Chapter 988

"Run! Run! "

"Drive! Come on... "

"Get in the car! Get in the car... Run! "


The scene in front of us was quite funny and ridiculous. These people had got out of the car to deal with Lin Feng and Xiao nishang. But as soon as I got off the bus, I was stunned by the tragedy in front of me. When I came back to my mind, I immediately returned to the jeep without saying a word and ran away.

"Lin... Lin Feng, they... They ran away."

Xiao nishang could not turn around for a moment. She was surrounded by so many warriors. She thought she and Lin Feng were the prey. But now it seems that the situation seems to have reversed in an instant. Even she couldn't react quickly. Looking at the jeep running away, she turned to talk to Lin Feng, but found that Lin Feng's figure also chased out.

"Lin Feng, where are you going?"

As soon as she saw Lin Feng running out, Xiao nishang immediately followed. There was no way. Now she can have enough sense of security only by Lin Feng's side.

"Where are you going? Killing, of course! These people are ruthless and can't leave future trouble. "

Lin Feng is no longer a green and astringent high school student. He has experienced many moments of life and death. He will not be soft when killing people, let alone the people who were supposed to kill them.

"Ah! Go to full power! Catch up... Catch up! "

"My God! How can he run so fast? Hold on, can you fucking drive faster? "


The five or six fighters on the jeep looked back and saw Lin Feng catch up. They were terrified. The driver also whooshed and stepped on the accelerator to the maximum. And they tried their best to smash some things on the car at Lin Feng in the back, but it still couldn't stop Lin Feng's speed.

Because Xiao nishang was present, Lin Feng didn't take out the flying sword, otherwise it wouldn't be a minute to kill these guys. However, even if Lin Feng practiced the four layers of Qi and put a wind sign on his feet, he could catch up with the jeep nearly 100 yards in speed.

"Hello... Lin Feng, wait for me! Run so fast... "

Xiao nishang, who was chasing behind, was a little out of her power. After chasing out of Lianhua Town, she was exhausted and couldn't run at all. Seeing Lin Feng and the jeep getting farther and farther away, she could only half kneel in the snow and breathe heavily.

"No! Boss, he... He caught up. What should I do? "

"Shoot! This is not human at all. Is he a congenital master? No... even the innate experts of Tianshan sect can't be so powerful... Come on! I don't believe they all picked up guns and shot him to death. No matter how high his martial arts are, can he still stop so many bullets? "


These semi black (Gang) fighters are not only strong in their own force, but also have many hot weapons. Because they are located in the border areas of China, their management is even less strict. So, at the boss's order, all the people took out their guns wildly and shot at Lin Feng.

Bang Bang

There were continuous gunshots in the snow. Although the bullet speed was fast enough, Lin Feng could not escape the capture of Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge, and couldn't keep up with Lin Feng's keen skill.

After a random gun, the fighters on the jeep were even more frightened to find that Lin Feng was not hurt at all, but had been chased close at hand.

"Have you had enough? Next... It's my turn... "

Rub the floor!

Lin Feng jumped onto the jeep from behind, stood like this and looked down at the six martial artists, two in the later stage of the day after tomorrow and four in the middle of the day after tomorrow. With such strength, even among some second-rate ancient martial sects, he is also a top array of experts.

But now, the six ancient martial arts masters looked up and saw Lin Feng, but they trembled all over, and even didn't have the strength and courage to fight.

There is only one reason, that is, Lin Feng is so terrible and non-human, which has completely exceeded their understanding of martial arts... And even human beings.

"No... don't kill me, i... I have no grudge against you, i... we just drove by..."

The boss of this group has lost the idea of resistance from his heart, kneeling and crying, pleading with Lin Feng.

"Please... We... We are really just passing by. Let... Let us go?"

Other fighters also begged Lin Feng in despair. One by one, they changed from just executioners to pitiful lambs.

If they were other people, they would probably be hoodwinked by their current performance and let them go, but Lin Feng shook his head. He knew the essence of these people too well. The supreme law of their life is plunder and the law of the jungle. Compassion for poisonous snakes will never come to a good end.

"Let you go? Then who put the countless lives that died in your hands? "

With a sigh, Lin Feng closed his eyes and started to control the water. The faces of these people were ferocious in an instant. Everyone couldn't breathe. His hands and feet pedaled disorderly, his face became iron blue, and his eyes were about to burst out of his eyes. After dozens of seconds, they were completely dead.

"Since you have chosen this path, you should think that sooner or later there will be such a day."

The six men were kicked off the jeep. Lin Feng sat in the driving position. Thinking that Xiao nishang was still left behind, he turned the car back to find her. Fortunately, Lin Feng learned to drive with his father who drove a truck, but it was still easy to slip in the snow, and Lin Feng had to be careful.

At this time, lying in the snow, Xiao nishang, who was cold and tired, couldn't even open his eyes. Lying on the ground, he suddenly heard the sound of the jeep coming back in front of him and immediately became nervous.

"The jeep is back? Oh, my God! What about Lin Feng? Should Lin Feng not... Should he not be killed by them? "

The idea flashed through her mind. Xiao nishang immediately felt a little disillusioned. If Lin Feng died, what would she do alive? Forget it, let the maniac in the jeep come and kill himself together.

Xiao nishang was thinking. The jeep had driven to her. She could feel that someone opened the door and came down from the car. She held her breath and wanted to suddenly stand up and kill someone to avenge Lin Feng. At first, her body was too tired to be controlled.

At this time, the voice that kept her awake for countless nights said to her in her ear, "crazy girl, get up and get in the car! We'll go down the mountain now... "