Chapter 751

Putrefaction, especially the smell of rotten meat, makes people smell and feel that the whole stomach is rolling and wants to spit out all the things they have eaten in their life.

Rao Shilin Feng is a strong cultivator. In the face of such a bad smell, he couldn't help covering his nose and frowning, so he dared to go ahead very carefully.

Zhou Yun, who followed Lin Feng, couldn't stand the smell even more. Even though Zhou Yun had been to the black heart factory once, Zhou Yun almost fainted when she smelled the smell again.


He only dared to cough softly. Zhou Yun felt that he was about to be suffocated by the smell. However, she still insisted, did not dare to make a big noise, and closely followed Lin Feng's back to the front.

"I can't flinch. I must expose this disgusting black heart factory."

Although the smell made Zhou Yun want to turn around and run away countless times, a belief in her heart supported her to move on. Moreover, Lin Feng always led the way in front of her. Looking at Lin Feng's solid back, Zhou Yun also had strength, unconsciously accelerated her pace and closely followed Lin Feng.

"Hero! No wonder the big stars will invite Lin Feng to the stage on such a grand occasion as the concert and publicly announce that Lin Feng is a hero in her life. Indeed, Lin Feng is such a hero. He can afford such an honor! "

At this moment, Lin Feng's image in Zhou Yun's mind became even taller. Zhou Yun will no longer regard Lin Feng as a high school student with no hair. Lin Feng leads the way so fearlessly and enthusiastically joins her dream of "sweeping away the darkness". All this makes Zhou Yun's heart very moved.

What is a confidant? What are revolutionary comrades?

Like-minded, and agree with each other, their ideas and dreams can be understood, known and recognized by each other, rather than denied and ridiculed. At this moment, Zhou Yun felt that the legendary person called "confidant" had found it by himself.

"Lin Feng, will you hold me? It's a little dark here! "

Boldly walked forward, Zhou Yun gently pulled Lin Feng's rough big palm with one hand and said.

"Ah? All right! Sister Yun, the exit of this corridor is ahead. But it seems that there is no light at the exit! Can it be said that there are no lights in this factory? "

Holding Zhou Yun's tender and smooth hand, Lin Feng still feels it, but now his attention is highly focused and is placed inside the black heart factory in front of him. The spirit consciousness could not be released for detection because of the murderous gas coverage. Therefore, for Lin Feng, it was tantamount to losing a pair of the most favorable eyes.

Therefore, when Lin Feng looked at the exit ahead, it was still dark. No matter how good his night vision is, he can't see anything inside the dark factory.

"Impossible! Last time I came, incandescent lamps were on in the factory, and dozens of workers were busy bleaching and processing rotten meat in heavy work clothes and layers of masks! "

Zhou Yun looked and found that the main workshop of the factory in front seemed really dark, so she said even more strangely, "don't you say there is no worker in it?"

"Very likely! Sister Yun, think about it. The black hearted factory owner, knowing that he was photographed by your reporter, will certainly try to transfer the equipment in the factory in time. Avoid being seized by law enforcement personnel after exposure! "

With this in mind, Lin Feng thought of the greatest possibility, that is, in fact, the black heart factory has been completely shut down, and the equipment inside has been removed.

"Ah? It can't be true? I only came yesterday. The various processing machines inside are very heavy. How can they complete the transfer in such a short time? "

As soon as she heard this, Zhou Yun got worried, "what should I do! Lin Feng, if they are really empty, won't we find no evidence? "

"Sister Yun, don't worry. Let's see what's going on inside. Eh... The meter box is here... "

Just comforting Zhou Yun, Lin Feng found that his shoulder touched something. When he touched it, he found that it was the total control meter box of the whole factory. So Lin Feng immediately opened the meter box.

"Sister Yun, come and see! The main switch in the meter box has been pulled down. It seems that there is no one in it. It is estimated that after you came last time, the black hearted boss transferred all the machine tools and processing machines here. I'm afraid there's no one in there now. "

Lin Feng said and pulled up the main switch. "I pulled up the switch. Even if there is no one inside, we can go in and have a look."

"Well! I don't know what's left in it now? " Zhou Yun also knew that it was probably as Lin Feng guessed, so she said with some disappointment.

Because it was determined that there was no one in the factory workshop, Lin Feng boldly went in, found the main switch of light control in the corner of the wall, and pushed it up.


Inside the factory, which was originally dark, suddenly lit up. Five or six huge incandescent lamps lit up the closed factory as if it were outside in the daytime.

However, what really blinded Lin Feng's eyes was not the light, but the scenes seen inside the factory.

"This... What are these?"

When people suddenly go from darkness to light, their eyes have a process of adaptation, and they can't see clearly. So when Zhou Yun was still rubbing her eyes to see clearly, Lin Feng was shocked by what she saw.

Rotten pig heads, fur and bodies of wild cats, as well as many skinned wild dogs, as well as the rotten meat and internal organs of various unknown animals scattered everywhere. On those rotten meat, you can clearly see clusters of white still crawling maggots.

Green, yellow and red putrid liquids flow across the factory floor, and all kinds of bags and barrels of chemical reagents also send out a disgusting smell. Mixed with those putrid smells, it is like hell on earth.

Moreover, the workshop was very stuffy. The temperature outside was 378 degrees, and the temperature inside the workshop was as high as 40 degrees. The air was unusually turbid and rotten. After turning on the light, Lin Feng was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Ah! Vomit... Woo... "

As Lin Feng expected, when Zhou Yun opened her eyes and saw the situation in the workshop, she couldn't help vomiting.