Chapter 558


The mastery and use of flame is an important symbol that distinguishes human beings from other animals. It is precisely because of the discovery of fire that primitive humans gradually broke away from the uncivilized state. Therefore, humans often use flame to refer to hope and civilization, such as "the fire of civilization" and "the fire of hope".

Now, in Lin Feng's Dantian, a ray of vitality true fire was born. This is the sign of entering the third layer of Qi training. He has the real fire of vitality burning in the Dantian. Lin Feng can even use this real fire to harden his body and make his body stronger.

This is also the method of refining one vein among practitioners. Through the vitality and true fire in the body, every blood and meridians of the body are melted like refining magic weapons.

"It's really thanks to those practitioners in ancient times who thought of refining their body with vitality and true fire. What a painful process it should be? Sure enough, those who can fix the truth are not normal people. Anyway, I can't stand the pain of being burned by the real fire. If I don't practice the method of body refining, the use of vitality and true fire to me is that I can refine some primary magic tools now... "

Lin Feng searched for the inheritance memory of cultivation and found that one of the 24 Sea God beads was a cultivator. The refining of vitality from the inside to the outside is simply beyond human endurance, so Lin Feng will not consider it at all even if he has the method of refining the body.

Sitting cross legged on the ground, Lin Feng did not continue to practice after consolidating the current three-tier cultivation of Qi. Because he knew that even if there were enough peiyuandan to swallow refining and chemical, his foundation would be very unstable because his own accumulation was not enough.

"It's only half a month for me to get 24 Sea God beads and step into the road of truth cultivation. Originally, I thought it would be very difficult to cultivate on the earth with weak aura. Unexpectedly, after having enough pills, it will get up more quickly. "

Lin Feng's inner vision of spiritual consciousness checked the state of his Dantian at this time and found that some of his vitality was obviously unstable, so he became vigilant again and said, "there is no bottleneck in the cultivation of Qi during the Qi training period. As long as there is enough aura or elixir, it is not difficult. But the more it goes, the more difficult it will be, so I can't rush in the early stage. I should be steady. An ordinary friar in Qi training period usually takes half a month to about a month to improve one level when laying the foundation, but now I have improved two levels in half a month, which is a little too fast... "

Even in the ancient times, when there were abundant vitality and many natural materials and earth treasures, practitioners in the Qi training period could even rush to the great perfection of Qi training in one day, but they were still steady, and the fastest was to rush to the great perfection of Qi training in one month. Because the vitality in the elixir field needs to keep running around the world, so that it can be more consistent with the physical attributes.

This is to lay the foundation. After all, the vitality is converted from the external aura. If it does not go through many major weekly operations and refining again, it is very easy to get out of control and get possessed.

"When I went to the second floor of Qi training before, this phenomenon did not appear, and my vitality was relatively stable. It seems that I was in a hurry to be promoted to the third floor of practice gas, but I can't help it. If I want to gain the ability to control the true fire refiner as soon as possible, I must break through the third layer of Qi training. It's a big deal. Next, lay a good foundation and break through to the fourth floor of Qi practice after the college entrance examination... "

After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Feng hid the remaining 15 Peiyuan pills into Shenshui space to prepare for the main task in the short term, first stabilize the accomplishments and do not blindly seek a quick breakthrough.

Of course, now that they have broken through the third floor of Qi practice, Lin Feng plans to directly treat the alchemy room as a tool room. Tonight, he will strive to refine the body protection magic tools for his parents.

"First look at my vitality and true fire. There was only a little fire in the palm of my hand yesterday. I couldn't refine magic tools and pills at all. I wonder if it will be bigger this time? "

Sitting cross legged, Lin Feng, like yesterday, closed his eyes and thought, stretched out his right palm, knew the position of sinking into the Dantian, communicated the vitality and true fire in the Dantian, and controlled it to move slowly from his meridians to the position of the palm.


It was very different from yesterday's feeling. Lin Feng felt that when the true fire of vitality moved and transmitted in the meridians, he would have a slight burning feeling. Even his meridians were slightly widened after being passed by the true fire of vitality. Lin Feng knew that this was the body refining effect of vitality real fire. Although he did not deliberately use the method of body refining, as long as the real fire passes through the body, it will have a certain body refining effect.

Moreover, Lin Feng didn't feel too much discomfort because he didn't use the body refining method and the power of vitality real fire was not released. There was only a slight burning sensation, which even made him feel very comfortable.

Just when Lin Feng's attention was focused on the feeling of meridians, suddenly, he was a little caught off guard, and the vitality really ran up from the palm of his hand.

Hoo Hoo

This time, it was no longer a fragile little flame, but a blue flame rushed up. This feeling reminds Lin Feng of the feeling that he almost burned his eyebrows when he was joked when he suddenly turned up the flame when he was playing with a lighter.

"My God! The flame is... Too fierce? "

Looking at the blue flame burning in the palm of his right hand, Lin Feng was happy and surprised, and felt some incredible. Lin Feng was really disappointed by the flickering flame yesterday, so today's cyan flame is enough to surprise Lin Feng.

"The true fire of the three layers of Qi can burn in vitro. I just need to inject the vitality into it."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng took out the unknown tripod again, put it in the position of alchemy, aimed at the area under the furnace tripod, and slapped the blue flame out of his hand.


As soon as the cyan flame was separated from the body, it condensed into a small flame. However, when it reached the bottom of the tripod, it immediately expanded. Even if there was no litchi wood as fuel under the tripod, the cyan flame was still burning, because the fuel it needed was not traditional wood, but a steady stream of vitality from Lin Feng's palm.

"Ha ha! If you succeed, you can start refining magic tools at once. "

After the test was successful, Lin Feng immediately took back the cyan flame, arranged the formation and was ready to start refining the first magic weapon.