Chapter 1296

The scorching sun at the beginning of August can make people sweat after 8 o'clock. Although it is summer vacation, those quasi senior high school students are forced to make up classes under the scorching sun of summer vacation.

However, today is a relatively relaxed day. It is also a very stimulating day for these quasi senior three students. Because the graduates of the last senior three will return to the school today to go through some formalities and participate in the last graduate conference held by the school.

The more important role of this conference is to inspire the students of quasi senior three to use the brilliant achievements just made by the seniors and sisters as a driving force for their next efforts.

At the school gate of Zhi'an No. 1 middle school, a huge red banner was pulled out, which said "congratulations to Lin Feng of our school on becoming the first full score of Science in the province". At the same time, another banner said "congratulations to three students of our school on being admitted to Qingbei University at the same time".

Other smaller banners write data and propaganda slogans such as the admission rate of one book in one.

"Hello! Have you heard? Today, senior Lin Feng will also come back and give us another speech! "

"Really? That's great. I wanted to pretend to be ill and ask for leave today instead of coming home to have a good rest. But if there is a speech by senior Lin Feng, even if I am really ill, I must come and listen. "

"That's for sure! The last time I listened to the two speeches made by senior Lin Feng, my whole blood was boiling. After all, senior Lin Feng proved with himself that lime like spirit and bamboo like efforts! "

"Yes! Compared with senior Lin Feng, the usual slogans shouted by the head teacher that let us strive to sprint and review are simply weak, and people can't lift up at all. Originally, I had a lot of enthusiasm for learning. As soon as I was shouted by the head teacher, I didn't want to read in an instant! "


For the students of Zhian No. 1 middle school, Lin Feng is a legend, a miracle and a model for them to study hard and catch up.

Lime like spirit!

No matter how others pour cold water, I will try to prove myself. The more cold water I pour, the more boiling I will be.

Work as hard as bamboo!

I can have no achievements in three years, but I'm trying. You may not see my efforts, but when my achievements really break out, they will inevitably become the most dazzling one. It is impossible for you to turn a blind eye to them again.

The difficulty of this college entrance examination can be said to be the most difficult since the resumption of the college entrance examination in Fujian Province for more than 20 years. The average score of the whole province is not high. However, the achievements of Zhian No. 1 middle school are better than those in previous years. All this is due to Lin Feng's two exciting speeches.

Thanks to the two spirits conveyed by Lin Feng, many candidates of Zhian No. 1 middle school worked very hard and hard in the last one or two months. Therefore, most of them played extraordinary and achieved ideal results in the examination.

It is precisely because of this that President Zhong Jinghua thought of inviting Lin Feng as a representative of outstanding graduates to give a speech at this graduation meeting. Of course, Qin Yanran, who was also admitted to Qingbei University, also attended the speech.

Without Lin Feng, Qin Yanran's second highest score is the provincial champion, but now Qin Yanran is hidden in the dazzling light of Lin Feng.

However, Qin Yanran didn't mind this, but it was a relief for her! After all, from small to large, Qin Yanran carried too much light, and basically always stood in the first place. Although it is glorious on the surface, it actually makes Qin Yanran bear too much pressure and discomfort.

Moreover, Lin Feng won the first place, and Qin Yanran was actually more happy for him. Seeing that all Lin Feng's efforts had the final results, Qin Yanran was more gratified and happy than that she had won the top prize in the exam.

Today is the graduation meeting and the last day of Zhian No. 1 middle school as a high school student. After all, after the student status is transferred, they will all be prospective college students.

It was only six o'clock in the morning, and Qin Yanran couldn't wait to get up before the alarm rang. And when we got up together, we immediately overturned the dress we chose for a long time last night and got tangled up in front of the wardrobe again.

Light pink skirt, red butterfly clip hairpin, youthful and beautiful ponytail, glittering small crystal shoes, and even Qin Yanran asked her mother to put on a light makeup.

The perfect school flower goddess!

When Qin Yanran's dress appeared at the gate of No. 1 lieutenant colonel Zhi'an, all her eyes were projected like a spotlight.

"Wow! Look, that girl over there is so beautiful! "

"It's Qin Yanran. Don't you recognize it? Qin Yanran, the iceberg goddess of Zhian No. 1 middle school! "

"I almost didn't recognize it. I usually dress up very simply and never make up! Why did it suddenly become so grand today? "

"Ah! It's a pity that we will never see sister Qin Yanran again. The school flower of Zhian No. 1 middle school will become the school flower of Qingbei University in the future... "

"I must strive to sprint to Qingbei University and continue to be the younger brother of sister Qin Yanran. Even if you can't go to Qingbei University, you have to go to the capital! "


Qin Yanran has always been the most unique and beautiful scenery of Zhi'an No. 1 middle school, which is particularly eye-catching and glorious today. Feeling the eyes of the students around, Qin Yanran has never been so confident and expected as she is today. She is eager to see how surprised and surprised Lin Feng will be when she comes and sees her current appearance.

This sentence is absolutely correct since ancient times. Women are willing to spend hours dressing up and endure all kinds of means to become beautiful, so as to show their most beautiful side in front of the people they like?

"Why hasn't Lin Feng arrived yet? It's almost half past eight... "

Yesterday, Qin Yanran and Lin Feng made an appointment to meet at the school gate at 8:30. After all, the graduation meeting will begin at 9 o'clock, but now it's 8:29. Qin Yanran has been pacing back and forth at the school gate, but she hasn't waited for Lin Feng's figure.

"Sister Qin Yanran seems to be waiting for someone. I don't know who has such good luck."

"Nonsense! Of course, it's senior Lin Feng. Only senior Lin Feng is worthy of sister Qin Yanran. The two of them can be said to be a perfect couple. "

"But it's also incredible. A few months ago, senior Lin Feng was still unknown. I heard that senior Lin Feng's grades were countdown. It was because of the bet with sister Qin Yanran that he broke out..."
