Chapter 1282

Hearing this, Lin Feng knew that even if the little flower was in prison, the beam between her and her mother was not playing. The bet between them still worked. I must help my mother develop a hero restaurant in two years, at least more than the scale of Jiangnan residence.

However, this should not be too simple for Lin Feng. Not to mention other advantages, Lin Feng's current account of nearly tens of billions of dollars is enough to embarrass many of the world's top 500 enterprises.

In China, the assets of the ordinary third rate ordinary aristocratic family are less than 1 billion, the second rate ordinary aristocratic family is less than 2 billion, and the first-class ordinary aristocratic family can reach about 5 billion.

The words of guwu aristocratic family will increase about five times on this basis, which is almost a strength scale. The super first-class aristocratic families such as the five guwu aristocratic families in Beijing have experienced the accumulation of several generations or even more than a dozen generations, and the total assets are at least hundreds of billions in scale.

All the assets Lin Feng now owns, whether they are the US dollars in an anonymous account, the assets of hero restaurant or the shares of Southeast Airlines, add up to almost hundreds of billions of yuan.

It can be said that Lin Feng completed a huge asset accumulation in less than a few months, making their Lin family directly equivalent to the asset scale of the top aristocratic family in China. However, it's no wonder that Lin Feng has ripped off the world's richest people and superpowers in recent months. They have been deceived and kidnapped, making them willing to send money to their pockets.

Of course, Lin's parents don't know how capable they are... Bah! Lin Feng, the son who can entrap people, has doubled his total assets after only going out for a few days. Lin Feng didn't intend to tell his parents too much. After all, his mother was almost excited about the 20 billion wealth of Southeast Airlines. He didn't intend to tell his mother about the hundreds of billions of assets.

However, with so much money in hand, Lin Feng is not a problem at all whether he develops a hero restaurant or organizes and trains his own forces.

After all, the problem that money can solve is not a problem. If you have money, there are almost no problems that can not be solved.

"Xiao Feng, we have discussed with your uncle and little uncle. I plan to open two branches of hero restaurant in Beijing at one go. The addresses have been selected, and they have been bought and are being renovated. What do you think of your uncle as the general manager and your aunt as the general manager? "

Father Lin added, "however, if you think this arrangement is not good, we can discuss it again. After all, this hero restaurant is your hard-working industry... "

Although Lin Fu is the head of the family at home, he still fully respects his son Lin Feng's wishes. In the past, even if Lin Feng was a poor student with poor grades and had nothing to go around, Lin Fu would take the initiative to ask his son Lin Feng's wishes for many things. Not to mention that the hero restaurant was built by Lin Feng and Li Yutong, he felt that Lin Feng needed to make the decision to open a branch.

Moreover, because both the uncle and the sister-in-law had criminal records of bad deeds before, some forces didn't look down on their family. Although they have reformed now, Lin Fu is still afraid that Lin Feng will have some ideas in his heart.

"Dad! You and mom just let go. What's my opinion? My only opinion is that you must not save me money. Our hero restaurant is not short of money. Give me the best for everything. The money is not enough. I'll call you again. I've spent a lot of money on my trip! "

Lin Feng smiled and said that Li Yutong was at the helm for the development of hero restaurant. Lin Feng was not worried at all. Moreover, after returning this time, Lin Feng had a new idea. Before he set up the hero restaurant, he just wanted to help his mother realize his dream of opening a restaurant, but now he thinks it would be better if he could open the hero restaurant all over the world as his own intelligence contact base network.

However, this can not be completed overnight. It can only be said that it is Lin Feng's further deep-seated ambition for the development of the hero restaurant outlined in his heart. Of course, in order to avoid his parents worrying too much, Lin Feng is not going to tell them the plan. In the eyes of them and ordinary people outside, the hero restaurant is a high-end restaurant, which can eat all kinds of Royal meals and delicious dishes.

"Oh! Smelly boy, are you rich this time? You have a big breath! " Luo Qingqing, who was on one side, also smiled and said proudly.

"Also? Sister Qingqing, why do you say so? Are you rich, too? " Lin Feng looked at Luo Qingqing strangely.

"Hee hee! That's right, and I'm not afraid to tell you that now, my sister, I have absolutely no worries about food and clothing all my life. I can buy whatever I want. Your little fortune is nothing compared with my sister's harvest. "

Luo Qingqing said triumphantly, and Lin Feng asked more strangely, "sister Qingqing, shouldn't you have won the lottery? However, the two-color ball lottery pool is only 100 million or 200 million. What big money is this? "

Yo! Lin Feng's tone is very big now. One or two billion yuan is not even big money in his eyes. However, it seems that this is indeed the case. After his trip to Tianchi secret land, Lin Feng has earned nearly 10 billion US dollars. Where will he pay attention to this 100 million or 200 million yuan?

If all Lin Feng's assets are converted to 100 billion yuan, even if a person wins the bonus of 500 million yuan every day, it will take 20000 days, equivalent to more than 50 years, to win 100 billion yuan.

Think about it, Lin Feng has a lot of wealth now. It's a little scary.

"What is one or two hundred million? I'm not afraid to tell you, Lin Feng, my sister, my harvest can not be measured by the amount of money. I'll tell you later... "

Shaking his hands, Luo Qingqing smiled mysteriously and said.

At this time, the doorbell rang, as if the courier had come. After Lin's mother ran to open the door, she immediately excitedly took an EMS email and shouted to Lin Feng: "Xiao Feng, look... This is the admission notice sent by Qingbei University, ha ha... My son really went to Qingbei University. My son Zhang Guizhu went to Qingbei University!"

"The admission notice has arrived?"

Taking the envelope from his ecstatic mother, Lin Feng tore open the seal and took out the admission notice of Qingbei University. The notice is surrounded by a circle of Phnom Penh, which looks glittering and full of a sense of sanctity.