Chapter 3330

You can search in Baidu for "all field dominating novels of urban intensification system"( )”Find the latest chapter! Yehong is also on the list.

As long as he is not allowed to kneel down, this kind of insulting etiquette, he will not be independent.

The legend is still given to each other from the living legend of thousands of years ago.

But different from the humility of many people, Yehong boldly looks at the direction of Shenyi palace.

Respect to respect, doubt to doubt!

Night Hong's heart, never put down the suspicion of laitlin.

In particular, the old man's series of confusing operations make Yehong wonder whether he is also controlled by the sea of nightmare.

Yehong will never let go of any opportunity to observe laitlin!

Under the gaze of night Hong's eyes, a figure was slowly welcomed out by the honor guard.

He was very bent, and his bent waist was close to 90 degrees.

White hair and white beard mixed together, almost to the ground.

The old faces covered by hair and beard show age spots everywhere.

He walked very slowly, as if every step required a lot of effort.

If it is not supported by two deities, it seems that they may be blown down by the wind at any time.

Looking at the old man in the wind, Ye Hong is shocked.

Is it that he is the emperor, leytrin?

Is it too much different from the image of the strong and burly old man on the statue of giant wings?

Subconsciously, night Hong launched the ability to see through.

According to his usual experience, he can't see through the strong like the seven emperors.

However, this time...

"Ding! Trigger the ability to see through at the master level...

after seeing through, target type: Shenzhe (shenhuangjing) [withered old state].

It is speculated that the target Shouyuan will be exhausted, and the strength is in the decline period. "

Night Hong finally understand why he can see through the information of Wright Lin.

Old state, longevity will be exhausted!

Every character, as if to announce that the old man is about to leave the world.

Night Hong can't help sighing.

Even a strong man like the seven emperors does not seem to be the rival of time.

I didn't expect that the legendary emperor laitlin, who once dominated the world and brought the protoss to the top of the ancient world, has come to the end of his life.

Perhaps it is because of this state of lethrin that he is unable to control the situation and split the protoss into two factions.

Perhaps it was because of this that Louis and his wife dared to take person and force leylin to abdicate.

For the death of leytlin would not necessarily lead to posion.

More likely, it is dominated by the aristocracy.

But as long as the protoss science and Technology Council forced lethrin to give the throne to posion in front of the world, then the aristocracy would like to usurp the throne in a dignified way.

Qin Lu is out of the world!

It seems that leytlin, who is nearing the end of his life, can only be at the mercy of the two factions!

At the time of night Hong's thinking, Wright Lin had already walked to the center of the meeting hall.

There stands a high platform.

On the high platform, there was only a basin of water and a scepter.

These two things are said to be the props to be used in the coronation ceremony.

After leytlin appeared on the stage, the former guard of honor Marshal once again opened his voice and called out in a more sonorous voice: "please, your Highness Prince percaeon!"

Over there, Louis made a gesture behind him.

Then, a young man with silver and black pupils and more delicate than women was brought into the square.

It was Yehong who met in the library once!

But at the moment, on posion's hands and feet, Ziqi is wearing electronic shackles.

But he didn't seem to mind at all, with a smile like spring breeze on his face.

For a moment, everyone looked sideways.

The voice of discussion rose in all directions.

If it is said that lethrine, who is old and old, makes people feel sad, then he is like a prisoner in prison.

"The prince is treated like this."

"The protoss has done such a disgraceful thing

Yehiro is also looking at Poson.

Compared with the last time we met, person, who experienced the assassination incident, seems to have no change at all.

That pair of eyes with different pupils, always with the indifferent to see through the world.

But the more natural and unrestrained he is, the more flustered Ye Hong is.

Even if persean eventually ascended the throne, it would be the first emperor in history to be chained to the throne.

That picture, think about let Night Hong frown unceasingly.At this time, night Hong is aware of a tight arm.

Looking around, tracia held his arms tightly.

The whole head, even more retracted into his arms.

The body is also shaking.

It was as if a great fear had fallen on Tracy.

"Shadow... Shadow!"

In her mouth, she repeated the word of the day - shadow!

Night Hong Mou son suddenly sharp rise, scan whole audience.

Is it the source of tracia's fear? It's on the spot?!

However, no matter how he looked, no one was suspicious.

In the meantime, posion had stepped up the platform in shackles and stood face to face with lettering.

"Father, I'm sorry to have worried you."

Poson smiles.

Wright Ling's thin hands trembled and caressed person's cheek.

The eyes of father and son were moist at the same time.

This scene, let Night Hong heart five flavor miscellaneous Chen.

A simple sentence and an action between father and son completely overturned Yehong's previous speculation.

Leitlin's heart must have loved his son very much.

If not, it will never show such true feelings.

In this moment, night Hong heart suddenly flashed a bold guess.

Did lethrine know that he had lost control of the situation, so he deliberately let the protoss technology congregation rob posion, so as to give himself a fair reason to pass the throne to posion.

In this way, when the Protoss and the protoss technocracy get into a fight, posion can show his position.

If so, then this boletlin is on the 1000th floor!

Thinking that the old man had done nothing recently, he allowed the two factions to fight openly and secretly, so that Yehong felt more and more that his guess could be established!

"Don't worry, father. It's about to end. You don't have to suffer any more."

On the high stage, Poson laughed at letlin again, comforting his mouth.

Hearing this, night Hong secretly sighed.

Today's ceremony is a decisive stage for the two factions.

But for the father and son on the stage, it is a great suffering.

Many guests at the scene also showed the same sympathy for the father and son.

"Well, it's time to announce the next process."

Over at the protoss tech congregation, Louis looked at the guard of honor without expression.