Chapter 1259

It is said that there is a secret place with congenital grass, which attracts many martial artists to enter it every year.

Moreover, those who can enter this secret place must be below the seventh floor the day after tomorrow, which plays a screening mechanism.

Every year, the number of martial arts who can enter the secret territory is limited. The environment in the secret territory is conducive to cultivation and breakthrough. Major aristocratic families and sects are bound to send their own talents and elites.

"In this way, including the screening function of the entrance channel of the secret territory, isn't everything picking out martial artists with better physical qualifications? It's no wonder that crazy girl has yin-yang constitution. I'm afraid she has the best potential among these martial artists. No wonder it will be screened and transmitted after entering the channel for the first time. "

After contacting these sporadic information, Lin Feng can be very sure that this Tianchi secret world is completely a fraud. It is not a medicine garden abandoned by practitioners at all. The only reason why there is such congenital grass flowing out is that it can act as a bait to attract more and more qualified martial artists from the outside to explore the secret territory.

"This can't be called congenial grass. No wonder the martial arts outside have little chance to promote congenial grass. There is too little aura in it. It can't play a big role at all. However, if you are a martial artist who really practices to the great perfection the day after tomorrow, some are very likely to be guided by such a trace of aura. At this time, the role of aura is obviously much more important. "

This congenital grass was of no use to Lin Feng. He gently sucked up a trace of aura from it, turned it into vitality in his body, and then crushed the congenital grass that became an ordinary herbal medicine.

"According to the urine nature of those online novels, such a secret place for selecting qualified martial artists must be an inheritance against the sky or the inheritance of treasures. It is estimated that only if it conforms to some excellent physique of this treasure can it finally be inherited or recognized by the treasure. Therefore... The treasures in the secret territory deliberately derive this way and continue to attract martial artists from the outside world. Just like those plants that will devour insects, they deliberately release a certain fragrance as bait... "

At this time, Lin Feng no longer hid his spiritual consciousness. In order to find Xiao nishang as soon as possible, he covered his spiritual consciousness in an instant and looked for it in such a large medicine garden on the top of the mountain.

At this time, the leader of the Great Church in white and his followers in black gathered in the medicine garden, looking for congenital grass with certain value, but seemed to be waiting for something.

"Sect leader, the slack insects on all of us are ready and can be released at any time." A believer in black replied.

"Good, let's wait now! This time, it's the last chance for the old monster in the secret place. Even if none of the remaining martial artists is the most suitable for his body, he will choose the most suitable one to win. At that time, as soon as he wins and loses successfully and can no longer escape from the flesh, we will release the flower insects on the other bank. "

The great leader in white has no fear. It seems that everything is under his control.

"But, master, we don't know which one is the object of the old monster?" The believers in black raised questions.

"You don't need to know which one is. Anyway, everyone has been poisoned by our other shore flower poison. At that time, once the bug is released, no matter who he is attached to, it is inevitable that he will be completely swallowed up by our bug's brain and memory, become our most loyal believer, and then help me recover the holy bug cover. "

Looking up at the blue sky without the sun on the top of the mountain, the great leader in white smiled and stretched out his hand, "ha ha! I can't imagine that there is such a magical baby between heaven and earth. There is heaven and earth in it, and it has become a world. Moreover, as long as the Gu insects are stored in the world of the holy Gu Gai, the growth speed can be more than ten times faster. "

Raising poisonous insects is to put all kinds of poisonous insects in a closed container from the beginning, let them fight and devour each other, and the last one left is the cultivated poisonous insects.

The monks who practice poisonous insects range from some ethnic minorities in Miao and Xinjiang, Yunnan, to some witches and wizards in Southeast Asia, and then to mysterious organizations such as the other shore cult. It has derived a variety of methods, found and cultivated countless different kinds of poisonous insects from all over the world, and evolved more usages.

The monks who raise insects must have a life-long insect instrument, that is, the container used to raise insects. When they first raised insects, they watered them with their own blood essence at midnight every day. Because only in this way can we ensure that the last raised insects fully obey their orders.

From the first pottery pot, to the later porcelain pot, to the later iron pot, and various poisonous herbs were added to enhance the power and vitality of Gu insects. Even in modern times, some monks who raised poisonous insects were not afraid of death and made poisonous utensils with some radioactive heavy metal elements to raise poisonous insects. In the end, although the raised poisonous insects changed more and became more powerful, this kind of monks who raised poisonous insects were also harmed by radiation and became neither human nor ghost.

The reason why the great leader in white has to wear a mask all the time is that he once put some radioactive elements and metals into the Gu ware, so that his own face was also burned by radiation, so he didn't dare to show his true face.

However, among all the monks who cultivate poisonous insects, there is a legend that there is a poisonous instrument called the holy poisonous cover, which is the first poisonous instrument between heaven and earth. The holy Gu cover has its own space. Each of the raised Gu insects is extremely powerful. Even, you can put some wild animals into it and cultivate terrible monsters, that is, Gu animals, by raising Gu.

However, no one has really seen this holy Gu Gai. Only more than 200 years ago, a Gu raising monk named Chang Hong accidentally found such a holy Gu Gai in Tianchi of Changbai Mountain. Then he wanted to take it over by his own ability. After several attempts, he failed and was bitten by the holy Gu Gai, so he finally gave up, But he recorded these things with him in his genealogy.

However, when Chang Hongnian was old, he didn't give up. After arranging the inheritance of the family, he went back to Tianchi, Changbai Mountain and tried his best. Finally, there was no news. No one knew whether he was successful or failed. However, he found that the matter of Shenggu Gai had been recorded in the genealogy of Chang family.