Chapter 1012

As soon as he heard the phone, Lin Feng was surprised. Did he say that the expert teachers of the college entrance examination office not only didn't give themselves full marks, but also made a special trip to their home to criticize?

However, director Hong's words on the phone made Lin Feng completely at ease.

"Lin Feng, this time, you really won honor for our Zhian No. 1 middle school! ha-ha! According to the expert teacher of the college entrance examination office, your composition is the first full score composition in this college entrance examination composition, and even alerted an old professor of national college. Well, you quickly send me your new address, and I'll take you there. "

Hong Tianxin, the teaching director of Zhian No. 1 middle school, said happily that he was resting at home today. Unexpectedly, he received a notice from the college entrance examination office early in the morning and got up before six o'clock to prepare for the above expert group.

Originally, according to the meaning of the expert group, don't inform Lin Feng in advance and let him have a surprise interview. But later, when we got the information Lin Feng left at the school, the home address was long past, but we found that Lin Feng had moved, so Hong Tianxin could only find Lin Feng's mobile phone number and call to ask for the address of his new home.

"What? My composition is still full mark? However, among the full score compositions on the above web pages, there is no my Gong boudoir Fu? "

After hanging up, Lin Feng was still a little confused. He opened the computer news page again. Only then did he see a link description at the bottom of the full score composition.

"In the process of correcting the composition of the college entrance examination in Fujian Province, there was a full score composition in the form of ancient prose 'Fu'. Our reporter will follow the expert group of the college entrance examination office and make a special trip to Zhi'an city to interview this modern literary talent. For details, please click the following link to enter the live broadcast of the interview... "

Lin Feng curiously opened the link of live interview and live broadcast, and then understood. The reporter in the picture was facing the camera and said: "unfortunately, dear audience friends, we followed the college entrance examination expert group to secretly find the modern talent for interview, but we were passively shut down. It turned out that the talent had just moved to a new home. But it doesn't matter. We have contacted him through the teaching director of Zhian No. 1 middle school and got the new home address. Who is this modern talent? What does it look like? Please follow our camera and announce it for you immediately. Now you should be able to see the amazing work Gong boudoir Fu by this modern talent at the bottom of the video... "

Sure enough, Lin Feng pulled down a little further and saw the whole Gong boudoir Fu by Lin Feng listed below the video:

"Gong boudoir Fu"

The curtain rolls the vermilion yarn, and the vermilion curtain is long and hazy.

The rain is gradually on the wind platform, and the wind and rain are sad and sparse, washing the sky.

Yan Song drunk dance, dance song dream Changle palace.


If the city gate is gone now, the lonely heart is empty and sorrowful.

Sad life experience from singing, dancing green also makes prisoners.

The distressed young man didn't know what to do. He knew who would accompany you.

Day after day, year after year, the beautiful youth is gone.

For thousands of years, scholars have criticized the country, and all their beauties have harmed the country.

The messy temple is brilliant. To whom does the Qing boudoir complain? "( PS: I wrote this "Gong boudoir Fu" myself. The full text is quite long. I won't put it out here to avoid being said to be counting words! You can add book friends: 248126471, read the whole story of "palace boudoir Fu", or pay attention to my WeChat official account "wutonghuo", "the palace of the Fu Fu" three characters, you can see the full text!

A gong boudoir Fu of less than 300 words vividly describes the desolation of ancient women in the imperial palace. After seeing it again, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing and boasting, "I didn't expect that I was so talented, young master. No wonder those experts are coming home to interview me. "

Lin Feng also saw the envy of Gong boudoir Fu in this article. With a series of comments, most of them were those who paid attention to the college entrance examination, especially those who had just passed the college entrance examination.

"Sleeping trough! This is the great God! Most of the full score compositions in the previous news are not convinced, but this one is completely convinced! The reporter greatly hurried to interview and wait online to see the great God... "

"Is this great God of classical Chinese from Zhi'an city? Oh, my God! I'm from Zhian No. 1 middle school. Isn't this Lin Feng, our little hero from Zhian No. 1 middle school? "

"Wow! Really! Come to our Zhi'an City, ha ha... Our Zhi'an city is really going to be famous this time... "


Every year, the full score composition of the college entrance examination will cause a wave of critical wave on the Internet. Even many people will satirize that those compositions are not enough to get the full score. However, this year Lin Feng's "Gong boudoir Fu" came out, but there was no ironic voice. Even those netizens who are the most provocative shout great gods and kneel down. It is absolutely a great talent that modern people can write such Fu.

Although Lin Feng didn't openly post that this was his composition, he still had some basic vanity. He secretly refreshed these comments and felt a little dark and cool when he saw these words of worship.

However, at this time, suddenly the mobile phone rang again. Lin Feng thought director Hong had brought someone, but at a glance, the number was Qin Yanran's.

"Hello! Lin Feng, have you seen the news on Tencent Damin? Let me tell you the good news. I got full marks for my composition, that is, the article "women's rights liberation is the inevitable result of social progress". However, it's a pity that you didn't see your Gong boudoir Fu above. "

It turned out that Qin Yanran, like Lin Feng, didn't notice the following row of instructions and links at the beginning. She just read the nine full marks in the text.

"Congratulations, sweet!"

Lin Feng sold it and said with a smile, "although my Gong boudoir Fu is not with the nine full score compositions, you can pull down the web page and have a look. There is a row of instructions below!"

"A row of instructions? Oh, my God! Lin Feng, it's your Gong boudoir Fu. Even the college entrance examination office has come to the expert group? And the reporters from the website and the provincial TV station came to live broadcast? This... Does it mean... They're interviewing you now? "

According to Lin Feng, Qin Yanran opened the link of live interview and was shocked to see the above Gong boudoir Fu, including comments and contents.

"They haven't arrived yet. Director Hong just called. They should still be on the way..." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"It's really good to write, Lin Feng. Your Gong boudoir Fu is too literary and emotional. It makes me feel like the imperial concubine guarding the deserted palace in the article... "After reading the full text of Lin Feng's Gong boudoir Fu again, Qin Yanran said with praise.

At this time, Lin Feng heard the sound of ringing the doorbell downstairs. It should be director Hong with the experts and reporters of the college entrance examination office.