fierce!"

Just in the eyes of a few about to kill, Ming Yuan and Zhou Hao immediately shut their mouths wisely.

Ono first glared at Mingyuan and Zhou Hao, then turned to the five meteorite cats and whispered, "you all stay inside during the day. Have you found out what they are doing

The naked words made Li Man's face red.

Xiaoyou is a crooked head with a blank face.

Pulling laliman's sleeve, he asked, "sister Xiaoman, what's the matter of shame?"

Li Man's face became more red, and he hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

Ming Yuan and Zhou Hao are happy, just want to explain two sentences, but meet the eyes of Xiaoyou, which is as clear as spring, but how are they all embarrassed to speak.

On the other side, five meteorite cats, you look at me, I look at you, as if they have reached some kind of tacit agreement and shake their heads together.

During the day, they were not enchanted, but also saw the appearance of foxin and heard those conversations.

But night Hong had an account, let them strictly confidential.

Although their minds were similar to those of five or six year olds, they also vaguely knew how important things happened during the day.

Nature is to firmly abide by the night Hong's orders, do not reveal a bit of information.

"Lonely men and few women, can you really calm down to discuss cultivation?"

The little wild fox looked at the door of the room suspiciously.

"Ono, let's leave here. Yehong is not the kind of person we think."

Although Ono still doesn't believe it, li man sees the reaction of the five meteorite cats with a big sigh of relief, and tries to persuade Ono.

Ono skimmed his mouth, in fact, also worried about his behavior will let Night Hong unhappy, nodded, ready to leave.

Although Ming Yuan and Zhou Hao wanted to continue to gossip, they were dragged away.

Not long after they left, the two figures came to the door.

These two men are both fox men.

A handsome and elegant young man, dressed in a bamboo robe, with a green cloud and jade belt around his waist, looks like a scholar coming out of the painting.

Another middle-aged fox is a cold face, sharp eyes, and exudes a strong breath.

The handsome young man looks at the door, reaches out his hand to knock on the door, but hesitates in mid air.

Murmured to himself: "what if the king didn't feel the smell of the fox emperor's ancestors during the day?

What if the ancestors of the fox Emperor didn't want to be disturbed? "

But at this time, the room is spread out a clear in the young voice: "two outside the door, have been standing, legs are not acid?"

The young and middle-aged people of the fox nationality are stunned at the same time.

That Fox middle-aged thick eyebrows wrinkled, eyes cold electric flicker.

However, the young man was surprised and murmured: "how can it be a man...

but no matter what, he still knocked on the door:" under [Huzhu], sensing the smell of old people, so I would like to come to the door, and I hope to see you. " Biqu Pavilion

"Creak" a sound, the door was pulled from the inside.

The face of a celebrity teenager appears in front of two fox men.

A pair of deep eyes, a light floating look at them.

As if there is a faint smile, in which a flash.

For some reason, both of them have a feeling of being pierced.

The young man who called himself Huzhu was surprised because he had not felt it for a long time.

"This boy is not simple!"

An idea, instantly in the heart of Hu Zhu.

And that Fox middle-aged is cold eyes looking at the youth, eyes with warning color.

"Come in."

The Terran boy slouched into the door.

Fox middle-aged eyebrows wrinkled, mouth slightly open, it seems to attack.

But the fox bamboo on one side is stretched out his hand to stop him, and said with a light smile: "this young man is not simple, can't be rude."

Fox middle-aged do not agree with the airway: "an ordinary human just, where is not simple?"

"The king asked you, did you feel a human being in the room just now?"

Hu Zhu just lightly asked a sentence, then walked into the room.The middle-aged of the fox nationality was stunned for a long time, and then frowned to keep up.

In the room, Yehong did not entertain the two fox people, but looked at them with a mysterious smile.

In fact, before they entered the door, Yehong knew what they were coming for.

Because an animal emperor has already told Yehong their identity.

The young man, whose pseudonym is Huzhu, is the leader of today's Fox King tribe.

As for the middle-aged Hu nationality, he must be the close bodyguard commander around Hu Yuzhu.

Name words, fox Su Su do not know, night Hong also lazy to understand.

He knew that Hu Su intended to hide himself, so he would never meet Hu Yuzhu.

Therefore, Yehong knew that Hu Yuzhu would surely fail today, so he watched with interest, with a trace of evil taste, and was ready to appreciate how his royal highness, Hu Wang, who was visiting in a humble suit, would eat the shriveled food later.

At this time, Hu Yu bamboo is the whole person standing in the middle, lenglengleng looking at the fox crisp.

The mouth subconsciously murmured: "how only 7 levels..."

Night Hong heard this sentence, almost couldn't help laughing.

Before the complete integration of Hu Su Su and Hu Su Su, the body strength of Hu Su Su naturally will not change.

When Hu Yuzhu found out that his ancestor of the emperor of beasts was just a little rookie of level 7, his heart would certainly collapse.

Although Hu Su Su contains most of the memory of foxin, it is not fully accepted and digested.

A lot of memories, in her mind, were still paste like.

Although Hu Su recognized Hu Yu bamboo, Hu Su Su didn't know it.

Just by Fox Yu bamboo straight look at, let her subconsciously feel a burst of discomfort.

In particular, after hearing Hu Yuzhu's words, he was even more unconvinced: "what's wrong with level 7? This is what I have worked hard for

She ran to Yehong unhappily and pointed to Hu Yu Zhu and said, "Mr. Ye, why do you want to let such an impolite guy come in? Shall we drive him out?"


The middle-aged of the fox nationality can't help but shout!