Chapter 703

to draw breath!

On the playground of thousands of people, at this moment, everyone unexpectedly synchronized, and all their eyes looked at Su Zixuan who was like a fairy coming to earth over the stage.

be quiet!

Only the curling classical silk and bamboo sound accompanies, but everyone still instinctively dare not make a sound, and even the breathing sound is trying to control.

Everybody, look at the stage!

Everyone, look at Su Zixuan!

Everyone is looking forward to Su Zixuan's singing!

Attention, unlimited expectations!

Such an eye-catching opening method of the concert has gathered all the eyes present. Now everyone is waiting and looking forward to what Su Zixuan's first song will be and what tune the first sentence will be in this concert. Is it worthy of this amazing opening picture of tianwaifeixian.

What is Su Zixuan's singing style?

Sweet! Happy!

Whether Su Zixuan's famous song "God knows" or her four or five albums released later, the continued style is very in line with the positioning of the leader of her jade girl school. The singing is sweet and the style is light. Most of them are suitable for students and young people's campus, youth love and other topics.

However, this time, when everyone is looking forward to hearing Su Zixuan's sweet and moving voice. Suddenly, the distant sound of silk and bamboo became urgent.

Faster and faster, shorter and shorter!

The sound of the flute even began to become sharp, which made the audience feel a little depressed and irritable, as if they were in the dangerous darkness. The fairy Su Zixuan, who was flying in the air, suddenly fell from the air at the moment when the flute rose to the sharpest.

Fairy down, fall!

Urgent flute, stop!

Even the spotlight on Su Zixuan suddenly disappeared.



Once again swept through the senses of thousands of audience, almost all of them were stunned by this scene.

What's going on? How did Su Zixuan fall off the stage.

Why is there no light? Su Zixuan fell down and hurt herself?

Oh, my God! Was it a performance or was there an accident?


Everything happened so suddenly, but it tightened the heart of every audience present. However, just when these puzzles have just arisen in our hearts, we have not had time to discuss and get excited with each other.


The spotlight appeared again, and the bright light suddenly hit the center of the stage, where Su Zixuan fell.

The excited audience stood up again, stretched their necks, and stared at the past with their eyes, trying to see what happened to Su Zixuan when she fell from such a high place.

However, looking at the spotlight, everyone was stunned again. In the middle of the stage, where are the graceful Fairies in purple gauze and thin skirts! However, there stands a young purple armored general with hair tied and heroic, heroic and unyielding.

"Oh, my God! What's that? "A mighty battlefield young general?"

"I see! That little purple armor general is Su Zixuan...... "


The fairy became a general!

How shocking is this subversive change? The audience became more and more fascinated. Especially now, the big screen also instantly opened and projected the close-up view of Su Zixuan, who was incarnated in purple armor in the center of the stage, onto the big screen.

take a heroic posture!


defy steadfastly all brute force!

Such a heroic young general is so moving. The way Su Zixuan dressed up as a man revealed a trace of heroism that could not be spoken but was extremely comfortable.

"Eh? This is also Zixuan's elder sister. Her purple gauze thin skirt fairy dress can change like this. In a twinkling of an eye, her hair becomes a purple armor. Wonderful! Wonderful! The concert has not officially started yet, which makes people feel like turning corruption into magic, making the whole concert full of Fairy Spirit! "

Although Lin Feng has never been to other stars' concerts, he has seen a lot on TV, but today's opening method of Su Zixuan's concert is absolutely unprecedented, refreshing and full of expectation.

"Great! This way of opening is just like the special effects of a movie blockbuster! "

"Su Zixuan hasn't started singing yet! After watching this opening, I looked forward to what kind of song she would sing. "

"Yes! Isn't it the sweet love song of the past? However, Su Zixuan's songs seem to be in this tune... "


The amazing opening once again raised the audience's sense of expectation, waiting for Su Zixuan to speak.

However, at this time, Su Zixuan, who turned into a little general of purple armor, still didn't intend to sing, but suddenly waved her right hand.


A dull drum sounded at the scene.

Su Zixuan waved her left hand again.


A dull drum sounded again at the scene.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong

Su Zixuan seemed to use her two arms as a hammer and kept beating out of thin air, and the drum sounded faster and faster.

Flute! Drums! Fairy! Young general!

The strong ancient style means that the audience is immersed in it. The sound of war drums is like the sound of flute just now. It is urgent with a sense of crisis, which makes everyone nervous, as if a great disaster is coming.


At the last drum beat, the drum stopped, Su Zixuan's actions solidified, and all the sound equipment on the scene quieted down again.

At this time, Su Zixuan came late and spoke.

"Ying... Xiong..."

After a long ending, Su Zixuan sang these two words with a singing style close to Peking Opera.

"What kind of singing is this? Beijing opera? It sounds good. Does Su Zixuan want to change to Peking Opera? "

"The word hero, the ending of which makes my heart tremble and goose bumps..."

"It's not su Zixuan's style at all! Is Su Zixuan going to transform? "


When everyone was surprised by Su Zixuan's unusual singing method, Su Zixuan smiled, took out a silver long gun from nowhere, threw it to the ground and continued to sing loudly:

"Hero, stab the sky with a long gun!"

"Hero, stepping on the wind and singing wildly can catch the dragon!"

"Blood stained the sky, never bowed his head."

"Lofty sentiments, unruly and carefree in this life."


"Hero, cut through thorns and thorns, Qi Changhong!"

"Hero, look at the river and turn your head... Empty..."





Iron horse journey!

With Su Zixuan's impassioned words, everyone present was deeply infected, and her blood suddenly rolled up like boiling water.