Chapter 1216

Under the guidance of Lin Feng, black brewer revealed all the inside information of his organization called "Reaper".

Reaper is a global dark killer organization, different from other killer organizations. This organization doesn't kill for money. They specialize in killing people they think are guilty. At the same time, they have trained a large number of killers and will kill for some special tasks and purposes.

In this organization, the number of blacks is particularly large, because the Reaper founders adopted a group of black children in Africa in their early years and sent them to secret bases for brainwashing and training. Brewer is one of them, but fortunately, brewer's brainwashing is not very successful, and his loyalty to the organization is not high.

However, because brewer has only level C strength, he is not even a middle-level in the Reaper organization. He is just a sharp blade for harvesting other people's lives. Every time he comes back from his mission, brewer will repent and reflect. Why kill? Why should organizations exist.

However, before that, brewer could not find the answer. The purpose of his existence is very simple. He takes the task given by the organization and then goes out to perform the task to kill. Moreover, he knew that one day, he would die under a task or under the sickle of the organization.

Brewer had no choice because the organization was too strong. If he wants to quit or betray the organization, no matter where he escapes to the world, he will be caught back and die painfully after experiencing the punishment that life is better than death. It is for this reason that after the failure of this task, brewer will put all his eggs in one basket and want to complete the task alone.

The reason why he will tell these truths now is that he sees the hope of getting rid of the sea of suffering from Lin Feng. Perhaps Lin Feng's strength can be strong enough to confront the organization. However, Lin Feng's ignorance of the Reaper organization made brewer deeply doubt this. Can a man who hasn't even heard of the Reaper really cover himself?

"Reaper? Punish and kill those they think guilty? Interesting, brewer, what kind of people have your organization killed? "

Hearing what Brewer said, Lin Feng became more and more interested in the "Reaper" organization.

"The tasks in the organization are top secret information. I can only know some of the tasks and target characters I perform, and the targets killed by others. I never know and dare not inquire. In my ten years of service in the organization, I have killed seven American State Councillors, 13 world-renowned tycoons, and 38 ordinary people who have committed various crimes but have escaped severe punishment by the law... "

Having said this, brewer added, "the organization nominally punishes these sinners and reaps their lives. But in fact, I found that the property of these congressmen and rich people was finally harvested together. Moreover, because our methods of harvesting these people's lives are very secret, they are rarely discovered. Most of the target tasks are characterized as natural death or accidental death... "

"Interestingly, brewer, you alone, a class C gene warrior, killed so many people for the Reaper organization. It can be seen from this that the whole Reaper organization has created many murders all over the world. Even if these people are really guilty, they have no right to sentence and harvest. At the end of all this, I'm afraid it's only in the name of 'punishing crime' that they complete their unspeakable secrets and goals. "

After learning about the organization behind brewer, Lin Feng asked, "since the reapers have such great control all over the world, now you can tell me why they sent you to this Tianchi secret place. Is it difficult to kill? "

"Mahatma, I don't quite understand the details. However, the order from above is to snatch the jade pendant key to enter the secret territory. Then he won the control of the whole secret territory. It is said that there are secrets that can escape life and death in the secret territory. In fact, not only our team, but also several teams shot at the same time... "

Brewer doesn't know much. After all, this time he followed the B-class gene warrior.

However, Lin Feng faintly inferred from these messages revealed by brewer. The secret place of Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain must have pushed behind it and passed some untrue news. Thus, it will attract the covet and competition of global superpowers.

"Beyond the secret of life and death? That is longevity and immortality. This is a difficult problem for mankind since ancient times. In ancient times, countless ninth five year supreme masters sitting in the world were constantly pursuing the secret of immortality. No wonder there is only such an ultimate secret that can make countless forces around the world jealous and compete for. "

As a cultivator, Lin Feng certainly believes in the existence of immortality, especially the emergence of the three monsters of Changbai Mountain, which makes Lin Feng firmly believe in the existence of secret space. However, what puzzles Lin Feng most is who is the person who released these messages behind everything? What purpose does he have? If there is a secret of immortality here, why should it be made public, causing so many people to compete? Isn't the less people know this kind of news, the better?

A series of questions appeared in Lin Feng's mind. He felt as if he was standing in the dark, and then a pair of black hands slowly approached him from the left and right sides. But Lin Feng could not guess who these black hands were? What is his purpose? The only way is to turn around and get close to him, so that we can find out the ultimate purpose behind all the conspiracy and layout.

"Wow! What beautiful flowers, guide! What kind of flower is this? How come it's all the way up the mountain. It's so beautiful. "

"These flowers are really beautiful. I have never seen such attractive flowers. They are delicate and luxurious, with a touch of mystery, guide! Can the flowers here be picked by themselves? I really want to pick some flowers and take them back... "


When Lin Feng was deep in thought, a burst of surprise cries from the tourists around him quickly pulled him back to reality. Lin Feng also quickly raised his head and looked at both sides. Sure enough, like other tourists, Lin Feng saw that on both sides of the mountain road up the mountain, there were a kind of flowers with a flirtatious smell.

It is as hot as a flame and as charming as blood. Its name is Manzhu shahua, the legendary other shore flower.