Chapter 1253

However, these monsters and Lin Feng saw in the African crow mine. Although the evil spirit is not much powerful, Lin Feng can judge from their speed that they are much faster than those monsters in the crow mine.

"The monsters in the crow mine are almost always underground, and their eyesight is almost zero. They live in such a narrow place underground, so they won't be fast, but their claws are sharp and can dig hard ore. The advantage of these monsters is that they are fast... "

Even without using spiritual consciousness, Lin Feng can still get a lot of information through some actions of these monsters. However, like those warriors and gene warriors, he also encountered the problem of how to enter them safely.

If Lin Feng is alone, he has no problem at all. Even when he comes to the entrance of monsters, he can dodge with his own speed and enter the mountains and forests.

However, now Lin Feng is going to take crazy girl Xiao nishang, three men of the West Tour team, and Liu Laosan who is still under observation. Even with Lin Feng's power, they can't completely cover them and avoid the possibility of being attacked by monsters.

Moreover, the situation at each entrance is also changing rapidly. Maybe the people who go in one second are fine, but the people who follow in the next second will encounter monsters.

"What should I do? Lin Feng, are we still going in? "

Xiao nishang is anxious to get congenital grass to revitalize the family, so she is most anxious when she encounters such a dilemma. If it was a complete dead end, Xiao nishang would naturally refuse to enter the mountain forest without any consideration. However, the chance of meeting monsters in the mountains and forests is half and half. Some people can touch it and some won't.

Life or death is a 50% chance. Moreover, from the situation just now, almost all the fighters who met the monster died on the spot.

Under such a terrible situation, some fighters and gene soldiers fought their lives and rushed in at random.

"Shit, this is gambling! Great saint, we'd better not go in. God knows if those who haven't died after going in will encounter that monster. "

Xiao Yulong shrunk his head and was afraid to fight.

"That's not good, great saint. Even if we don't enter the mountain forest, we can't go out. The exit seems to be on the mountain... "Black brewer shook his head and said.

"Yes! We must go in. Although the entrance to the mountain forest is dangerous, it can be avoided. These days, stupid people are reckless, and smart people... All focus on methods and efficiency. "

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes with a smile and ran again. In his eyes, he observed the changes at the nine entrances in front of him.

"Go! I don't believe it. If my luck is so bad, I will meet a monster? "

A beggar martial artist in rags found an entrance at random and rushed in. Everyone was sweating for him. Fortunately, he didn't encounter monsters and entered them safely. He also inspired the confidence of all the fighters and gene soldiers present.

Lin Feng seized the opportunity, and with a flash of gold in his eyes, he knew a little in his heart, and said softly, "this is the door of life!"

"Ha ha! Huang Sanfeng, that old beggar can get in. Can I be worse than him? "

Another nearly 80 year old martial artist on the ninth floor the day after tomorrow was cruel. He chose another door, took a deep breath and rushed in.

"Martial uncle, come on!"

The younger generation of the martial artist shouted outside, but just after shouting "come on", he heard a beast roar, which immediately splashed blood, and the martial artist's head rolled out. The warriors and gene soldiers at the scene were startled one after another and retreated again and again for fear that the terrible monster would rush out of it.

"This is a dead door!"

Lin Feng recorded this coordinate in his mind again, and then after three or four martial artists tried the law, Lin Feng almost understood the operation law of the nine entrances.

"It's really a nine palace grid, which contains eight gates of life, death, rest, scenery, injury, Du, opening and surprise. Moreover, it changes clockwise according to the time of about one breath. As long as the entrance happens to be the four gates of Death Gate, injury gate, surprise gate and Du gate, you will encounter monsters, especially the monsters of death gate are the most powerful. However, what we encounter are the birth gate, the rest gate, the opening gate and the king gate, which is great luck. We can enter safely without encountering monsters. "

Lin Feng didn't know much about Qimen dunjia before, but naturally there were elders who knew it in his memory. By combining the nine palaces and eight gates in Qimen dunjia, it was easy to infer the secret at the entrance.

In the eyes of other warriors and gene soldiers, entering the mountain forest is simply fighting. No one knows whether they can enter safely. The appearance of the monster is completely irregular.

However, Lin Feng used the nine palaces and eight gates to decipher the rules, so he can easily know where the birth gate is at every moment. After all, although other rest doors, open doors and view doors are also auspicious doors and will not encounter monsters, it is still best to live.

"I can find the location of the birth gate at any time, and it happens that everyone who enters the entrance will not be together. Only those who enter the same door will be one. Then we can go in through the birth gate together. "

Lin Feng just thought about it, but he immediately changed his mind, "no! If we all go through the birth gate, don't I know what will happen along the other gates? Still, it's better to disperse. As long as the crazy girl comes with me. "

After the decision was made, Lin Feng clapped his hands, summoned his own people and said to the two brothers of Xiao, brewer and Liu Laosan, "stand up, stand in line, enter one by one, and follow my instructions to ensure that you won't encounter monsters."

"Mahatma, what you said is true?" Xiao Yulong is more afraid of death, but it's no wonder that the heads flying out one by one are not in movies. They are all true.

"Yulong, the great sage said so. It must be true. We'll just do what the great saint says. " Xiao Zhuo hurriedly grabbed his brother Xiao Yulong, because he knew that it was as easy to kill them with Lin Feng's cultivation as crushing ants. There was no need to deceive them. Since Lin Feng said he could avoid being caught by monsters, he could do it.

"Yes... Mahatma, we all listen to you."

Xiao Yulong was reminded by Xiao Zhuoyi and immediately realized that he should not question Lin Feng, so he quickly changed his way.