Chapter 3528

You can search Baidu for "urban enhancement system dominates all fields"( )”Find the latest chapters! for a long time, Yehong did not slow down.

What the pharmacist liuliguang Buddha said has a great impact on him!

If the truth of his fusion with Ziwei is dark and cruel enough.

Then the truth of his integration with the pharmacist liuliguang Buddha is completely unexpected!

There is a devil and a Buddha living in his body at the same time!

And this truth, until he passed through time and space, until he and Ziwei died together, only in this time and space pharmacist liuliguang Buddha here.

But after reaction, ecstasy immediately occupied Yehong's heart.

"Since I'm not dead, can I go back to the future?" He asked excitedly.

But the pharmacist, King Buddha liuliguang, shook his head: "your body is destroyed after all.

The line of time and space bound with you also broke at that time.

Only the body of soul can't open the door of time and space again.


but what, you are so special, just say it!

Yehong is so anxious that he wants to put a fast forward button on the slow old bald throat!

"But you chose light, and light chose you.

The opportunity to solve the current situation is already in you. "

"On me?" Yehong frowned, more puzzled.

The pharmacist, liuliguang, nodded his head, and the golden light came to light his translucent body.

"This, this is..." Yehong looked at this body in amazement, "isn't this [star demon spirit body]

I still remember when Yehong was in the time and space tunnel when she came here, she met the star demon spirit body of gouchen, Zuomi and Wujun.

Although the three were killed, the astral spirit remained.

Since then, the body has been taken by Yehong.

Just because I didn't think of the use of this thing, so it has been forgotten in the corner of my mind.


The star demon spirit body is a container that can hold the soul, but now Yehong only has the soul, and just lacks a soul container...

isn't this a coincidence?!

No wonder pharmacist liuliguang Buddha will say that the solution is already in Yehong.

I didn't expect that a careless move at the beginning, now there is such a return.

Can only say, thank them for their three dedicated gifts!

"But how can I merge with the astral spirit?"

Yehong asks again.

"Everything has its own way."

After the pharmacist liuliguang Buddha finished this sentence, he motioned Yehong to follow him.

Yehong, learning the actions of the pharmacist Buddha, crossed his middle fingers on the two tiger mouths.

The two ring fingers are also crossed with each other, the right hand is pressed on the left hand, and they are placed on the back of the middle finger together.

Then two thumbs on the two ring fingers, index finger and little finger side by side.

An anti human awkward handprint appeared in Yehong's chest.

"This is the seal of the pharmacist." Effortlessly bear the same fingerprints of the pharmacist liuliguang Buddha, smiling.

"Pharmacist's seal of Buddha?" Yehong tilted his head and asked modestly, "what's this handprint for..."

Unexpected suction, interrupted the night Hong's words.

Then the body of Yehong's soul was drawn to the astral spirit body uncontrollably.

In an instant, warmth spread all over the body.

It's like there's a sense of comfort in a bathtub.

Obviously, I can feel different from my previous body, but there is a strange sense of familiarity in the strangeness.

Before Yehong could continue to experience this new complex feeling, he was already covered with golden light.

When the golden light dissipated, Yehong blinked, surprised to find that he had left the world between life and death, the nether world, and returned to reality.

That is, he launched the end of Yan, and Ziwei died together in a layer of submarine ruins.

At this time around, also retained him and Ziwei war when the potholes.

It seems that it is not long since the end of the change.

The only difference is that there is no magic in the air.

It seems that Ziwei has been eliminated this time.

But Ziwei to death should not have thought, Yehong unexpectedly survived.

If Ziwei knew that the chance of resurrection was sponsored by his three subordinates, he would be so angry that he would lift the coffin on the spot.

"I don't know what's going on in space..."

Yehong muttered to himself, thinking about them.Before going back to the future, be sure to visit them again.

After confused thoughts, Yehong noticed his body now.

He looked down and found that there was no difference between the translucent appearance of the body and the astral spirit.

Like a jelly man, you can see the stars flowing in your body.

Yehong tried to run the breath of the body, but found it extremely difficult, and the original sense of fluency of the body was far away.

In terms of strength, it goes without saying that it has plummeted.

But can survive, and there is a chance to return to the future, Yehong has been very satisfied, dare not ask too much.

By the way, back to the future!

Thinking of this, Yehong remembered that the pharmacist liuliguang Buddha only helped him integrate the star demon spirit body, but didn't tell him how to restart the gate of time and space.

When he turned his head to look for the trace of the old bald head, he found that the old bald head was standing not far away, looking up at the void above his head.

Yehong subconsciously follow to see, found the void without warning to wear out a purple gold double color lightsaber.

"Cang Lang -"

the sword, like a dragon, cuts through the void and opens a mysterious door full of purple and gold light.

A voice, which seemed to come from another time and space, rang from behind the door: "hoo, the line of time and space is finally connected by me again...

this is the door of time and space!

Behind the door is Li Shi's voice!

When Li Shi's voice sounded, a brand-new line of time and space also flew out of the door of time and space and spread to Yehong's feet.

At this moment, Yehong has an intuition.

As long as you enter the gate of time and space, you can immediately return to the future.

"Yehong, I have good news for you.

Time and space cause and effect have changed. It seems that you have succeeded.

I have come to take you back. "

Li Shi's voice was so warm that Yehong wanted to cry.

He almost never came back!

"It seems that it's time to say goodbye."

Pharmacist liuliguang Buddha smiles at Yehong.

"Why? Is there any other power that can detect my existence?

Li Shi is impolite!

Who is the elder

Hearing the voice of the pharmacist liuliguang, the voice of Li Shi behind the door became surprised.

"Wuliangshouguang..." the pharmacist liuliguang Buddha put his hands together and said slowly to the gate of time and space: "you and I are not predestined. Why do we have to cause and effect?"

Li Shi's voice at the back of the door gave a pause, and then said solemnly: "the Buddha's realm is profound and reasonable. It's Meng Lang of Li Shi. I hope you don't blame me!"

The pharmacist liuliguang shook his head and looked at Yehong again: "this sect will not last long. It's time for you to start."