Chapter 3232

"boy, hold on to me and invite you to have a big meal back home!"

The old voice, like a fuzzy cigarette wadding into the ears of night Hong.

It's the voice of Yu deaf, Xianjun and Laoyu!

Yehong knew how strong the sound shielding ability of the giant spoon on his head was, so he immediately understood that Laoyu had used some means to send the sound in.

"Lao Yu..."

Yehong moved himself, then closed his eyes and continued to listen.

What attracted his attention just now was not Lao Yu's voice.

It's a dragon song full of majesty!

"Ang -"

the resounding sound of dragon chant echoes in Yehong's mind, and instantly puts together the last piece of puzzle with missing perception!

"Yes, it's the dragon!"

Night Hong's eyes are shining like two stars.

Of course, he remembered that the sound of dragon chanting was Lao Yu's means, that is, the Yulong Xianwu he had seen in Yulong Xianfu.

Night Hong has always been hard to forget that the goldfish leaped up into a golden dragon shock scene.

Fish leaping over the dragon's gate, turning fan into an immortal!

Isn't this an act of breaking through barriers?

It is with a dragon chant that instantly complements Yehong's perception.

As before several times, the blood in the body began to turn into a big river, rolling!

From the body transpiration of white fog, around Night Hong side.

And in the white fog, there is a faint black air winding.

That's just the evil Qi forced from the body together!

However, it is this evil spirit that makes the white fog present a motley color.

One black and one white two forces, like two giant wrist breaking, pull each other in night Hong's body.

Night Hong with eyes closed, eyebrows deep wrinkled.

If it was just evil Qi, it would have been forced out by him.

But there are evil spirits in the body!

Under the control of the heart demons, those demons are dead pressing the normal breath in Yehong's body, and don't give Yehong the chance to break through!

Night Hong clenched his teeth, trying to think how to deal with the demons.

And this kind of time, night Hong side actually has other people to worry about him.

At night Hong's waist, there is a row of ancient artifacts and ancient evil pendant.

The Jiudeng monk, who is located in the Haoshan Houzhong pendant, looks at his head with worry: "Yehong little friend..."

once Yehong loses control of his body, he will be in danger.

However, such things as heart demons can only be dealt with by Ye Hong himself, and outsiders can't get in.

"Unless someone can create an opportunity for me to make a breakthrough in the evil spirit that envelops Ye Hong's little friend..."

the old monk of Jiudeng talks to himself like this and shakes his head.

Who can help at this time?

Also located in the waist of Yehong, another ancient artifact, Shiwang cidao, two black shadows floating in the air are staring at the sky.

A lion and a seal are the evil spirit thunderbolt of the evil lion magnetic island and the evil spirit ball of the evil water magic knife.

After Yehong restored the evil lion magnetic island to the Lion King magnetic island, the evil spirit thunderbolt has been kept in this place.

As for the ball later captured by Yehong, it was thrown to thunderbolt by Yehong as an apprentice.

Once upon a time, thunderbolt changed the method of abetting the ball, intending to use the simplicity of the ball to help him escape.

However, Ye Hong had little intention of using the lion king cidao in ordinary days, which made their two evil spirits such as two ornaments useless.

Day by day waiting, also let thunderbolt more and more despair.

On the contrary, it's the little seal ball, who lives here carefree. The first Chinese website

But today, thunderbolt found the perfect time to get out of this cage!

Evil spirit!

He found a lot of evil Qi!

And those evil Qi also penetrated into Yehong's body.

At present, it's just like a thunderbolt that the devil can't get out of his body.

"Dear apprentice, it's your turn to do it!"

Thunderbolt's big eyes looked at the ball and looked serious.

"Master, what can I do to save my master?

Please teach me

The ball has a loyal look.

Thunderbolt kept a serious look, and his claws pointed to the evil Qi outside Yehong's body: "it's very simple, you can absorb those evil Qi into your body!"

"Yes, but the evil spirit is much stronger than me. Can I do it?" The little seal ball is not confident."Hum! With me in the back, what are you worried about? " Thunderbolt reprimand way.

"Yes! With the help of a master, I'm sure I can do it! "

The ball danced and reached the edge of the island. It opened its mouth and sucked the magic air from the side of night Hong's body.

The magic Qi wrapped in the white fog is constantly sucked into the body by the ball.

The body, which was the size of a ball, also swelled in an instant, but it turned out to be a big ball.

"Shifu, Shifu, I can't breathe any more. Are you ready?"

The round ball made a panting sound.

"It's almost ready. Hold on a little longer."

Although thunderbolt said so, it was taking advantage of the ball can not see himself, quietly left from another direction.

In the heart ridicule way: really is a pure evil spirit, unexpectedly so loyal to a human! Fool, I just use you to get out of here!

The original thunderbolt, is absolutely no chance to escape from the lion king cidao.

However, now the outside world is turbulent, in the ball spare no effort to absorb, has opened a channel to the outside world.

Thunderbolt, it is to leave from this passage!

However, there was a faster response than he did.

The Jiudeng old monk in Haoshan Hou tomb noticed the change of the evil Qi outside Yehong's body, and said with surprise: "how can the magic gas suddenly break through?

Forget it, it's not the time to take care of this. I have to hurry up and I can't miss this great opportunity! "

He held the Buddha beads, his eyes closed, and his mouth said: "the heaven and earth are dark and yellow, the universe is in the abyss...

with this rapid recitation, a touch of golden light flew out of the Buddhist beads, and flew straight away from the Haoshan Marquis tomb, and directly into Yehong's body!

At this time, Ye Hong also heard a yell like Huang Zhong Da Lu from the heart Mansion: "Tai Yi Dao Shu, tie the devil's way, fix it!"

It's the voice of Jiudeng monk!

As soon as this voice appeared, a relaxed feeling suddenly came out from the night Hongxin mansion.

That heart demon, seems to be locked up!

"Yehong, I can only temporarily trap your demons.

The next way, you can only go by yourself

Accompanied by the words of the old monk Jiudeng.

And this is enough for Yehong!

"Thank you very much, master."

Ye Hong is excited to thank you.

At the moment when the heart demon was trapped by the nine lamp old monk, the only obstacle blocking Yehong's perception was also moved away.

The barrier, without hindrance, appeared in front of Yehong.

Night Hong in a moment to mobilize the strength of the whole body, shaking loudly: "give me to break