Chapter 1308

"Little... Girl, you are not a student of Zhian No. 1 middle school. You can't come to the rostrum. Moreover, even the students of Zhian No. 1 middle school must be excellent in both character and learning in order to be qualified to speak under the national flag. Today's graduation meeting, only outstanding graduates can speak on the stage. This is the rule of Zhian No. 1 middle school... "

Blocking Luo Qingqing, Secretary Xiao Huang was a little thirsty. He had never looked at such a beautiful woman so close. So even if Luo Qingqing was so rude to him, he still explained to Luo Qingqing in a good voice.

But who is Luo Qingqing?

She won't care about your rules of Zhian No. 1 middle school. As long as she goes, she focuses on her own rules. So Luo Qingqing grabbed Xiao Huang's collar and pushed him aside. He snorted coldly, "a good dog doesn't stand in the way. Let me stay with my aunt..."

"Girl, you... You can't do this, you can't go up..."

Secretary Xiao Huang was stunned. He had never seen a beautiful and rude girl like Luo Qingqing. For a moment, he didn't know what to do. When he came back, Luo Qingqing had come up from the aisle and killed Lin Feng and Qin Yanran in the center of the podium.

"Stewardess, look... The beautiful stewardess holding Lin Feng's arm came up..."

"Oh, my God! I have a good temperament. I will graduate from college and become a stewardess... "

"I've seen her. She is the stewardess of our Southeast Airlines. It seems that she is the most beautiful stewardess among all the stewardess..."


When Luo Qingqing's beautiful shadow appeared on the rostrum, more than 2000 students who were already very excited were completely boiling.

Lin Feng and Qin Yanran are two people. It's a blessing for lovers to get married.

Now there are suddenly more "third parties" like Luo Qingqing. It seems that a long-term tear and force war will be completely kicked off.

"Er... No! What did sister Qingqing suddenly run up to do at this time? This is not in the playground below, but on the podium, where more than 2000 people are staring! "

As soon as he saw Luo Qingqing kill him fiercely, Lin Feng was cold all over. Then he quickly sent a message to Luo Qingqing with his spiritual knowledge and said, "sister Qingqing, what are you doing up here?"

"I love to come up. What do you care what I want to do? Is it hard not to allow you to come up? " Luo Qingqing had a strong smell of gunpowder and delivered the message impolitely.

"This... Sister Qingqing, Yanran and I... Are also sincere... She has just confessed to me in public. I can't not..." Lin Feng explained with a guilty voice.

"Aunt, I don't care about your shit! I just want to come up and say a few words myself... "

Only the two of them could hear the sound between them, and even Li Yutong who caught up with them couldn't hear it.

While talking, Luo Qingqing came to Lin Feng and Qin Yanran, stared at Qin Yanran without showing weakness, smiled, but didn't talk to Qin Yanran. Instead, she turned around, faced more than 2000 middle school students, faced the microphone and began to speak.

"Dear students, maybe everyone doesn't know who I am, but it doesn't matter. In fact... I've always been confused. Who am I?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Luo Qingqing asked one of the ultimate philosophical questions "who am I", but her sweet and attractive voice was out of control for many young boys in No. 1 middle school.

"Wow! It's really a stewardess. The voice is so beautiful! "

"When I went to college, I must take her flight..."

"What did the stewardess do in our No. 1 middle school? Why did you run to the podium to make a speech? "


The students off the stage said hello one by one in their minds. They didn't know Luo Qingqing's intention. Did they run to the stage to compete with each other, or did they really want to say a few words?

"It seems that sister Qingqing is not bad. She is very brave and dares to break into the podium of our No. 1 middle school. But... I won't lose to you... "

Qin Yanran was really surprised that Luo Qingqing came to the stage, but she has enough confidence in herself. Even if she can't completely win Luo Qingqing, she won't fall behind.

Qin Yan blinked and took Lin Feng's hand, but she wanted to hear what Luo Qingqing wanted to say to the microphone.

At this time, Li Yutong, who followed closely, also ran to the stage. The Secretary, Xiao Huang, had just seen Luo Qingqing in the stewardess' uniform and was a little overwhelmed. Now he saw the flawless appearance. If Li Yutong in the world, he would be more completely petrified. It's hard for him to imagine such a beautiful woman in the world.

Even the photos of those female stars after 18 PS operations are far less than one thousandth of Li Yutong's.

Therefore, Xiao Huang didn't even have the idea of stopping Li Yutong this time. He directly let Li Yutong come up. When Li Yutong came to the podium, Xiao Huang hasn't slowed down. He has been remembering this unique beautiful scenery in his mind.

"Seeing my uniform, I believe all the students know that I am an air stewardess, which is commonly known as the stewardess. Almost every day, I have to serve passengers from thousands of meters above the sky... "

Luo Qingqing smiled, pointed to her stewardess uniform, and then continued, "reasonably speaking, this should be an enviable high-end career, and I also like my job very much. However, I also have my own regret. In order to make money earlier and share the burden of my family, I didn't have the opportunity to go to high school and college like all the students here... "

Speaking of this, it is actually the most painful place for Luo Qingqing, and it is also the most irreparable thing in her life. Without a high degree, Luo Qingqing always felt inferior and uncomfortable.

In front of Lin Feng, Luo Qingqing never expressed this point, but when she is alone, especially when she sees any news about the college entrance examination and University, she will feel that her life has lost such a wonderful piece that should belong to her.

However, Luo Qingqing did not regret it. She knew the situation of her family at that time. If she insisted on going to high school entrance examination and University, all the burden of the family would fall on her mother's shoulder. Luo Qingqing could not bear such a heavy burden even if she longed for study and university. She could only drop out of school to help her mother reduce the burden at home.