Chapter 140

The standard answer time of Chinese test paper is 120 minutes, that is, two hours. Because there is an 800 word composition, the two-hour answer time is tight for most students. Even, in every exam, many candidates write only half of their compositions after the bell rings at the end of the exam.

Not to mention, this time, the most difficult Chinese test paper in history is more difficult, and the time is even more urgent. In the examination room and classroom, after getting the test paper and realizing the difficulty of the test paper, all the candidates dare not delay for a moment. Many people are so anxious that they sweat hard and answer questions one by one.

Even, some students made decisive choices in the process of answering questions. For some topics that are too difficult to do, just leave them blank and jump directly to the last composition. I intend to finish the composition with high score first. If I have time, I will go back and fill in the blank in front.

Now the examination time is only half past, and there is still an hour to answer questions. Most people have not done their composition, and are basically entangled in the reading of modern texts that are difficult to understand and answer.

However, at this time, Lin Feng had finished all the topics quickly and accurately, and wrote a beautiful 800 word novel "my head teacher".

With a slap, he put the pen down. When Lin Feng looked at his watch, it was only 9:30. He breathed a long sigh of relief. He said happily in his heart: "after so many tests, this is the best one! Those twenty-four Sea God beads are really precious! My IQ is at least doubled by those divine waters... There is no pressure to answer the question! It seems that Qin Yanran and I can't lose the bet this time... "

Thinking so, Lin Feng looked at Qin Yanran's position in front of him. At this time, Qin Yanran frowned slightly, carefully took a pen and wrote a few words on the test paper, and then stopped again.

"Eh? Haven't even finished smiling? It seems that... My speed is a little too fast. There is still one hour left for the exam. It's too stuffy in this classroom! Or... I'll hand in my papers in advance and go out for some air! "

The weather in the late April has begun to suck hot. There is no air conditioning in the classroom of Chi an one. Only an old ceiling fan is not turning. Lin Fenggang just answered the question wholeheartedly, so he didn't feel how hot and stuffy. Now he relaxed, but he found that his forehead was full of sweat and his school uniform shirt was soaked.

Instead of being stuffy in the classroom, Lin Feng might as well hand in his papers in advance and go out to get some air. Moreover, it has always been a routine for Lin Feng to hand in his papers in advance. In previous exams, Lin Feng basically finished writing the answers quickly, and then handed in his papers and went out to play.

But this time, the situation of handing in the paper in advance is completely different. Lin Feng answered every question seriously, taking into account both accuracy and speed. It can be said that Lin Feng is sure that in addition to the score of his composition, other ancient poetry dictation, classical Chinese and poetry appreciation, modern literature reading, etc. can reach an accuracy rate of more than 95%.

When Lin Feng hesitated to hand in the paper in advance, the school flower Qin Yanran had answered all the questions in front and began to write the final composition.

Here, she breathed a sigh of relief. Just as before Lin Feng wrote her composition, she began to examine the topic and consider the content of her writing. Taking advantage of this gap, Qin Yanran unconsciously turned her head sideways and used the remaining light from the corners of her eyes to see how Lin Feng sat behind her. Is her answer still as smooth as at the beginning, or... She was worried and didn't know how to answer the question.

"In front of the test paper are all ancient poetry and classical Chinese. The day before yesterday, Lin Feng was able to recite all the" Jing Ke stabbing the king of Qin "that he did not need to recite. It is estimated that Lin Feng made a special trip to recite classical Chinese and poetry, so... When he just wrote, he could be so smooth and fast, but... The reading of modern literature behind him... Is several times more difficult than the ordinary exam... Even I have to think twice when I do it. It is estimated that Lin Feng must be having a headache now... "

Qin Yanran turned her head in anticipation to see Lin Feng's self-confidence when she had a headache. However, when she saw Lin Feng doing nothing, covering the paper aside and playing with her pen, she was a little unhappy, and a anger of "no struggle" rose up:

"Lin Feng, even if you can't do the following questions, don't waste such valuable examination time to play in a daze! Write your composition quickly! Or... Try to think about some questions that haven't been answered before... It's better than doing nothing like this! "

Others think the exam time is too tight and there is not enough time to answer questions seriously, but now it's good! Lin Feng wasted such precious examination time in a daze and writing. After Qin Yanran saw it, she was really speechless.

If she wasn't taking the exam now, Qin Yanran really wanted to walk over, grabbed the pen in his hand, and then urged him to finish the unfinished paper quickly.

However, it's time for the exam. In view of the discipline of the examination room, Qin Yanran can only sit far away and squint her head to stare at Lin Feng. She can't speak to remind Lin Feng at all.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng! There is only one hour left for the exam. Don't play... Stop quickly and don't turn your pen in a daze... Your composition must have not been written yet! Pick up your pen, spread out the paper and write the composition first! The composition is the total score of 60 points... "

The emperor was not in a hurry, the eunuch was in a hurry, and Lin Feng was writing leisurely. Qin Yanran was worried about Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, didn't you promise me to take the top ten of the grade... But now, like you, you haven't even finished the test paper, how can you take the top ten of the grade!"

It seemed that Qin Yanran's nagging in her heart had an effect. She saw Lin Feng snap, stop the pen in her hand, hold it in her hand, and then unfold the folded paper, as if she wanted to answer again.

"Yes! Lin Feng, hurry up and answer! No matter how you do in the exam, as long as you have a correct attitude, are willing to study hard at ordinary times, and try your best to finish the paper during the exam, I believe you will make progress... "

However, Qin Yanran's worried heart was put down. In the quiet examination room, she suddenly remembered Lin Feng's voice. Lin Feng unfolded the paper on the table, pressed it with a pen, then gently raised her hand and said to Xu Minjing, the invigilator sitting on the podium: "teacher Xu, I want to hand in my paper..."