Chapter 824

"What? Lin Feng, stop my flight to Beijing at 5:30? That won't work. The plane will take off soon. If there is no special potential safety hazard, it is absolutely not allowed to grounded or delay takeoff. "

Old man Cai is processing documents in the chairman's office of Southeast Airlines. He hasn't communicated with Lin Feng for a long time. Suddenly I received a call from Lin Feng and wanted to have a good chat with him. Who knows that Lin Feng grounded him as soon as he came up.

"Really not? Grandpa Cai, I have someone I have to see on the plane. I'm on my way to the airport now, but the plane will take off soon. It must be too late! "

For the first time, Lin Feng was so anxious and impolite for the first time. On the road from the suburbs to the airport, he ran wildly with rhubarb, running all his strength and vitality, but he knew that with only a few minutes left, he would not catch up with the flight anyway.

"There's no way, Lin Feng, or I'll ask someone to book you a flight to the capital at night. If you can't see it in Zhi'an, you can fly directly to the capital." Old man Cai noticed Lin Feng with some regret.

"If you can't, you can only do this..."

When Lin Feng just wanted old man CAI to help arrange the plane at night, his mobile phone suddenly buzzed. Lin Feng saw that Xu Minjing returned the text message. He was so excited that he hung up old man Cai's phone and checked the content of the text message.

"Lin Feng, I'm sorry. The teacher will go to the capital for further training for one year. Suddenly, the teacher left without saying goodbye to you, because the teacher really didn't know how to say these two words to you. I read the poem you wrote for Qin Yanran. It was well written. I was also very moved after reading it.

You and Qin Yanran are really the best couple the teacher has ever seen. The teacher has left. I hope you can be admitted to Qingbei University together and become pairs again in the University. Teacher... I wish you... Happiness... Don't come to me. I said, I love you, it has nothing to do with you. From today on, Lin Feng, I hope... I can gradually fade away from your memory, forever, fade away, okay? Promise me! "

Xu Minjing called and deleted this message on the plane. Finally, before the plane took off, Xu Minjing couldn't help turning on her mobile phone and replied this short message to Lin Feng.

"Mr. Xu, it turned out that Mr. Xu suddenly made up his mind to leave Zhian No. 1 middle school and study in the capital because he saw the poem I wrote to Yanran today. Teacher Xu finally made her own choice, that is, she left me. "

Lin Feng, who was running wildly, stopped after reading this message and stood staring at the mobile phone screen for a long time.

Woof, woof

Rhubarb gasped and urged Lin Feng, as if to tell him that if he didn't catch up, he would really miss Xu.

"Stop chasing, rhubarb. What's the use of catching up? Miss Xu has made a choice. She wants to leave me. It's my fault that I can't bring her all the love. I couldn't make a choice. Mr. Xu finally made it for me. "

With a long sigh, Lin Feng had thousands of thoughts. Knowing the reason why Xu Minjing suddenly left, he stopped instead.

The phone rang, and old Cai, who had just been hung up by Lin Feng, called again.

"Hello! Grandpa Cai, No. Now the plane should have taken off... I don't have to book a ticket for the evening. It's not necessary. "

Lin Feng said faintly. It seems that some obsessions in his heart are slowly stretching out.

"Well! Lin Feng, I said, why did you suddenly hang up the phone! Figured it out? But I can help you here. If you have anything to say to the man you chase, you can record it and send it to me. I can have it sent to the flight crew and broadcast it on the flight broadcast. You either? "

Old man Cai, who knew the world well, had guessed that Lin Feng must be chasing a confidant, so he put forward such a suggestion.

"Record and play it?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng's heart moved, "Grandpa Cai, thank you. That's a good idea. I'll record it and send it to your mailbox. "

The afterglow of the sunset spilled down. Lin Feng saw the sparkling Minjiang River next to the highway. Beside the red flowers blooming on the bank, the lonely green leaves were still guarding.

Then I looked up at the white clouds floating in the sky, the vast blue sky, and suddenly all the depression in my heart was released.

With a smile, he turned on the recording function of his mobile phone. Lin Feng recorded all the words he wanted to say to Xu Minjing, and then sent them to old Cai's work mailbox.

On the dnmj520 flight from Zhi'an city to Beijing, the plane has passed the take-off stage and entered the stable stage of automatic navigation and driving. Southeast Airlines' own radio program was on the flight radio. A stewardess was pushing a dining car and asking a passenger what to eat.

Xu Minjing was about to take off. After sending the text message to Lin Feng, Xu Minjing's heart was gradually relieved. After all the tension and pain have passed, there will be long-term loss and peace.

"Lin Feng, maybe three years later, five years later... You will also think that the teacher's choice today is correct."

Looking at the white clouds in the sky outside the window, or the beautiful sunset falling behind the clouds, Xu Minjing's heart just calmed down a little, but suddenly heard the flight broadcast with music. Suddenly, Lin Feng's voice came out.

"Dear Mr. Xu, would you be surprised to hear my voice? I know that life will face many helplessness and many helpless choices. You made your own choice. I want to chase it, but it's just useless. However, just like what you said to me, today I return this sentence to you unopened: 'I love you, it has nothing to do with you'.

yes! Miss Xu, you heard me right. Whether you really use this opportunity to escape me or not, and whether you feel angry and sad because of that poem. I just want to tell you, wait for me in the capital. I'll see you in two months! In addition, I just wrote a poem for you... I'll show my ugliness and read it here... This poem is called "farewell to beauty", which I specially gave to Mr. Xu.

Don't be a beauty

Clear water, beautiful flowers, solitary leaves and flowers float away.

Duckweed is unknown as a guest. It is a canoe at the head of the Lishui river.

The gurgling water is empty and sad, and the cold wind chills the heart.

This Sutra has two hearts for others. I cherish beauty, and I have special pity. "