Chapter 1214

Is it true what happened last night?

This feeling, both true and false, made Xiao nishang even doubt whether she was still in her dream.

"Yes! Yesterday, it seemed that when Ouyang Youquan attacked me for the first time, the string of Pearl Bracelets Lin Feng sent me played a role. "

Thinking of this, Xiao nishang hurriedly raised his right hand to look. Sure enough, I found that there were only six of the original ten pearls, and the four broken pearls were broken when I finished resisting Ouyang Youquan.

"I remember that Ouyang Youquan stole my pearl bracelet last night. Why are you back now? Is it said that Qi Tian Da Sheng helped me get it back? What happened last night? Why, why can't I remember? "

The head is dizzy and heavy. Xiao nishang can't remember more details last night. This is some side effects of ecstasy fragrance. However, the pearl bracelet on her right hand always reminds Xiao nishang that everything that happened last night is real.

"No! My jade pendant... "

She hurriedly lowered her head. Xiao nishang was worried that her jade pendant would be taken away. However, when she saw that there was a little goat style jade pendant still tightly attached to her chest, Xiao nishang was relieved.

After all, without this jade pendant, Xiao nishang couldn't even enter the secret place of Tianchi, let alone collect congenital grass.

"Fortunately, the jade pendant is still there. It seems that the mysterious man yesterday didn't come for my jade pendant. But why did he help me? Later, Ouyang Feng drove them away. What happened to me and him? "

Shaking her head, Xiao nishang still couldn't remember, and the more she thought about it, the more painful it was. So Xiao nishang simply put it aside. It was already dawn. She had to wash quickly, and then began to climb the mountain. After all, twelve o'clock is the time to open the secret place of Tianchi in Changbai Mountains.

Dong Dong Dong

On the other hand, in Room 608, when Lin Feng was still in bed, he remembered the sound of knocking at the door.

"Master! It's time to get up. We're going to climb the mountain today! "

Xiao Zhuo, one of Xiao's two brothers, called at the door. He was so excited that he didn't sleep much all night last night. He finally narrowed for a while. He got up as soon as dawn and called at the door of Lin Feng's room.

"Get up, you go and call the other two, then equip them first, and come back in ten minutes."

Lin Feng stretched his waist and looked again. He found that Xiao nishang had got up and was almost ready to go out to climb the mountain.

"Crazy girl got up quite early, but today's situation is not optimistic. See if she can hold on! "

He got up from bed. After Lin Feng washed, he took two jade pendants in his palm. The appearance of the two jade pendants is almost the same, but the patterns in the center are somewhat different. One jade pendant is a small blue snake, and the other is a dragon.

"Snake! Loong! The jade pendant on the crazy girl's chest is a goat. These three animals seem... To be among the twelve zodiac animals! Can we say that there are twelve pieces of jade pendants? "

Lin Feng had been very confused about the jade pendant of the secret place key before. He carefully explored the jade pendant with his spiritual knowledge, and didn't find any difference at all. Obviously, these jade pendants are carved from ordinary jade, without the aura and array of practitioners.

Logically speaking, if these jade pendant keys are the keys to enter the secret place, first of all, these jade pendant keys must have a certain aura or array in them to drive the array to enter the secret place. However, these jade pendants are all ordinary materials, which makes Lin Feng confused.

Those warriors and gene warriors don't understand this, so they only recognize the appearance of the jade pendant. The appearance of the jade pendant is very obvious, because except for the different patterns of small animals, the other patterns are the same. On the whole, they are in the shape of the Tianchi Lake of Changbai Mountain.

"If, as I expected, the jade pendant carries the twelve zodiac signs, there will be nine more keys in the hands of others. There are twelve jade pendant keys in total. Each jade pendant key can take five people into Tianchi secret territory. The maximum number of people entering the secret territory is 60. "

After such analysis, Lin Feng put away the two jade pendants, and then the two Shaw Brothers and black brewer came to Lin Feng in high spirits.

"Master Da Sheng, how was your rest last night? According to me, the grade of this hotel is too poor to deserve the elders. Next time I'll book a high-end five-star hotel for you, that's a comfortable one! "

As soon as Xiao Yulong saw Lin Feng, he couldn't wait to butter up and said with a smile on his face.

The other two people greeted Lin Feng respectfully. Moreover, the three of them all took off these masks as Lin Feng ordered. Their masks are the same as Lin Feng's, but they cover half of their faces from their nose up. They don't hinder eating, drinking and talking at all.

"At 12 noon today, it is the time to open Tianchi secret place. Presumably, other warriors and gene warriors have started climbing. We also prepare, go downstairs for breakfast, and then climb the mountain. Be sure to arrive at Tianchi before twelve o'clock. Also, remember what you call each other and don't expose your true identity. "

Lin Feng nodded. Seeing that the three were honest, he asked them to go downstairs and have some breakfast together.

"Brother monkey! Yes, yes, I'm junior brother Sha, my eldest brother is master, and this nigger friend is senior brother Bajie 2. We all know, but... Senior, the accomplishments of the three of us can be easily seen. Even if we don't fight, the martial arts of other sects can judge that we are the disciples of the ancient sword sect from our Qi and blood. "

Xiao Yulong knew that Lin Feng wanted to hide his identity, and their identity could not be exposed, so he opened his mouth and said.

"The smell on you is not a problem. Come here, you three put this talisman on your body. Naturally, others will not see your breath and cultivation depth. "

Say it! Lin Feng handed them the three "mortal runes" that had been prepared for a long time. This "mortal Rune" is a rune for the cultivator to hide his own breath. As long as it is pasted, the cultivator's breath in his body will not be exposed. It looks like a mortal.

This talisman that works for practitioners is even more applicable to the three.